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Russia Ready to Fulfill Prospective Projects in Pakistan - Putin


Jan 21, 2013
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Ceremony of presenting credentials to Russian President Vladimir Putin
© RIA Novosti. Aleksey Nikolskyi


MOSCOW, June 27 (RIA Novosti) - Russian companies plan to implement prospective projects in Pakistan, including in energy and metallurgy, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

“We pay great attention to developing cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,” Putin said during a diplomatic accreditation ceremony for foreign ambassadors to Russia broadcast on Rossiya-24.

“Russian companies are ready to fulfill prospective projects, including in the energy and metallurgy industry, in the sectors that were created with the help of specialists from [Russia],” the Russian president said.

Putin stressed that the important task is fighting terrorism and illegal drug trafficking.

Earlier this month, head of the Russian delegation at the Eurosatory 2014 international defense and security exhibition Igor Sevastyanov said Russia plans to supply Pakistan with Mi-35 combat helicopters to fight drug trafficking.

The head of Russia’s Rostec Corporation, a high-tech industrial producer and exporter, Sergei Chemezov, earlier stated that supplies of military equipment to Pakistan were to resume, including Mi-35 helicopters.

At the same time, a source in Pakistan’s foreign ministry told RIA Novosti that Russia never fully adhered to the embargo on military deliveries to Pakistan.

Russia Ready to Fulfill Prospective Projects in Pakistan - Putin | Russia | RIA Novosti
More evidence of resumption of normality in Russian-Pakistan ties. The Chinese are working their magic in the back-ground.

Putin's emphasis on "fighting terrorism and illegal drug trafficking" is telling. Russians are interacting with us for reasons of regional peace and their own concerns. Or at least that is how much Putin is prepared to say right now.
I am waiting for the Irafan Baloch thread on this.
This year :

Russia to help Pak steel mills.

PN ship visits Russia for the first time,

Russian navy ships visit Karachi .. some ex is held

Russian general visits GHQ.

Pak Mil officials visit Moscow.

Top govt officials visits russia

Russian officials visit

Rumours abt Mi-35 deals.

Russian n Pak ministers confirm.

Later we come to know St Petersberg repair workshop? helps setting up a Mi overhauling n maintenance facility in Pak...

Putin supports Pak for SCO.

And cooperation in defence,economy,energy etc.
Well this escalated pretty quickly!

You missed .. no not really:
PAF vs. IAF fighter fleet technology comparison | Page 19

Windjammer said:
did they kill anyone..?

they better off to save their own soldiers who were at the mercy of US hell fire... don't you think so ? :usflag:

24 soldiers killed in NATO attack on Pakistan check post – The Express Tribune
i said many times since i joined in PDF tha there is a possibility of future alliance among Russia, China , India and Pakistan for own interests. Now if India-Pakistan relation becomes good then it will be just matter of time to form such alliance.
if pak leave terrorist assistant .. we are in ....
It is a two way street , you stop supporting our enemies we will stop supporting yours .
we may doing it for self defence....
likes of hafe sayed....
blame game wil continue ...
we nnever supoorted terrorisam can pak claim it?
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