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Russia in talks with India for $30 billion pipeline

So what is your suggestions?
Look man .Whether we like it or not now we spend so much money of our GDP for oil import .A pipeline from Russia will feasible than it at any case.Beside ONGC is in negotiation with Russia for this from 2005.Now they agree with this .And I think they are too smart than us.
Finally it is deal with Russia.Once it happens it will become a main income source of Russia ,a game with billions, may be trillions of dollars.So they will not allow such things.
Whatever happens, India or China will not touch this project .Because in economic sense we both are vulnerable to each other.

ONGC is proposing a pipe line passing through Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India .

It is GAIL that is proposing a pipe line through China.

In addition to Russian gas India is also planning to import from other central Asian countries and there is already and some agreement between Oman-Iran- India pipe line.

Regarding the bold part,That is what you think, Chinese are planning to cut through Ice and form another route through Arctic for their alternate trade route and they already established a trade route through HSR to Europe.

On one side Chinese are establishing alternate trade routes and here you are proposing India should depend on China ... Funny dude very funny !
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That will not happen .this is not kindergarten game .We are talking about 30 billion$ investment here.And there is another plan for underwater pipeline from iran is also in progress .We can influence sealines in Indian ocean.

Kindergarden game ? what are you on about, Russia is a truth worthy ally and would be a very reliable energy supplier
Kindergarden game ? what are you on about, Russia is a truth worthy ally and would be a very reliable energy supplier

Oh man .I use that term because this project is not a silly matter.It is a project that will change the face of this region.
Russia is our reliable partner and it will remain like that in future also.
Talks on the construction of the Russia to India oil pipeline project should conclude by mid-2014, officials from ONGC said.

Thus, Russia is changing its energy export policy vector as strong demand for hydrocarbons, both in China and in India, one of the largest economies in the world, continues to grow. The benefits are obvious, including those in connection with India's plans to become a member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). China supports the pipeline oil supplies to India, which is not surprising. One of the project’s options is the construction of a pipeline from the Altai region through the north-west of China to the north of India. Director of the Center for Strategic Studies in Energy of the People’s Republic of China, Xia Yishan says, “The project is beneficial for both India and China, as it would allow China to become an oil transit in addition to its ‘status’ of recipient of the Russian oil.” For Russia, the project’s additional benefit is providing oil to the SCO

“Russia and India have agreed to establish a joint group to study the possibility of direct ground transportation of hydrocarbons” the joint statement by Vladimir Putin and Manmohan Singh in December. The discussion of such a project began back in 2005. At the end of last year, ONGC supported its implementation, by saying “The pipeline from Russia seems appropriate. The details of the project will be clarified with the Russian partners.”

According to the director of the Gas business agency Michael Yermolovich, the project may be associated with the creation of a Russian-Indian petrochemical joint venture in Gujarat. Investment in this venture is estimated at $450 million, its capacity is estimated at 100,000 tonnes of finished products per year.

In general, India is planning to significantly increase its reserves of the black gold, due to an increase in domestic demand. Secretary of the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ajay Bisaria said that “in 2013, the oil purchases in Russia amounted to $176 million, but India intends to buy more. This requires an overland route.” Up to 35 percent of the pipeline falls in mountainous terrain. The project’s preliminary cost would be $30 billion and the completion of construction is planned for 2020-2022.

As for the Western market, due to the crisis in the Eurocurrency zone, the demand for oil there is very volatile. In addition, if they want to “put pressure” on Moscow, the EU can increases its import of crude from Norway, North Africa, the Gulf and even Trinidad, but this is the EU’s
In addition to that, the EU complains about the low domestic prices for oil and gas in Russia, that is why many goods manufactured in Russia are taxed by antidumping restrictions. Timur Nigmatullin, analyst in Investkafe said, “The use of so-called energy corrections by the European Union looks like an attempt to level one of our economy’s key competition advantages. This approach introduced unjustified anti-dumping duties, which is why Russian businesses annually lose more than $600 million.”

In short, there is a need for new markets, especially those where integration processes with Russia’s participation are developed. This is primarily the SCO. “The growth of mutual investments by Russia and China is accompanied by greater activity of the Russian and Chinese business in other SCO countries, - said the president of the International Organization of Creditors Robert Abdullin. “Economic growth in these countries is more favourable than it is in the industrialized countries.” Countries like India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Vietnam and their neighbours would naturally be attracted to working in close partnership with the SCO, including a partnership in the energy sector.

Talks on Russia to India oil pipeline make headway | Russia & India Report

First China and now India:D:D:D

Sanctions anyone? :lol::lol::lol:

I did not know Russia had a border with India.

How enlightening ? Please educate me on this lapse on my part.
ONGC is proposing a pipe line passing through Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India .

It is GAIL that is proposing a pipe line through China.

In addition to Russian gas India is also planning to import from other central Asian countries and there is already and some agreement between Oman-Iran- India pipe line.

Regarding the bold part,That is what you think, Chinese are planning to cut through Ice and form another route through Arctic for their alternate trade route and they already established a trade route through HSR to Europe.

On one side Chinese are establishing alternate trade routes and here you are proposing India should depend on China ... Funny dude very funny !

Again.You are overestimating their capabilities .I already told about underwater pipeline from Iran.And it will alone reduce this Chinese threat.
You are right ,Chinese may employ alternatives routes .But at least for next 3 decades Malacca Strait will be the main trade line of China .And you must also consider growing Chinese business in India
In future Chinese main resource supplier is Africa .And that resources find it way to China only through our sphere of influence.I hope you can understand
Oh man .I use that term because this project is not a silly matter.It is a project that will change the face of this region.
Russia is our reliable partner and it will remain like that in future also.

It will change everything , a whole lot of things than this region alone , payment of oil in local currencies or EURO will end up having massive consequences on the Petro Dollar and Middle east
I did not know Russia had a border with India.

How enlightening ? Please educate me on this lapse on my part.

From the article:

One of the project’s options is the construction of a pipeline from the Altai region through the north-west of China to the north of India. Director of the Center for Strategic Studies in Energy of the People’s Republic of China, Xia Yishan says, “The project is beneficial for both India and China, as it would allow China to become an oil transit in addition to its ‘status’ of recipient of the Russian oil.”
From the article:

Oh sure , China would love to have that sword hanging over India's neck.

In peacetime , China will get royalty and Passage or Transit fees from India.

During hostilities it will shut down the Pipeline.

Perfect from China's perspective.
Oh sure , China would love to have that sword hanging over India's neck.

In peacetime , China will get royalty and Passage or Transit fees from India.

During hostilities it will shut down the Pipeline.

Perfect from China's perspective.

You do know that earlier there were plans for an Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, right? If that was within the realm of possibility, then why would R-C-I be any less desirable?

Sure, China could shut off the supply during wartime. But does that mean that we should not build it at all and hence not get any oil even during peacetime? Make a flowchart and think about it:

Build pipeline - get oil during peacetime, no oil during wartime.
Don't build it - No oil during peacetime, no oil during wartime.

Which is better?

As for royalty - yes, China would get royalty. But if it still turns out to be cheaper than shipping oil from the persian gulf, then it is still a win for India (and China). Detailed feasibility studies will be done to take that into account.

Anyway, your previous question of not sharing a border should be answered with this.

:lol:China will make India their bitch after this pipeline goes operational.
The worst they can do is turn off the pipeline, in which case we would not be any worse off than we are right now, and they would not be any better off than they are right now. Why does logic escape everybody?
Again.You are overestimating their capabilities .I already told about underwater pipeline from Iran.And it will alone reduce this Chinese threat.
You are right ,Chinese may employ alternatives routes .But at least for next 3 decades Malacca Strait will be the main trade line of China .And you must also consider growing Chinese business in India
In future Chinese main resource supplier is Africa .And that resources find it way to China only through our sphere of influence.I hope you can understand

Again dude .... Just read what is happening in Gwadar and Pakistan China trade corridor !!

Do not come up with assertions which are not going to work even in near future.
You do know that earlier there were plans for an Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, right? If that was within the realm of possibility, then why would R-C-I be any less desirable?

Sure, China could shut off the supply during wartime. But does that mean that we should not build it at all and hence not get any oil even during peacetime? Make a flowchart and think about it:

Build pipeline - get oil during peacetime, no oil during wartime.
Don't build it - No oil during peacetime, no oil during wartime.

Which is better?

As for royalty - yes, China would get royalty. But if it still turns out to be cheaper than shipping oil from the persian gulf, then it is still a win for India (and China). Detailed feasibility studies will be done to take that into account.

Anyway, your previous question of not sharing a border should be answered with this.

The worst they can do is turn off the pipeline, in which case we would not be any worse off than we are right now. Why does logic escape everybody?
30 billion dollar is a lot of money for poor hungry Indians. Sure you wanna gamble that away...:lol:
30 billion dollar is a lot of money for poor hungry Indians. Sure you wanna gamble that away...:lol:
Thank you for your concern. You are right, we are so poor and destitute in comparison to you Bangladeshis, who are all richer than Sheikhs, which is why Indians are desperately pole vaulting into your country. Once this "ha ha ha there is poverty in India" card is brought out in any thread about pipelines or submarines, I tend to call it a day and not spend more time on the poster. Adieu.

P.S: It is precisely to enrich the country that such purchases and investments are done. We are not fortunate enough to be as rich as Bangladeshis, so we have to work hard.
Again dude .... Just read what is happening in Gwadar and Pakistan China trade corridor !!

Do not come up with assertions which are not going to work even in near future.

That is why we modernise our Navy .Indian Navy sphere of influence expand from Gulf of Aden to Malacca Strait.
Considering future expansion plans ,we have a leverage here.
Besides Iran underwater pipeline project is progressing.So if we have both the pipelines increasing oil import from Iran and rest through ships alone solve China threat .
GoI knows what are they doing.
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its a good option, and for those feel china will arm twist us,the best thing we can do is to have a garuntee from Russia,incase China cuts the oil supply to India,they will cut the supply to china as well.that way we dont have to worry about china.
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