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Russia is preparing a new Major Offensive with 1million men into Ukraine from the North into Kiev from South-west Russia and Belarus territory


Mar 1, 2019
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Some sources say 500k men while others say 1m men

Zelensky said the same thing 3 days ago they are preparing for a Russian offensive in Febuary or March

Russia will lose because there is no mandate in Russia for able Russian men to fight the war while Zelensky has mandated that no Ukrainian men can leave the country and are mandated to fight the war against Russian if they like to fight or not.
Russia will lose because there is no mandate in Russia for able Russian men to fight the war while Zelensky has mandated that no Ukrainian men can leave the country and are mandated to fight the war against Russian if they like to fight or not.

???? How is this relevant. The Russians come to fight period mandated or non-mandated majority of them are patriot russians and there is always deserters in armies including Ukraine have seen alot of desertions but nobody talks about it in the media... Desertion happens in every single armies ranks at certain percentage
???? How is this relevant. The Russians come to fight period mandated or non-mandated majority of them are patriot russians and there is always deserters in armies including Ukraine have seen alot of desertions but nobody talks about it in the media... Desertion happens in every single armies ranks at certain percentage

Ukraine has more soldiers as it is mandated.
Well, considering they have problem to supply with 60,000 troop in Feb last year for the invasion to Kyiv, 1 Million men would be a disaster waiting to be happen, that is if they can find anything to equip these people with. I mean the last time they did mobilisation of the 300,000 men, they raided airsoft store and put their equipment in war.

Yes, the Russian Spring Offensive will happen, it's more like 150,000 strength, and that's already a lot to ask to pull this off. 1 million troop would probably just going to stuck there and not going anywhere.

Also, if they really do have 1 million waiting to launch an offensive in Ukraine in March, they would need to move them 6 months ago, moving 1 million men and materiel is not something you can do overnight, even with logistic capability of the west, 6 months is a tough ask, certainly not Russia after the 40 miles convoy. It took them 4 months to move the 200k troop in Feb for the invasion now. For example, 30kg gear per men per 3 days, (That's individual soldier load in general) 1 million men would mean 30,000,000 kg of gear just for them to fight 3 days, that's moving 30,000 tons of gear just for a 3 day operation, I will let you do the maths on how much it needed for a month or 2 months operation...
Russia will lose because there is no mandate in Russia for able Russian men to fight the war while Zelensky has mandated that no Ukrainian men can leave the country and are mandated to fight the war against Russian if they like to fight or not.

Ukrainian men don't want to fight. They surrender to Russian army, get refugee status in Russia. From Russia they can travel to the West for a better life.
Well, considering they have problem to supply with 60,000 troop in Feb last year for the invasion to Kyiv, 1 Million men would be a disaster waiting to be happen, that is if they can find anything to equip these people with. I mean the last time they did mobilisation of the 300,000 men, they raided airsoft store and put their equipment in war.

Yes, the Russian Spring Offensive will happen, it's more like 150,000 strength, and that's already a lot to ask to pull this off. 1 million troop would probably just going to stuck there and not going anywhere.

Also, if they really do have 1 million waiting to launch an offensive in Ukraine in March, they would need to move them 6 months ago, moving 1 million men and materiel is not something you can do overnight, even with logistic capability of the west, 6 months is a tough ask, certainly not Russia after the 40 miles convoy. It took them 4 months to move the 200k troop in Feb for the invasion now. For example, 30kg gear per men per 3 days, (That's individual soldier load in general) 1 million men would mean 30,000,000 kg of gear just for them to fight 3 days, that's moving 30,000 tons of gear just for a 3 day operation, I will let you do the maths on how much it needed for a month or 2 months operation...
Was surprised by the number being put out with a million men planning for an offensive, with 500k already there waiting for the signal (not sure how they achieve that). If they were planning to invade again with a million, they would have to call for another partial mobilization to reach that number. And I haven't even mentioned the logistics of dealing with that! And the beginning of that invasion was disastrous even when they had more and better equipment. Not to mention they were already robbing grocery and convenient stores for food and water after 2 or 3 days into the war!
Look I said many time before ..
I'll say it again... You cannot fight Russians ! Simply.
Napoleon tried to invade Russia & failed badly.
Hitler tried to invade Russia and failed miserably.
Does anyone think in remotely Puny country like Ukraine with all NATO assistance can manage to defeat Russia ?? If you do think this you must be brain washed living in Fools western nation.
Look I said many time before ..
I'll say it again... You cannot fight Russians ! Simply.
Napoleon tried to invade Russia & failed badly.
Hitler tried to invade Russia and failed miserably.
Does anyone think in remotely Puny country like Ukraine with all NATO assistance can manage to defeat Russia ?? If you do think this you must be brain washed living in Fools western nation.
LOL! Ukraine use to be part of Russia soooo that means it will fail miserably. They are invading themselves then.
LOL! Ukraine use to be part of Russia soooo that means it will fail miserably. They are invading themselves then.
Of course Ukraine was former part of Soviet Union back in the day.
But remember Ukrainians have been mislead by Jewish lobby to :-
already destroyed Ukraine
+6 million refugees
+set Ukraine 100 years back in stone age.

But I suppose you don't seem anything wrong with what Zylinske has done to Ukraine.
Of course Ukraine was former part of Soviet Union back in the day.
But remember Ukrainians have been mislead by Jewish lobby to already destroyed Ukraine+6 million refugees+set Ukraine 100years back in stone age.
But I suppose you don't seem anything wrong with what Zylinske has done to Ukraine.
Right...the Russians believe they are fighting the Jewish, anti Christ, Nazi loving, LGBT President led government. Right now I'm seeing what Putin has done to Ukraine. Putin called Ukrainians brothers and sisters. You believe that?
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