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Russia Seeks Amicable Settlement in Iran S-300 Lawsuit


Jan 28, 2012
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AMMAN, May 31 (RIA Novosti) – Moscow is trying to persuade Tehran to withdraw its lawsuit against Russia’s state-run arms export company Rosoboronexport over a cancelled deal to supply S-300 air defense systems to Iran, Russian Technologies (Rostech) CEO Sergei Chemezov said.

Iran’s Defense Ministry and The Aerospace Industries Organization have launched a $4 bln lawsuit against Rosoboronexport in an international arbitration court in Geneva in April 2011.

“The lawsuit is being considered by an arbitration court in Geneva and, unfortunately, our chances to win the case are very slim,” Chemezov told RIA Novosti at the opening ceremony of a Russian grenade-launcher assembly facility in Jordan on Thursday.

“We are trying to agree an amicable settlement with Iran, but no progress has been made so far,” he said.

According to Iranian officials, Tehran will withdraw its lawsuit only if Russia fulfills the original contract.

The $800-million contract to supply Iran with the missile system was signed at the end of 2007. Moscow was to supply five S-300PMU-1 battalions to Tehran.

However, on September 22, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree cancelling the contract in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supply to Iran of conventional weapons including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.

Tehran has insisted that the S-300 surface-to-air missile systems do not fall under the UN sanctions as they are considered defensive weapons.

Chemezov criticized on Thursday the United States for the lack of support in the case.

He said Washington applied heavy pressure on Moscow to stop the deal but later changed its rhetoric saying the UN resolution did not mention specifically the S-300, known in the West as SA-10 Grumble, and Russia acted on its own.

“The Americans now agree that it is a defensive system and Russia alone should be responsible for the breach of the contract,” Chemezov said.

Russia Seeks Amicable Settlement in Iran S-300 Lawsuit | Defense | RIA Novosti
I think the right thing to do is to send the S300 to Iran and to say they are really sorry sell 30 Fighter Jets
I dont think we should expect Russia to deliver S-300 to Syria any time soon.
S-300 probably is aimed to serve as leverage in any negotiations, after EU lifted the arms embargo and considering arming the rebels
I dont think we should expect Russia to deliver S-300 to Syria any time soon.
S-300 probably is aimed to serve as leverage in any negotiations, after EU lifted the arms embargo and considering arming the rebels
ignore these Turks.
Russian contract for delivery of S-300s to Syria yet to be fulfilled - Putin
Russia has not yet completed its contract to supply Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Syria, President Vladimir Putin said
Putin didn't say we haven't delivered, but he said it's not completed yet. he is playing with words.
Russia was never real friend of Iran and they always put support the sanction put by UN,
S300 is right for IRAN screw what people / UN says
it is a defensive weapons and Iran has a right to buy
see Israel USA EU chickens out when S300 is said
but i see RUSSIA a very weak country
Russia was never real friend of Iran and they always put support the sanction put by UN,
S300 is right for IRAN screw what people / UN says
it is a defensive weapons and Iran has a right to buy
see Israel USA EU chickens out when S300 is said
but i see RUSSIA a very weak country

Yes I was having doubts over them too.

The Russians provide Syrian govt with arms whilst the Israelis and US provide the "rebels" (zionist controlled robots) so they kill one another...
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Reza Sajjadi announced that Tehran is still waiting for Russia's response to Iran's offer for withdrawing its complaint against Moscow if the latter starts delivery of S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to the Islamic Republic.

"The ball is in Russia's yard now and we are ready to cooperate with Moscow on S-300 defense systems," Sajjadi said on Friday in Moscow.

Iran has already filed a complaint at an international court against Russia for not delivering the S-300 systems as per a contract signed between the two countries.

Earlier this week, Sajjadi announced Iran's readiness to withdraw its lawsuit against Russia if the latter delivers the complicated S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran.

The Iranian envoy's remarks came after Russian Technologies (Rostech) CEO Sergei Chemezov said on May 30 that Moscow seeks to reach a settlement with Tehran to withdraw its lawsuit against Russia's state-run arms export company Rosoboronexport over the canceled deal as Russia's chances "to win the case are very slim".

"If Iran sees that Russia has changed its position on the delivery of S-300 missile systems, the Islamic Republic will also change its conduct," Sajjadi told the Russian Interfax news agency.

He said that Iran resorted to judicial prosecution after Russia refused to deliver the systems to the Islamic Republic according to the stipulations of a previously signed contract.

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 air-defense systems. However, Moscow's continued delays in delivering the defense system drew criticism from the Islamic Republic on several occasions.

"Under the contract, if either party fails to abide by the obligations assumed, the other party will have the right to turn to court," Sajjadi said.

Russia has been refusing to deliver the system to Iran under the pretext that the system is covered by the fourth round of UN Security Council resolutions against Iran.

Then-President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree prohibiting the sale of Russian weapons, including S-300s, to Iran in 2010 after the United Nations imposed sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Iran dismissed Russia's justification that the ban on the delivery of the S-300 missile system to Iran was in line with the (US-engineered) UN Security Council Resolution 1929, and stated that this is an air defense system which is not included in Resolution 1929.

Iran then sued Russia for breach of the contract and made Moscow return its advance payment along with its interest fees in May.

Due to the export ban on S-300 exports to Iran, Russia lost about $1 billion dollars.

After Russia annulled the S-300 contract, Iran started making the advanced system domestically. Tehran's defense officials have announced that the early versions of the system will be unveiled as soon as next year.

After shipments of S-300 were stopped in 2009, Iran also canceled talks on buying 40 TU-204 passenger aircraft, which would have added about $3.5 billion of revenue.

Analysts believe that President Vladimir Putin may resume shipments to Iran in retaliation for the US selling weapons to Georgia and at the same time to promote Russia as an arms exporter.

Fifty-five countries including India, China, Venezuela, Syria and the US buy Russian weapons. Sales of new-generation air defense system S-400s to China may begin as early as 2015.
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