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Russia Knows Perpetrators of Attack on its Syrian Bases, It's Not Turkey - Putin

Old School

Apr 16, 2010
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Not only President Putin , I believe I also know who it was. It was originated from one dirty European state and financed by another Middle Eastern dirty harry.


While speaking about the recent drone attackon the Russian Hmeymim base in Syria, Vladimir Putin said that he believed Turkey had nothing to do with the issue amid reports that, allegedly, the drones had been delivered from Turkey.

"There were provocateurs there but they were not Turks, we know who was it was… We know, how much and whom they have paid for this provocation," Putin said.

The attack was a provocation, aimed at undermining Russia's relations with its partners, including Turkey, Vladimir Putin said, adding that Russia had taken additional measures to protect its military facilities in Syria.

"Firstly, these are provocations aimed at the collapse of the earlier reached agreements. Secondly, that is also an attempt to destroy our relations with partners — Turkey and Iran. We clearly understand that, and therefore we will show solidarity," Putin said.
Russian/Iranian terrorists must leave Syria either voluntarily or forcibly in coffins ....
Anyway, regarding the drone attack I believe it was done by Hezbollah/Iranian militias in Syria..
They want very bad to deteriorate Turkey/Russia collaboration in Syria
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Russian/Iranian terrorists must leave Syria either voluntarily or forcibly in coffins ....
Anyway, regarding the drone attack I believe it was done by Hezbollah/Iranian militias in Syria..
They want very bad to deteriorate Turkey/Russia collaboration in Syria
So must all the Arabs who are not Syrian.
Accusing Turkey for swarm-attack on Russian base with drones is the most stupid thing a man can come up. Turkey and Russia enjoys mutual strategies and peace solutions in region While enhancing the military/civilian trades in favour of own benefits. Despite NATO threatened its ally, Turkey inked S-400 deal with Russia and planning to enhance mutual cooperation into new stages. In this aspect, The guys who is not happy with Turkish/Russian activities in region, makes provocation.
It was ‘a NATO country’ with the money of a gulf state. This specific NATO country who is a mortal Russia hater desperately needs money and that gulf state hates Turkey for spoiling it’s party in Syria and elsewhere in the region.
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Accusing Turkey for swarm-attack on Russian base with drones is the most stupid thing a man can come up. Turkey and Russia enjoys mutual strategies and peace solutions in region While enhancing the military/civilian trades in favour of own benefits. Despite NATO threatened its ally, Turkey inked S-400 deal with Russia and planning to enhance mutual cooperation into new stages. In this aspect, The guys who is not happy with Turkish/Russian activities in region, makes provocation.
Totally concur each word mate :)
It was ‘a NATO country’ with the money of a gulf state. This specific NATO country who is a mortal Russia hater desperately needs money and that gulf state hates Turkey for spoiling it’s party in Syria and elsewhere in the region.
European or North American?
Russian/Iranian terrorists must leave Syria either voluntarily or forcibly in coffins ....
Anyway, regarding the drone attack I believe it was done by Hezbollah/Iranian militias in Syria..
They want very bad to deteriorate Turkey/Russia collaboration in Syria
So we have attacked our ally to demonize an other friend??? Pathetic

Next time, ask your American masters to act better, that was so pathetic
So we have attacked our ally to demonize an other friend??? Pathetic

Next time, ask your American masters to act better, that was so pathetic

Americans have nothing to do with it. It’s one of your gulf neighbor.
Americans have nothing to do with it. It’s one of your gulf neighbor.
Maybe bud, but in fact and with more attention, you can find out that USA is leading them.

UAE the little trouble maker :sarcastic:

It is same state behind this provocation who charged this terrorist to kill Russian embassador to create a chaos between two state. It is same state feeding FETO terrorists inside their soil to use against Turkey. It is the same state openly arming PYD terrorists against a NATO state in our south borders while closing ears to Turkey’s strong objection. Same state attempted to do a coup against elected president in my country to bring their puppets. This state has many puppet despots in Middile-East using them as triggerman. Their money finances many dirty activities serving US and Israeli benefits in region. When the time come, this triggerman will be dropped to dust like a sh@t while shouting “help to your Muslim brothers” but In the end, they will buy just tear and blood inside their borders. It is just a matter of wishes of their masters who allow those puppets sit on their golden seats as a gift of their loyalty.
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