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Russia launches Aleksandr Nevskiy Borei class nuclRussia launcear submarine


Mar 18, 2010
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United Kingdom
Russia's strategic fourth-generation nuclear submarine Aleksandr Nevskiy was put to sea for the first time. The submarine left the Sevmash shipyard for a trial trip in the White Sea, Arguments and Facts said.


Aleksandr Nevskiy is the first Borei class serial underwater missile cruiser. The construction of the submarine began in March 2004. Sevmash Enterprise currently continues the assembly of another missile cruiser of the series - Vladimir Monomakh. The construction of this sub began in 2006.

Russia plans to build eight Borei class submarines before 2020. The new subs are to become the core of the nation's strategic nuclear navy for decades ahead.

The Borei class is a class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine produced and operated by the Russian Navy. The class is intended to replace the Delta III, Delta IV and Typhoon classes now in Russian Navy service. The class is named after Boreas, the North wind.

The launch of the first submarine of the class, the Yuriy Dolgorukiy, was scheduled for 2002 but was delayed because of budget constraints. The vessel was eventually rolled out of its construction hall on 15 April 2007 in a ceremony attended by many senior military and industrial personnel. The Yuriy Dolgorukiy was the first Russian strategic missile submarine to be launched in seventeen years since the end of the Soviet era.

The next submarine in the series, Svyatitel Nikolay was planned to be laid down on 22 December 2009, the anniversary of the establishment of the Sevmash Shipyard. The planned contingent of eight strategic submarines is expected to be commissioned within the next decade (five Project 955 are planned for purchase through 2015.

Russia launches Aleksandr Nevskiy Borei class nuclear submarine - English pravda.ru
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