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Russia links S-400 ADS sale to the fledgling PAK-FA deal.

Why are you so confused. F414 INS engine will get TVC for MK2. The same engine is proposed for AMCA, and GE had AVIN project for the TVC in the past, and have proposed for the development of 3D TVC.

And what do you find speculation from me. Pls be specific.

Again speculation. When there is a prototype ,call me.
All indian media houses claiming kha jaega pakistan jab aega trishul S 400 phis phiss to al their stupid dramas

Russia go go we are with you kick some heavy bundles of money from india
Pakistanis thinking like a small nation mindset. NOT their fault they are a small weak nation

Indians thinking like a NATION with huge growing ECONOMY... and a political mindset where indian interests come first.

So to my Pakistani FRIENDS some points to consider.

1. Last 5 years USA has already replaced Russia has india,s biggest arms seller

2. All indian latest radars & missles are Israeli

3. Without indian billions RUSSIA,s PAK FA is dead project

4. India has more options than S400 ie USA ISRAEL OR FRANCE

5. India now has twice the GDP OF Russian .... this is not 1999 But 2015 LOOK AT THE INDIAN gdp & forex

Very true. And even now when Russia has to shift its financial resources to solve the problem of cremia and syria, upto what limit they can fund such projects? May be it was India who blackmailed Russia to give S400?
What some people here don't understand is that all our Mig-29 and Su-27 are going to need replacing in 2020s, Mig-35s and Su-35s are simply not going to make the cut anymore in a time period when the US will have hundreds of F-35s and fully pressing ahead with their 6th gen program, PAK FA is simply not ready yet, head of the VVS himself said couple of weeks ago, once Sukhoi is finished with its development, VVS will buy PAK FA as fast Sukhoi can roll them out of the production line, the only reason why we are trying to get India aboard is to reduce the cost for us, because franky speaking their is nothing India can offer us technology wise.

I agree on what you are saying- Yes PAK FA is the need of hour- but every thing boils down to cost and expense- The number Air Force can buy and maintain- after spending on development of program and its cost overruns- Thats why I am concerned given the current economic situation in Russia- and future situation keeping in mind the oil war of US and Gulf- and better times ahead for Iran-
Coming to India- I would outline basic issues-If India is paying for 5th gen- It wants 5th gen- 4.5++, 4.75++, 4.99++ won't do- It wants participation in the program in supportive role- It wants source code of radars and other sensors being used- It wants 5th gen- engine- It wants customization to include its weapons and sensors of choice- It wants flight testing and evaluation done by Its own people then only can GoI sanction funds for research and development of PAK FA in lieu of FGFA and a fat order of 200+ FGFA planes and support system i.e. a spending of 25-30billion USD- or more-

Now If you have any doubt that India would do a China with Russia and use Russian tech to develop Its own AMCA 5th gen- pane- These two are totally different program and have no connection whatsoever- other than both being 5th gen- I doubt AMCA even having Russian weapon systems- which makes most of our Air Force arsenal- AMCA would have American, Israeli and French assistance in flight control, engine, design and electronics- And let me make this clear there is no chance that any compromise would be made on secrecy Russian tech while having partnership with west and joint exercises-

Lets hope things reach to a compromise and things start moving in right direction- Because It would sad to see PAK FA being wasted like Su30 and coming so late that their significance would start falling in just 5 years like Su30/35-

All indian media houses claiming kha jaega pakistan jab aega trishul S 400 phis phiss to al their stupid dramas

Russia go go we are with you kick some heavy bundles of money from india
Pakistan should be more worried about Akash and Barak 8- S-400 is mainly for deterrence in India's case-
Very true. And even now when Russia has to shift its financial resources to solve the problem of cremia and syria, upto what limit they can fund such projects? May be it was India who blackmailed Russia to give S400?

Russian military is at war in Crimea,Donbas,Syria, transnistria, baltics, Arctics,South east asia and latin america.

Sanctions are being placed at Russian Federation and the Russians are more with the Chinese as both are permanent members of UNSC.

Once India get permanent Seat at UNSC then the whole International equation will change.

Russian Federation have sold s400 to Chinese and have even deployed in far east and arctics.

India is already having Brahmos and Nirbhay .
Well starters I would tone down my demands for one, the main problem here is India wants to get full technology transfer so they can go ahead with their own 5th gen program, and were not ready to shoot ourselfs in the foot in the long run for a few billion in the short term.

To make you understand ....If I am buying something that is going to cost me billions together ...Then I Want that damm technology in my hand...This is as simple as that... You should be very clear ...Now there is nothing called buyer and seller relationship kind of thing with India anymore....that days are gone... Vikramaditya episode was last one what you did with India....You might be knowing well, what is the Russian contribution in Indian Economy????.....But we are contributing to your economy a lot...You must understand Money does not come free...

Regarding PAK-FA...Even your Air Force pulling their leg from this project....Let me know if you are not aware of it...Will help you in this regards.

Regarding weapon ...we have options around...and we are working nicely on it.

Do you know how MiG29K came into existence , how your shipyard got new life, How Su30 SM came into picture, How T90 Project got life......???

For your Information you are already shooting your leg....
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.Let me know if you are not aware of it...Will help you in this regards.

I am aware more things than you can possibly imagine.

Do you know how MiG29K came into existence ,

You needed a carrier borne fighter, so we provided you with one, exchange of goods and services no charity here, besides their always Su-33 as backup.

how your shipyard got new life,

Nigger please, Sevmash got its new life by new Russian Navy orders, during the last ten years they build four new nuclear submarines, now they have 8 under construction 4 SSNs and 4 SSBNs, with two more being laid down in this year. This is of course not counting their civilian orders.

How Su30 SM came into picture,

Like with T-90, India did not make or break Su-30, outside India 250+ were exported.

How T90 Project got life......???

Outside India, 500 T-90 + were exported, and now with Iran waiting in line for them too, and I like to point out that the T-90 is Russian army reject, with not single new unit being bought since 2008, and now with Armata out and about is completely irrelevant, wait did you give life too Armata too?

For your Information you are already shooting your leg...

Like how you did with Yasen submarine leasing program, but I am sure that US or Europe will be willing provide you with their latest SSN tech ohh wait.

Regarding PAK-FA...Even your Air Force pulling their leg from this project....Let me know if you are not aware of it...Will help you in this regards.

Russia’s Sukhoi T-50 fifth generation prototype fighter jets will enter into service with the Russian Armed Force in 2017, Russian Air and Space Forces Commander Col. Gen. Viktor Bondarev told reporters Saturday.

Russia's T-50 5th Generation Fighter Jets to Enter Service in 2017

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