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Russia is now the biggest European Economy in the World ranking 5th

Its a permanent break...so relax... your women don't produce babies any more.. they have better things to do. Europe is finished...its a graveyard. In the end, you were only a bunch of mechanics... made good machines but were terrible at managing your families and society. Thank you for those machines. India and China are not foolish like you and have no wish to self destruct. We have always been there and will always be there.

Been where? The fact remains you're currently China's door rug,they wipe their feet with you whenever they wish and your kind still flocks to this "graveyard" for a better life so go get better arguements you poor soul,your stupidity is mind blowing,amusing but still odd in a human beeing.
Geography does decide history. Russia is a great nation and will always be. And unlike the other pygmy hyenas of Europe (UK, France mainly), Russia has always been a gentle giant.
Russia is a great nation.
I am no historian but I would not describe Russia in the 20th century as being gentle. Stalin was arguably as bad as Hitler.
Been where? The fact remains you're currently China's door rug,they wipe their feet with you whenever they wish and your kind still flocks to this "graveyard" for a better life so go get better arguements you poor soul,your stupidity is mind blowing,amusing but still odd in a human beeing.

your bluster is the only thing you are left with... so enjoy it while you can. Ultimately your Western "civilization" was just a blimp - 300 years or so. Before that you were just poor sods who couldn't even grow enough food. But you were the dacoits - so you looted Asia, especially India, and the Americas and had a roaring time. That money is gone. So back to your dreary lives.
Why are you guys concerned with the delusional Indian's opinion? Let him have his fantasy, who cares...telling stories is what they're good at, it's a gypsy somewhere in there after all....
your bluster is the only thing you are left with... so enjoy it while you can. Ultimately your Western "civilization" was just a blimp - 300 years or so. Before that you were just poor sods who couldn't even grow enough food. But you were the dacoits - so you looted Asia, especially India, and the Americas and had a roaring time. That money is gone. So back to your dreary lives.

I would like to continue this because you're an easy victim but it's not fair to other indian posters in anger i will bash India and they don't deserve this they're generally good,well thinking people so i'll have to take my leave.Sayonara my not so astute indian friend.
both russia and britain are just short term economies of the world, they have no future in the long run, those criticising bangladesh or others should know that east in the future not the west

those licking westerners should know that their economy is going down, east is developing very fast and if it wasnt for huge population they had grown even faster
Russia is a great nation.
I am no historian but I would not describe Russia in the 20th century as being gentle. Stalin was arguably as bad as Hitler.

Stalin was the greatest leader of Russia ever. He is a monster only in Western propaganda - because they still afraid of him. In hearts of ordinary ex-Soviet people he remains our father and warlord and leader.
Its a permanent break...so relax... your women don't produce babies any more.. they have better things to do. Europe is finished...its a graveyard. In the end, you were only a bunch of mechanics... made good machines but were terrible at managing your families and society. Thank you for those machines. India and China are not foolish like you and have no wish to self destruct. We have always been there and will always be there.
As societies become more equal women can pursue careers. However the population of the EU is still growing.
Made some good machines? :what: Europe has given more than the rest of the world combined.
Always been there? You have existed in your current form for 60 odd years.
I would like to continue this because you're an easy victim but it's not fair to other indian posters because in anger i will bash India and they don't deserve this because they're generally good,well thinking people so i'll have to take my leave.Sayonara my not so astute indian friend.

Who is bothered about a pygmy's bashing. We have our provinces bigger than you. Is it so difficult to accept that you don't matter any more?

As societies become more equal women can pursue careers. However the population of the EU is still growing.
Made some good machines? :what: Europe has given more than the rest of the world combined.
Always been there? You have existed in your current form for 60 odd years.

Existed in current form for more than 5000 years. And I already accepted that you are good mechanics.
He is concerned because truth hurts.

What truth son? Breeding yourself into eternal poverty while brightest go in the west which according to you is just about dead?
That's all good son, but then you log off and the west is still there ...i guess you're just mad because you didn't make the cut to move and they left you...back there...
Stalin was the greatest leader of Russia ever. He is a monster only in Western propaganda - because they still afraid of him. In hearts of ordinary ex-Soviet people he remains our father and warlord and leader.
His saving grace was that he was on the 'good' side in WW2. No one is afraid of him...
Perhaps I worded that a bit strongly. However he did commit some monstrosities.
Yes well Kim jong il is considered a father, doesn't mean he was good.
Existed in current form for more than 5000 years. And I already accepted that you are good mechanics.
Well your countries boundaries as known today were drawn up in 1947. Hardly 5000 years.
Besides, it is my understanding that India has been under control of one authority for very little time.
Europe is hardly dead, the EU is the largest economy in the world. It still churns out many innovations in arts, science etc etc.
Standard of living is high...Hell if this is us when we are dead, then I'd love to see us alive.
Well your countries boundaries as known today were drawn up in 1947. Hardly 5000 years.
Besides, it is my understanding that India has been under control of one authority for very little time.
Europe is hardly dead, the EU is the largest economy in the world. It still churns out many innovations in arts, science etc etc.
Standard of living is high...Hell if this is us when we are dead, then I'd love to see us alive.

Just because Europe has evolved beyond the "enslave others,wage war" mentality that many still have in this world makes it appear like they're weaklings in some clowns eyes.
What truth son? Breeding yourself into eternal poverty while brightest go in the west which according to you is just about dead?
That's all good son, but then you log off and the west is still there ...i guess you're just mad because you didn't make the cut to move and they left you...back there...

Oh! getting personal, are we? Tell me, have you started learning Quran yet? And learning Arabic? You better hurry ...there may be openings for the early birds. And it is generally our third raters, the IT crowd, who goes to your place. If you find them bright, it tells a lot about your own intellectual caliber.
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