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Featured Russia rules out military tie-up with India on Afghanistan issue

Pathetic cowards why beg others to fight, grow some balls and send your military to save your friends, you cannot just use Afghans and flee when they need you, and then expect people to not ridicule you and your deceptive moral values.
Diplomatically it's called a rebuke but in daily life it's called a refusal and getting disgraced. Every regional country wants peace and stability in Afghanistan for the sake of economic revolution that is dawning at the region in the form of the Chinses OBOR initiative. It's only India that wants death and destruction in Afghanistan to be extended to Pakistan at a later stage.

Indian mischievous plans to start a civil war in Afghanistan are miserably failing. Everyone in the region is giving Indians a disgusting look and telling them to get lost. That was amply evident last week. The Indian foreign minister was continuously ignored, isolated, and treated as an outcast during the international gatherings in Uzbikstan last week. Humiliated again and again, still Indians are unwilling to give up their plans to ignite Afghan civil war. Question arises, why? It is a reality that Indians are sick-minded pessimists who find consolation and glory in others' sufferings, failures, and bloodshed. These idiots cannot even congratulate others on their successess. Indians have been doing their dirty work against smaller regional countries during the last seven decades with a lot of successes for them (that directly translates in sufferings for others). International community miserably failed to offer a significant global opposition or even notice the massive Indian use of terrorism. But the game is drastically diffrent this time around. Indians cannot resist their evil nature. So these low souls started working against Chinese projects especially CPEC project in Pakistan. As in the past, Indians started using terrorism to sabotage this project. And now Chinese patience is getting real thin. I think Indians will soon taste their own medicine plus much more. Interesting times are capproaching.
Russia should understand india is growing probleum for the region if russia dont stop military support to india all russian tech will be in us hands as akula submarine tour given to us naval command officials
Pakistan, Russia, Iran, China and Afghanistan must work together to ensure that ISIS-Scum are exterminated once and for all. As ISIS-Scum are the biggest threat to peace in the region.
Talking about ISIS -K AKA Afghanistani ISIS that some foreign non-Muslim entities imported into AFghanistan- I want to predict there wil be increase of ISIS-K activities in AFghanistan after NATO troops exit....now TUrkey also wants to insert itself into AFghanistan, and i will bet again that when ISIS-K gets active in Afghanistan, TUrkey will have its own "boots on the ground" in Afghanistan...this is what i feel will happen soon. They already are doign this in Iraq and Syria, Afghanistan is just different players, but it will be the same "tactics"...smh
Russia rules out military tie-up with India on Afghanistan issue

Updated At: Jul 15, 2021 11:31 AM

Roman Babushkin, Russian dy head of mission.

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, July 14

Russia is not in favour of a military alliance with India to help out the Government in Kabul, but is interested in close coordination while the Afghan issue seems to be acquiring new dimensions with the rise of the Taliban, a senior Russian Embassy official said here on Wednesday.

“We have got some real experience in Afghanistan but let us be very clear, the situation doesn’t require foreign military involvement. We are not considering this option. We will be acting through the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) to fortify the borders, if required. It will be important for all of us to maintain coordination. India has been training army personnel. So too is Russia. All options are possible,” said Russian Deputy Head of Mission Roman Babushkin at a media conference.

Important to maintain coordination

We have got some real experience in Afghanistan but let us be clear, the situation doesn’t require foreign military involvement. It will be important for all of us to maintain coordination. —Roman Babushkin, Russian dy head of mission

The CSTO is a six-nation grouping comprising Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belorussia and Kyrgyzstan. The Russian assessment is that the new Taliban is fragmented. There are some hardliners who want to fight on, but others favour a political solution. “We have heard commitments, but have to see their implementation,” he said.

India is a big player, which has always been supportive of the government in Kabul by providing economic and social assistance, and training Afghans in Indian universities and defence institutes. “It shows India has a huge interest and this is quite a crucial moment for everyone to remain in very close touch to support the original consensus on Afghanistan and effort by Afghans to share power according to agreements reached before,” observed Babushkin.

Russia supported Indian contacts with the Taliban because it is a reality in Afghanistan and following US blessings, it is a party in the intra-Afghan talks.

“It would be useful to deal with everyone in the region so that national interest is better ensured,” he observed.

In his opening remarks, Russian Ambassador Nikolai Kudashev noted that both countries were poised for intensive consultations and interactions in the coming months.

India will assume the presidency of both BRICS and SCO in September which will be occasions for meetings between PM Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Overall, Jaishankar’s discussions with Lavrov (last week) were comprehensive and forward-looking,” said Kudashev.

The Ambassador said it was a matter of pride that Sputnik vaccine was a part of the Indian vaccination campaign. The launch of the one-shot Sputnik Lite is also expected soon. “We are committed to continue discussion on mutual recognition of vaccination certificates,” he said, while welcoming the Indian desire to increase its involvement in the Arctic Council which is currently chaired by Russia.

India knocked on the door and the Russians didn't answer. It's time they ask their QUAD father USA for help, oh wait a minute....
Talking about ISIS -K AKA Afghanistani ISIS that some foreign non-Muslim entities imported into AFghanistan- I want to predict there wil be increase of ISIS-K activities in AFghanistan after NATO troops exit....now TUrkey also wants to insert itself into AFghanistan, and i will bet again that when ISIS-K gets active in Afghanistan, TUrkey will have its own "boots on the ground" in Afghanistan...this is what i feel will happen soon. They already are doign this in Iraq and Syria, Afghanistan is just different players, but it will be the same "tactics"...smh

Not forgetting the fact that Uyghurs have been fighting hand-in-glove with turkish back terrorist groups both in Syria and Iraq. The only reason why turkey wants to be in Afghanistan, is to facilitate Uyghurs to fight against China from Afghan soil.

Now it is not certain that the entire turkish state and it's people want this. But it is clear that elements within the turkish apparatus are promoting NATO agenda.

And in light recent months, it has become clear that america, britain and france, are leading the West in an anti-Chinese propaganda, to the extent that it can lead to war.

turkey being a part of NATO, can only lead one to conclude that their interest in staying in Afghanistan, have sinister motives.
Seems nobody knows what will happen in Afghanistan, many possibilities.

China needs to prevent a link-up with ETIM and Islamists in Afghanistan
Russia needs to safeguard its sphere of influence in C. Asia
India needs to prevent Afghanistan becoming a safe haven for Kashmiri militants
Pakistan needs to prevent TTP from becoming a big thing.

May you live in interesting times
Seems nobody knows what will happen in Afghanistan, many possibilities.

China needs to prevent a link-up with ETIM and Islamists in Afghanistan
Russia needs to safeguard its sphere of influence in C. Asia
India needs to prevent Afghanistan becoming a safe haven for Kashmiri militants
Pakistan needs to prevent TTP from becoming a big thing.

May you live in interesting times

you left out Iran

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