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Russia isn't ready to defeat aliens

"Despite being called Russia’s space troops, they are not ready to deal with invasions by aliens from outer space, according to a statement by a Russian defense official.

In a surprising move, an apparently serious journalist raised this question of extraterrestrial security during a media conference at the Titov Main Test and Space Systems Control Center near Moscow, Russia’s main satellite control center.

“So far we are not capable of that. We are unfortunately not ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations,” the center’s deputy chief Sergey Berezhnoy explained.

“Our center was not tasked with it. There are too many problems on Earth and near it,” he added."

Russian military: 'Space troops not yet ready to fight aliens’ — RT News

No worries though,i'm sure that by 2050 we will see martians working their a$$ of in some siberian mine :lol:
I would ask the rebels in Syria to quit the war ,the russians need not be disturbed with Earth problems anymore so they can concentrate on spreading socialism and its wonders to Alpha Centauri.

To: info@whitehouse.gov, info@cia.gov, nsapao@nsa.gov, Send a Letter to the President

Hell, we can't even FIND asteroids that might collide with Earth, much less 'take care' of those if we'd need to atm.

How about we humans reform our 'defence industries' into space-mining industries asap? Then you'd not only drastically reduce suffering among humans and improve peoples standard of living vastly, but ALSO develop all you need to repel asteroids and bad space aliens alike..
Hell, we can't even FIND asteroids that might collide with Earth, much less 'take care' of those if we'd need to atm.

How about we humans reform our 'defence industries' into space-mining industries asap? Then you'd not only drastically reduce suffering among humans and improve peoples standard of living vastly, but ALSO develop all you need to repel asteroids and bad space aliens alike..

A very good thought indeed. Only if all of us realise the common bond of humanity between us and start to think beyond our personal desires, can we undertake initiatives on a whole new level i.e for all humanity. All us earth-dwellers need to find the inner philanthropist in ourselves. You know, we can really reach for the stars. Explore other worlds, develop colonies abroad. Its not a pipe dream. We just need to focus our resources on the right things. Mining asteroids and other heavenly bodies might help us expand our periodic table too.
Russia shouldn't worry, America is there to save the world :lol:
Nice reply from Russian defense official "there are too many problems on earth and near it" .
US to Russia: "You mad bro?"

Humans indeed....

Hypothetically, if such a war was to take place assuming for the sake of argument that intelligent extraterrestrial life forms exist on other planets; the United States, Russia, & other military powers would fight together. In fact the whole world will probably join forces. Until then, we can learn more about this supposedly existing enemy from movies & video games. :lol:
Hypothetically, if such a war was to take place assuming for the sake of argument that intelligent extraterrestrial life forms exist on other planets; the United States, Russia, & other military powers would fight together. In fact the whole world will probably join forces. Until then, we can learn more about this supposedly existing enemy from movies & video games. :lol:

Well, if you wanna put it that way, it wouldn't be much of a war. They'd just bombard us from space and not have to even set a single foot on the planet. They'd be able to destroy human civilization without even trying.
Its ok guys. Don't worry.

The US has allot of World War 2 era Battleships that have 23 artillery shells, loaded .50 Cals on-board and are fueled up to fight off any Alien Invasion.

Did I mention Morgan Freedman?
On a lighter note, I guess that is why the Almighty Pakistan was able to defeat them.

Why are you bringing pakistan into this?

Thəorətic Muslim;4839648 said:
Its ok guys. Don't worry.

The US has allot of World War 2 era Battleships that have 23 artillery shells, loaded .50 Cals on-board and are fueled up to fight off any Alien Invasion.

Did I mention Morgan Freedman?

Rumor has it that the US works for Reptilian Aliens.
Well, if you wanna put it that way, it wouldn't be much of a war. They'd just bombard us from space and not have to even set a single foot on the planet. They'd be able to destroy human civilization without even trying.

Anything is possible in hypothetical scenarios. Someone could argue that by the time such an invasion took place, humankind might be advanced enough to counter such an attack. There is absolutely no way to determine such a claim.

Discussing such ideas might be interesting, but there is no conclusive proof of life on any other known planet, let alone intelligent life. In fact, the origins of life are for the most part unknown. The probability of DNA forming randomly is quite small even under conditions similar to Earth. So without bringing religion in to the discussion, it's amazing to note how organisms evolved & developed on Earth itself.
@peacefan @LoveIcon @jbgt90 humans doesnt know whose protecting earth from Astroids and invasion.... Humans should not even think about taking on aliens. They tried. Russia lead this tiny battle and got mugged badly and so much so that majority of russian missiles are failing due to some unknown reason (we know why).... Anyway humans should mind their own bussiness. Its the superior beings who created humans in lab by mixing ape DNA with their own DNA. Must watch the video. I been there few years ago but not close. Its radio active and its a lasor beam doms came from serius B star system by warm hole to shoot Astroids. Superior beings made this doms such a way that it sleeps many century and gets activated when astroid heading towards earth. Recent astroid was shot over russia by this lasor doms....
Scientists Prove Ancient Alien Cauldrons in Siberia are Real, page 1
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if the aliens arrive from Mars or Neptune - mankind has some chances. But if they have overcome the interstellar abyss, the level of technology is irresistible for mankind.
I dont think any military on earth can take on aliens. Especially if they have perfected space travel.
@peacefan @LoveIcon @jbgt90 humans doesnt know whose protecting earth from Astroids and invasion.... Humans should not even think about taking on aliens. They tried. Russia lead this tiny battle and got mugged badly and so much so that majority of russian missiles are failing due to some unknown reason (we know why).... Anyway humans should mind their own bussiness. Its the superior beings who created humans in lab by mixing ape DNA with their own DNA. Must watch the video. I been there few years ago but not close. Its radio active and its a lasor beam doms came from serius B star system by warm hole to shoot Astroids. Superior beings made this doms such a way that it sleeps many century and gets activated when astroid heading towards earth. Recent astroid was shot over russia by this lasor doms....
Scientists Prove Ancient Alien Cauldrons in Siberia are Real, page 1

For now there are many possible answers to such fundamental questions. And the ones stemming from -sorry bro- conspiracy theories are least likely to be the truth, imo.
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