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Russia rants at India's military buy !

SHUT UP Viktor Komardin! Your just jealous that US military equipments is better than your Rusty Russian toys. GO **** GYPSY YOU ALCOHOLIC. TOO MUCH VODKA IN YOUR BODY.
Russian military weapons are garbage.

The Russian have selling weapons to Pakistan that explain why Pakistani army operate Mi-8/17.

The C-17 is better than IL-76. I bet after Viktor Komardin done ranting on Indian military buying US military weapons. He is going to same thing to the French military because India is buying French Dassault Rafale B. The AH-64E Block III is better than Mi-28NE Night Havocrap. The AH-64E is suited in India's environment from mountainous, jungle, desert, and other environment. The CH-47F may not carry as much troops or civilians like Mi-26 but when you have Mi-26 it become easy target for rebels or military ground troops firing MANPADS. The Mi-26 just got shot down in the mountain then it crash and there are tons bodies of people or troops laying dead. RIP MI-26.

Viktor Komardin just need to suck it up. I'm not like some country who is selling same weapons to India's enemy like Pakistan and especially China. China is going acquire Su-35BM is better than Su-30MKI and S-400 able to shot down 5th Gen. Stealth Mlultirole Fighters FGFA (Two Seats PAK FA).

Viktor Komardin? U MAD BRO?

Russian military equipments are expensive, useless, unsuited any environment, and they lose bunch of equipment to poorly arms ground in Afghanistan during 80's. LOL

Relax mate..may be you can tone down your aggression a bit.Probably,instead of screaming at the top of your voice that Russian equipments are bad,you can tell us all how they are bad.What makes you think so? A side by side analysis would help us all to better understand your point of view and that would be more acceptable as well.Mere declarations dont help much,you see.
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Calling them unreliable is the most idiotic thing to say. We are very very lucky that we have russians on our side, and not the others. Ask our neighboring nation how the journey has been with the other side!

I agree with your post but the last part was important IMO.

Even though the US had helped Pakistan in the past, there are several occasions where its actions have been utterly anti-Pakistan. Mujahideen on our doorsteps, getting ditched as soon as the Soviet failed in Afghanistan, sanctions being imposed on us despite our dependency on the West for trade and hardware.

Russia, on the other hand, provided India with its latest hardware, supplied nuclear tech and supported its stance in the UN.
Russia has had it tough in the last few years. One one hand it sells weapons and equipment to China only to see it being copied on the other hand it sees its market with India dwindling. While the frustration it is facing is normal, it is very important for Russia to accept ground realities and start thinking of evolving its relationship with India. India has not and will not for the foreseeable future let go of critical purchases from Russia. The recent purchases should let Russia know that India today can buy from anyone but it still trusts only Russia when it comes to critical technology.

The key here is to evolve the partnership and grow trust. This needs to be done by both parties. Being trusted entities for so long, I hope that process has already started.
This is an excellent opportunity for Pakistan to have good relations with Russia. We ruined our relations with Russia to appease the US and look where it got us. Screw the US and make amends with Russia which is in the same hemisphere as us.
This is an excellent opportunity for Pakistan to have good relations with Russia. We ruined our relations with Russia to appease the US and look where it got us. Screw the US and make amends with Russia which is in the same hemisphere as us.
Not really. Russia won't move away from India and move closer to its enemy Pakistan. Simple buissness sense will ensure this.
Not really. Russia won't move away from India and move closer to its enemy Pakistan. Simple buissness sense will ensure this.

Nobody said anything about Russia moving away from India, Genius. Read my post again. Did I mention anything about India or about Russia moving away from India. All I said was for Pakistan to improve its relations with Russia. Russia can have good relations with both countries simultaneously. Nor did I mention anything about weapons or anything. Just improvement of relations between Pakistan and Russia, that's all.

Are you reading Impaired ?

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