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Russia lifts ban on Bangladeshi potato

Seems like everyone is missing the fact that this is Russian response for BD abstention in the UN vote on its war on Ukraine.

West will almost certainly not to anything to BD over the vote and so BD will end up with net gain over its stance.
Seems like everyone is missing the fact that this is Russian response for BD abstention in the UN vote on its war on Ukraine.

West will almost certainly not to anything to BD over the vote and so BD will end up with net gain over its stance.

well India Pakistan and Bangladesh abstain and stay neutral

this is EU NATO USA vs Russia problem we did not create it
As far as I know, about 10 million tons of potatoes are produced annually in Bangladesh. The govt has not yet built silos (+4 to +6 degree centigrade) in many places that causes much of the production to get rotten or are fed to the cows.

Russian market entry will help our farmers in Rangpur or Naogaon in the north.

i dont think pakistan has silos aswell, i dont know why these countries seem to suffer from laziness and slow progress.
Please do not complain about West or anyone for our own doom. Our forefathers failed to build our future and we are equally failing to create for the generations to come.

So, why blame others when your own hand slaps your face?

About the Iranians, it is the same. Their forefathers did not invent anything but kept on waging wars and battles for tiny reasons.

Iran is better than others only because it has oil wealth. And who stops them from developing? Why does it have to depend upon the West? Actually, it is another Muslim disease that we do not like to work by our hands and depend upon others.

So, the question is did the West depend upon the Easterners? Ever?

But, you have to remember, no country on this Earth ever developed without industrialization. Iran may develop not with oil, but with industrialization and technological innovations.

are you ignoring my point? i just give you references to two quality youtube videos and you can read these authors books. if you got 500 pounds because it is a book that the ultra elite want banned it is on amazon but you can read on pdf. These expose and very detailed info on how west built up super powers like germany, russia, china otherwise they be riding donkeys.

getting to the point: germany, russia, china, abit of japan, abit of south korea, none would be industrialized if not had a transfer of tech otherwise be very backward villages.
you think just reforming ppl to follow western way we automatically turn into first rate country. first west has to make a decision to allow machine tools some that can be dual use civilian and military applications, then transfer of factory plants, technicians, assistance to help you build up, so much tech transfer and material, also training you then give you a market to sell.

it is not simple as you think just one day some ppl got together and wow we got car industry, chip factory etc.

Henry Kissinger is the king maker his decision allowed china to rise. Averell harryman, schiff, morgans who are Rothschild front men made russia into soviet super power including teaching soviets on how to make pencils. They also helped Hitlers Germany to rise by transferring full factory tech ex. ig farben, ford, i think ibm also.

so these so call western advance country ? had help from uncle sam if not they be like africa, india, pakistan.

usa is true innovator but does he copy your product. he does but he is inteligent he copy your product but make subtle changes and improvements and claim victory.
usa biggest progress is money printing power to get ppl to produce.

dont think it just science and hard work. you should study these so call western inventors, scientist who in reality are into occult sorcery, example john dee, benjamin franklin and hell fire club. This is where they get their knowledge from.

watch the scole experiment on youtube watch these stupid western intellectuals talking to jinn spirits thinking they made progress to communicate to unseen dimension. This is their secret to power/progress. but i suppose you wont get it.

if i had to pick a nation of intellectuals/innovators i would say Japanese and Iranians.

if you join the nwo you will move up with the western pact which japan is included but you will lose your soul.
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i dont think pakistan has silos aswell, i dont know why these countries seem to suffer from laziness and slow progress.

are you ignoring my point? i just give you references to two quality youtube videos and you can read these authors books. if you got 500 pounds because it is a book that the ultra elite want banned it is on amazon but you can read on pdf. These expose and very detailed info on how west built up super powers like germany, russia, china otherwise they be riding donkeys.

getting to the point: germany, russia, china, abit of japan, abit of south korea, none would be industrialized if not had a transfer of tech otherwise be very backward villages.
you think just reforming ppl to follow western way we automatically turn into first rate country. first west has to make a decision to allow machine tools some that can be dual use civilian and military applications, then transfer of factory plants, technicians, assistance to help you build up, so much tech transfer and material, also training you then give you a market to sell.

it is not simple as you think just one day some ppl got together and wow we got car industry, chip factory etc.

Henry Kissinger is the king maker his decision allowed china to rise. Averell harryman, schiff, morgans who are Rothschild front men made russia into soviet super power including teaching soviets on how to make pencils. They also helped Hitlers Germany to rise by transferring full factory tech ex. ig farben, ford, i think ibm also.

so these so call western advance country ? had help from uncle sam if not they be like africa, india, pakistan.

usa is true innovator but does he copy your product. he does but he is inteligent he copy your product but make subtle changes and improvements and claim victory.
usa biggest progress is money printing power to get ppl to produce.

dont think it just science and hard work. you should study these so call western inventors, scientist who in reality are into occult sorcery, example john dee, benjamin franklin and hell fire club. This is where they get their knowledge from.

watch the scole experiment on youtube watch these stupid western intellectuals talking to jinn spirits thinking they made progress to communicate to unseen dimension. This is their secret to power/progress. but i suppose you wont get it.

if i had to pick a nation of intellectuals/innovators i would say Japanese and Iranians.

if you join the nwo you will move up with the western pact which japan is included but you will lose your soul.

You have some valid points for sure but there is still a lot that 3rd world countries can do to improve their standard of living.

The other thing is with the rise of China there is now competition between the West and China for global influence, yes it will take another 10-15 years before China is a true peer, and so countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh are now far more able to develop themselves than any time before in their history.

We should not always look at just the pitfalls but also the opportunities out there for all countries in the world.
You have some valid points for sure but there is still a lot that 3rd world countries can do to improve their standard of living.

The other thing is with the rise of China there is now competition between the West and China for global influence, yes it will take another 10-15 years before China is a true peer, and so countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh are now far more able to develop themselves than any time before in their history.

We should not always look at just the pitfalls but also the opportunities out there for all countries in the world.

we need chinese style meritocracy but aso added morals so merit n morals to bring out best candidates to turn country into first world industrialization. So this my chacha my bhaiya is not going to work you do the crime you do time, hard labour minium ten yrs. this will straighten nation out. plus we need protection policies from west which they will scream, human rights and democracy but its a cia sabotage. we need solid leader who doesnt care what west thinks and now again will play the game of purging government officials by creating a false plot to over throw himself using his front men then expose those who really want too do this also turn the country into western slave n execute them.
Russia is one of the largest potato producers. The war might have hindered supply or plantation.
Seems like everyone is missing the fact that this is Russian response for BD abstention in the UN vote on its war on Ukraine.

West will almost certainly not to anything to BD over the vote and so BD will end up with net gain over its stance.
Exactly my words! Thanks for the post!
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