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Russia, Pakistan conduct first-ever joint military drills (PHOTOS)

He is right, russia announced it wont hold exercises in Kashmir(P0K/AJK)

Excerpt from Hindustan Times today's report on this exercise (as u will not believe on Pakistani Media)... Please visit local store for burnol.

"The exercise will be conducted at the Pakistan Army’s High Altitude School at Rattu in Gilgit-Baltistan and at a special forces training centre at Cherat in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province."

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good ...we indians deserved the slap for believing in our shitty media , and for jumping up and down ,before even doing some research ourself . some indians even started a thread here . we deserve this slap , i hope we remember the sound of this slap and learn not jump like as*holes on everything that our shitty media reports

I posted this yesterday, check out the rohna dhona, bharti feel betrayed haha

Now they have problems with Russia also...India is failing the same diploamcy trap which Pakistan did with Soviet Union...When it pointed out Soviet Union alliance with India and the ruskies responded that we are super power and we do what we want to do...
Russian troops arrive for first ever joint military exercise with Pakistan
(Dawn news reports)

Modi the Conqueror of Gujrat ordered to Isolate Pakistan but his directive was missed by the Russians.
now his armchair commando elite of the 5th web division will unleash ruthless assault on the web defiling every page , every topic relating to Pakistan


Already few threads r running on the same topic, mod plz merge all....
Indian journalist who caought red handed tweeted

Shiv Aroor ‏@ShivAroor
5m5 minutes ago

Shiv Aroor Retweeted Shiv Aroor

Many got this wrong. As I reported, Russia lands today for exercise with Pakistan. Only refused to do it in Azad Kashmir (and that was before Uri).

Shiv Aroor added,Shiv Aroor @ShivAroor
Note: News outlets jumping the gun. Russia has refused a military exercise with Pakistan *in Azad Kashmir*. This refusal happened before #UriAttacks.
13 retweets 7 likes

Wow indians really have lost the plot, just go on this guys twitter and his tweets are so hilarious to read. You would think he was the general of USAF the way he is talking about Pakistan and taking military action.
Talks about f16s flying over Islamabad saying Pak is nervous, nah mate its a air force exercise going on you thick SOB.

please retweet and comment on all these indian racist and hateful tweets on social media, let the western world know how hateful and how intolerant people of india are. thats the media war we need to win, to show the world what Indians are actually like.

That Arnab talk show host really was the laughing stock of the world media this last week, every one was just sitting there and laughing at him waiting for his head to explode on live TV. So much hate for Pakistan should only be highlighted to western world. show them the real personality of indians. and not the shinning India BS they try to sell to the world.

SU 35 is coming..

After todays Rafael deal, Pak now has some real options.

Su35's for both Pak and Iran with a maintenance facility in either nations could potentially be a bigger deal then then 7.8 billion France is getting from India. Russia could dwarf that by signing a 11-12 billion deal with Pak and Iran.
Indian media campaign is to brainwash Indian public ,in specific the growing middle class. This campaign, led by the hyper nationalistic approach of Modi's right wing regime is steadily squeezing the breathing space of muslims. Yesterday Indian media, crossed limits of sanity by giving airtime to a Hindu radical zealot who offered headmoney of Nawaz Sharif. Pakistan's diligent diplomatic offensive will result in further squeeze of breathing space of Indian muslims. It is a golden opportunity for Pakistan to implement the Doval's doctrine on his own country. Pakistan's security establishment should consider providing material support to Hindu radical groups and exploit the internal ethnic and religious cleavages withing India. Raising Khalistan issue can be a good for starters.

Pakistan's diplomacy of Kashmir is already on full throttle. Unlike India Pakistan's behavior is much more mature, despite starting a vehement diplomatic offensive and getting our forces ready for a robust response , Pakistan's public and media isn't bragging about anything. While in India, they are talking about doing surgical strikes and isolating Pakistan. This Indian logic is a manifestation of the fact that majority of the public of our adversary has become right wing and delusional, which is an ideal situation for us.
Indian media campaign is to brainwash Indian public ,in specific the growing middle class. This campaign, led by the hyper nationalistic approach of Modi's right wing regime is steadily squeezing the breathing space of muslims. Yesterday Indian media, crossed limits of sanity by giving airtime to a Hindu radical zealot who offered headmoney of Nawaz Sharif. Pakistan's diligent diplomatic offensive will result in further squeeze of breathing space of Indian muslims. It is a golden opportunity for Pakistan to implement the Doval's doctrine on his own country. Pakistan's security establishment should consider providing material support to Hindu radical groups and exploit the internal ethnic and religious cleavages withing India. Raising Khalistan issue can be a good for starters.

Pakistan's diplomacy of Kashmir is already on full throttle. Unlike India Pakistan's behavior is much more mature, despite starting a vehement diplomatic offensive and getting our forces ready for a robust response , Pakistan's public and media isn't bragging about anything. While in India, they are talking about doing surgical strikes and isolating Pakistan. This Indian logic is a manifestation of the fact that majority of the public of our adversary has become right wing and delusional, which is an ideal situation for us.

Pakistan should focus on fault lines in Indian society. There are 600-800 million Indians living in absolute poverty. Stoke the fire. If you start a fire in India, with their population size and caste system and divisors it will burn harder and much longer.

Promoting RSS and Hindu radical groups should be on top of the list.
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