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Russia in pursuit of a 6th gen fighter?

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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Ok, I know the title sounds unrealistic and far fetched, but I bumped into this Novosti report and found this-

In addition, Zelin named as a current priority the development of a 6th-generation combat aircraft, an advanced air defense system, and various types of unmanned aerial vehicles.

At first I thought that this must be some typo or reporting error but in the very next paragraph it mentions Russia’s 5th gen fighter program. So, this can’t be ruled out as an error.

Here is the original article- Russian Air Force to cut officer staff by 30% - commander | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire

Some obvious questions come to mind after reading such remarks from such a senior RAF officer-

  • Is it really possible that Russia is indeed working on a 6th gen fighter?
  • What kind of aircraft would fall into the 6th gen category?
  • What are the specific technological breakthroughs required over the existing 5th gen techs to build a 6th gen fighter?
  • Is Russia capable of developing such technologies before the US?
Well my guess would be that 6th generation fighter aircraft would be unmanned and will incorporate futuristic artificial intelligence and obviously stealth both within range ( just a guess)and beyond range.

Few days back there was a thread which mentioned Boeing sixth generation fighter concept.



Very old Russian futuristic aircraft artist impression.
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Well my guess would be that 6th generation fighter aircraft would be unmanned and will incorporate futuristic artificial intelligence and obviously stealth both within range ( just a guess)and beyond range.

Good call. LM reps said that they had to scale down the acceleration of the F-22's because at the high accelerations that the aircraft is capable, the pilots' health becomes an issue. The pilots sometimes might faint, and other effects are seen that are quite unpleasant for the pilots.
Well my guess would be that 6th generation fighter aircraft would be unmanned and will incorporate futuristic artificial intelligence and obviously stealth both within range ( just a guess)and beyond range.

Few days back there was a thread which mentioned Boeing sixth generation fighter concept.


View attachment 4050

Very old Russian futuristic aircraft artist impression.

I believe you are right. 6th generation will be pilot less sporting high energy weapons, Satellite bombs and possibly Meta material skins. though the latter is most likely 7th generation. keep in mind the U.S. already has built demonstrator models and testing them. though most likely will change as testing continues.
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ehh, you know after looking at some of the designs the U.S. has on the drawing board and have already built for testing. It makes you wonder if they really did reverse engineer alien space craft......:lol:
ehh, you know after looking at some of the designs the U.S. has on the drawing board and have already built for testing. It makes you wonder if they really did reverse engineer alien space craft......:lol:

Who knows all those UFO sightings are flight testing of 6th or even 7th generation aircraft,:cheesy: do you have some propulsion system information which might get incorporated in these futuristic planes.
Well, they do say that the things they have at groom lake are 50 years ahead of currently fielded aerospace tech.
Here is a youtube video showing a weapons release from the
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