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Russia, Pakistan conduct first-ever joint military drills (PHOTOS)


On the Day of URI Attack Indian Media Was Jumping WE WON WE WON Russia Cancelled Exercises with Pakistan..


So much for Isolating Pakistan :omghaha::omghaha:
Indian media cannot be trusted, they are just a bunch of liars and war mongerers , they have been badly exposed and deeply embarrassing.
A contingent of Russian ground forces arrived Pak for 1st ever Pak- Russian joint exercise (2 weeks) from 24 Sep to 10 Oct 2016

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Very bad move by Russia. Because of this, Russia's economy will collapse as india now will refuse economic trade with them and then Russia will end up like Ethiopia & Somalia.

Now where are the lying bharti media channels & lobbyist, who said lies so proudly that Russia has called off military exercise with Pakistan after the staged false flag Uri attack.

So what's new? They always lie and make outlandish claims. Anyone who believes them needs severe psychiatric assistance.
The Dragon, The Snow Leopard and the Bear...

Do you, now my Pak Brothers, see ...Sino-Pak-Rus axis is taking shape in front of our eyes.

Welcome to the New World Order... the eurasian landscape is finally managed by eurasian powers / Two Great Global Powers and One Great Regional Power. What a diamond Triangle this!

For peace, stability and shared prosperity this is the step in the right direction.

Behind this symbolism of joint excercises lies the monumental transcontinental geopolitical, geoeconomic and geosecurity alignment.

CPEC is being Thunderously endosred by the Rus with this symbolism. I truly hope that Pak Brothers begin to see their country with a different perspective.

Your planners have acted wisely, professionally!

Just crush the indian sponsored terror from your great and beautiful lands and turbo charge your economy to reach your max potential.

Welcome to the Real world of Sino-Pak-Rus Axis.

You shall find no rhetoric, no tall claims or chest thumping in this triangle...only systematic, professional and quiet execution of agreed plans.

Amazing times ahead for the generous peoples of Pak and eurasia!

From Karachi to London, from Shanghai to Gawadar, from Moscow to Islamabad, from Srinagar to Istambul all by hight speed trains.


Great post, as usual.
The Dragon, The Snow Leopard and the Bear...

Do you, now my Pak Brothers, see ...Sino-Pak-Rus axis is taking shape in front of our eyes.

Welcome to the New World Order... the eurasian landscape is finally managed by eurasian powers / Two Great Global Powers and One Great Regional Power. What a diamond Triangle this!

For peace, stability and shared prosperity this is the step in the right direction.

Behind this symbolism of joint excercises lies the monumental transcontinental geopolitical, geoeconomic and geosecurity alignment.

CPEC is being Thunderously endosred by the Rus with this symbolism. I truly hope that Pak Brothers begin to see their country with a different perspective.

Your planners have acted wisely, professionally!

Just crush the indian sponsored terror from your great and beautiful lands and turbo charge your economy to reach your max potential.

Welcome to the Real world of Sino-Pak-Rus Axis.

You shall find no rhetoric, no tall claims or chest thumping in this triangle...only systematic, professional and quiet execution of agreed plans.

Amazing times ahead for the generous peoples of Pak and eurasia!

From Karachi to London, from Shanghai to Gawadar, from Moscow to Islamabad, from Srinagar to Istambul all by hight speed trains.


Amen to these beautiful lines, I hope together we can achieve peace and prosperity and kick out all terrorists and their handlers which are spreading terrorism in Pakistan and doing a genocide of innocent people.. Btw l love this.
The Dragon = China
The Bear = Russia
The Snow Leopard = Pakistan
Russian forces arrive in Pakistan for first-ever joint military exercise
By News Desk
Published: September 23, 2016

The Russian troops will be in the country for two weeks from Sep 24 to October 10 PHOTO: ISPR

In a first, Russian forces arrived in Pakistan on Friday to participate in joint military exercises.

“A contingent of Russian ground forces arrived in Pakistan for first ever Pak- Russian joint exercise (two weeks) from September 24 to October 10,” DG ISPR Lt-Gen Asim Bajwa tweeted.

In a first, Pakistan, Russia to hold joint war games

A contingent of Russian ground forces arrived Pak for 1st ever Pak- Russian joint exercise (2 weeks) from 24 Sep to 10 Oct 2016pic.twitter.com/eWzQMlENL6

— Gen Asim Bajwa (@AsimBajwaISPR) September 23, 2016

The Russian troops will be in the country for two weeks from September 24 to October 10. The joint military drill is seen as another step in growing military-to-military cooperation, indicating a steady growth in bilateral relationship between the two countries, whose ties had been marred by Cold War rivalry for decades.

Following the Uri attack in held-Kashmir, several Indian news sources claimed that Russia had called off the joint war games with Pakistan. However, Pakistan’s Ambassador to Russia Qazi Khalilullah on Monday denied that Russia had cancelled planned joint military drills.

Talking to The Express Tribune from Moscow, Khalilullah said the joint Pakistan-Russia military exercises will take place as scheduled. The first-ever military drills between the two former Cold War rivals – named ‘Friendship 2016’ – will start from September 24 and continue till October 7.

Russia hasn’t called off joint military drills: Khalilullah

A senior Pakistani official said that around 200 military personnel from the two sides would take part in the joint military exercises. Pakistan’s Ambassador to Moscow Qazi Khalilullah told The Express Tribune that this is the first time that military personnel from the two countries would be taking part in joint military drills, otherwise called ‘Friendship-2016’.

The development, Khalilullah said, reflected increased cooperation between the two countries. “This obviously indicates a desire on both sides to broaden defence and military-technical cooperation,” he separately told a Russian news agency.

Why its so quiet in here... HELLOOOOOOO :drag:




A contingent of Russian ground forces arrived Pak for 1st ever Pak- Russian joint exercise (2 weeks) from 24 Sep to 10 Oct 2016
Wah ji wah chass agyi





A contingent of Russian ground forces arrived Pak for 1st ever Pak- Russian joint exercise (2 weeks) from 24 Sep to 10 Oct 2016
Party time :partay::welcome:spetsnaz
Wah ji wah chass ahgya lolzzx
Turn bhjo burnol ka wahga sy

Slap on indians face. Especially indian media who were thumping on their diplomacy of isolating pakistan lol
Time to bring popcorns I'm going to watch goswami :rofl:
Amen to these beautiful lines, I hope together we can achieve peace and prosperity and kick out all terrorists and their handlers which are spreading terrorism in Pakistan and doing a genocide of innocent people.. Btw l love this.
The Dragon = China
The Bear = Russia
The Snow Leopard = Pakistan

Bless you my brother and your great heart.

The security and prosperity of eurasian is the joint reponsibility of SCO sans indian empire which has betrayed BRICS and has joined China Containment party.

On one side is the global emperial order and on the other are Soveriegnists of which your country is part of.

The choice is between eternal chaos, destruction and loss of life AND peace, co-prosperity and shared development. CPEC is gamechanger for many great actors and you, my Pak brothers, are keeping it nicely, tightly together... hence the indian sponsored terrorism and political sabotage.

Just clean up this cancer and onwards towards Peace and social development for all the peoples of eurasia.

Never forget, you are the Gatekeepers and first line of defence.

You are neither weak nor poor.
What we are witnessing here are one of the many steps being taken and which will be taken in the coming days, weeks, months and very few years, which will change the whole POWER STRUCTURE of the World.

A New World Order is forming and emerging in front of our eyes.

History in the making, gentlemen.

Wah ji wah chass agyi

Party time :partay::welcome:spetsnaz
Wah ji wah chass ahgya lolzzx
Turn bhjo burnol ka wahga sy View attachment 337100 View attachment 337101 View attachment 337102

Time to bring popcorns I'm going to watch goswami :rofl:

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