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Russia offered to manufacture MiG-35 multirole fighter jet jointly with India

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Russia offered to manufacture MiG-35 multirole fighter jet jointly with India

28 MAY 2019

Russia has offered to manufacture MiG-35 4++ generation multirole fighter jointly with India along with Transfer of Technology, Ilya Tarasenko, CEO, MiG Corporation of Russia said on May 27.



“JSC RAC ‘MiG’ is participating in tender process for supply of aircraft to the IAF through Rosoboronexport. The Corporation is offering its newest lightweight Russian fighter MiG-35, in accordance with ‘Make-in-India’ program requirements,” said Tarasenko during an interview with Financial Express.

"We are about to finalize an agreement with our Indian industrial partner. At the same time we are having negotiations with a wide range of industrial enterprises to elaborate a unique and advantageous offer to participate with in the IAF tender.

The Mikoyan MiG-35 (NATO reporting name: Fulcrum-F) is a Russian multirole fighter that is designed by Mikoyan, a division of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Marketed as a 4++ generation jet fighter, it is a further development of the MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-29K/KUB fighters.

Not a bad deal, are they sharing full engine development?
IAF has long been facing serviceability and spares issues with Russian jets. The only feasible option that I could see right now is acquiring 2 more squadrons of Rafales and maybe for IAC-3 provided we have funds but if more than 2 squadrons are ordered, GoI would go for local manufacturing.

Also, I doubt Russians would be willing to share full engine development
IAF has long been facing serviceability and spares issues with Russian jets. The only feasible option that I could see right now is acquiring 2 more squadrons of Rafales and maybe for IAC-3 provided we have funds but if more than 2 squadrons are ordered, GoI would go for local manufacturing.

Also, I doubt Russians would be willing to share full engine development

Serviceability has been a long known issue with Russian jets, I'm surprised the IAF went so far with Russian hardware.
The Rafales would be a good bet but the cost is large.
Serviceability has been a long known issue with Russian jets, I'm surprised the IAF went so far with Russian hardware.
The Rafales would be a good bet but the cost is large.
Until 90s and early 2000s, US was pro-Pak. So, the only major arms supplier apart from US is Russia and we had to go with em. Even though French & EFT consortium were available, they're too expensive for us given our economy during those times and Russia was an affordable option even though the after-costs proved to be expensive.

We could bring down Rafales costs if ordered in large numbers both for IAF & IN. I'm sure IAF would order atleast 2 more squadrons and there is a requirement of 54 jets for IAC-3 making the number close to 100. Also, the clause was Dassault would invest 50% of those costs back into the Indian market and if we could rope in private Indian firms to manufacture more components, we can definitely offset those costs further and after-sales/spares/maintenance costs of western equipment are much lower than their Russian counterparts
TATA is to produce F16. Adani to produce Gripen. My guys if it's not HAL, Reliance to produce MIGs?
Considering how IAF is buying one squad of Mig-29s on urgent basis, this plane might have some chance actually. Provided they let IAF mix some western systems to replace Russian ones. Especially related to avionics.
Serviceability has been a long known issue with Russian jets, I'm surprised the IAF went so far with Russian hardware.
The Rafales would be a good bet but the cost is large.

Russian hardware can have excellent serviceability provided they are used well. AK-47 and T-72 are much more rugged than M16 and M1 for example. It's the main reason Iraq is getting T-90 tanks after serviceability issues with M1A1.
Very Sad. India is the midst of an acute water crisis....and it wants to spend billions on new fighter aircraft.
Modi regime priorities....I guess. Let millions of poor Indians suffer so I can look aggressive and strong (in the fake news media).
Very Sad. India is the midst of an acute water crisis....and it wants to spend billions on new fighter aircraft.
Modi regime priorities....I guess. Let millions of poor Indians suffer so I can look aggressive and strong (in the fake news media).
I second that.Solving water crisis should have been more prioritized.
Brothers.Just found an old news of June,2019,



""" Hardware which in Pakistan’s armed forces have shown particular interest include MiG-35 twin engine medium fighters, T-90 battle tanks, Pantsir air defence combat vehicles and Mi-26T2 transport helicopters. Development of the MiG-35 was completed in 2018, and the fighter represents a lighter analogue to the Russian Su-57 with a next generation AESA radar, three dimensional thrust vectoring systems and K-77 air to air missiles. The considerable similarity between the fighter’s engines and those of the single engine JF-17, which currently forms the backbone of the Pakistani fighter fleet, and the extremely low operational costs of the Russian jet - a small fraction of those of the Su-30MKI and MiG-29 operated by India - makes the MiG-35 a potentially highly attractive option to complement the lighter JF-17 Block 3. Heavier fighters such as the Su-30 and Su-35, while capable of carrying more weapons and heavier sensors and flying at higher altitudes, are less attractive due to their higher operational costs - and to a lesser extent their higher acquisition cost and lack of either AESA radars or K-77 missiles. """

Is this a true news with current delopment or was a false news ??
Brothers.Just found an old news of June,2019,



""" Hardware which in Pakistan’s armed forces have shown particular interest include MiG-35 twin engine medium fighters, T-90 battle tanks, Pantsir air defence combat vehicles and Mi-26T2 transport helicopters. Development of the MiG-35 was completed in 2018, and the fighter represents a lighter analogue to the Russian Su-57 with a next generation AESA radar, three dimensional thrust vectoring systems and K-77 air to air missiles. The considerable similarity between the fighter’s engines and those of the single engine JF-17, which currently forms the backbone of the Pakistani fighter fleet, and the extremely low operational costs of the Russian jet - a small fraction of those of the Su-30MKI and MiG-29 operated by India - makes the MiG-35 a potentially highly attractive option to complement the lighter JF-17 Block 3. Heavier fighters such as the Su-30 and Su-35, while capable of carrying more weapons and heavier sensors and flying at higher altitudes, are less attractive due to their higher operational costs - and to a lesser extent their higher acquisition cost and lack of either AESA radars or K-77 missiles. """

Is this a true news with current delopment or was a false news ??
Such type of news surface after a gap of usually six months with same headlines.

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