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Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop


Aug 26, 2010
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Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop
10 hours ago

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Supplies on the Yamal pipeline dropped over the weekend. Gazprom
Russia’s state-controlled Gazprom slashed its gas supplies to Europe over the weekend, sending prices surging as the continent prepares for a week of sub-zero temperatures.

Shipments through the Yamal pipeline — which runs through Belarus and Poland to Germany — were at their lowest for at least a month over the weekend, Interfax reported, citing market data. Daily shipments fell from 27 million cubic meters (mcm) Friday to 5.2 mcm and 4.7 mcm on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Gazprom also booked only minimal additional capacity on the transit route Monday — 3.8 mcm — worrying markets as gas prices rose across Europe once more.

Gas prices climbed above $1,700 per thousand cubic meters on Monday — 70% higher than the levels seen in September when politicians across the continent first started worrying about a possible Russian squeeze on supplies ahead of the winter.

Russia’s Gazprom Reports Record Profits as Gas Prices Soar
The Yamal pipeline operates at a full capacity of 89 mcm per day, meaning flows were operating at only 4% of capacity Monday.

Russia and Gazprom have previously been accused of trying to squeeze the European gas market to advance its Nord Stream 2 project and push European countries to sign long-term gas deals with Gazprom that guarantee supplies at fixed prices.

The company increased supplies to Europe in the second half of November and early December, though prices have remained elevated given low storage levels in Europe, fears of conflict in Ukraine and new delays to Nord Stream 2’s certification.

The Yamal pipeline is one of Gazprom’s major supply routes into the continent, in addition to the first Nord Stream pipeline and transit through Ukraine. Nord Stream is operating at full capacity and Russia has been reluctant to book additional capacity on the Ukrainian route in recent months.

In auctions held Monday for January transit supply, Gazprom rejected an option to book extra supplies through Ukraine for a fourth consecutive month and booked only 22% of proposed extra supplies on the Yamal route, the state-run TASS news agency reported.

That is the consequences for buying gas in the spot market instead signing for more permanent option.

Why is EU delaying the approval for Nordstream 2 pipeline? :coffee:

Why blame Gasprom?

The EU politicians ought to take responsibility for their follies as winter approachs.
Quite silly of the Europeans to expect anything less when they first constantly try to corner and hound Russians politically.

  1. Expanding NATO
  2. Running smear campaigns and fearmongering talk shows 24-7
  3. Endless propaganda of always having Russians represented as the bad guys
  4. Using trade as weapons

Now when Russia responds, they are complaining. Appreciate Putin's pragmatism for reminding them to not cross the golden line.
Russia is using energy as a weapon

this is against the international norm

so now Russia will be punished

You should be more careful talking about punishing a country that can kill all your people in 15 minutes.

NATO members talk about Russia like if Russia were a Iraq or a Libya, a country easy to abuse. It's a way of thinking imposed by USA to their little puppets, and they repeat the song without think about consequences.
You should be more careful talking about punishing a country that can kill all your people in 15 minutes.

NATO members talk about Russia like if Russia were a Iraq or a Libya, a country easy to abuse. It's a way of thinking imposed by USA to their little puppets, and they repeat the song without think about consequences.

why dont you worry about about Gibraltar a Royal Navy Nuclear Submarine just visited the Rock few weeks ago and Spain was up in arms

yet did nothing
lolz but this is not Iraq or Libya this is mother Russia the best part is western USA built up soviet super power now that super power is challenging it. it is true when they say the devil plans but god also plans.
They the devil also built up china thru transfer of tech now that is also challenging it.
Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop

Already foreseen by Trump.

Ships carrying natural gas head for Europe as prices surge to new high

Vessels initially bound for Asia reroute mid-voyage as European supply crunch worsens

Ships carrying liquefied natural gas destined for Asia are changing tack mid-voyage to supply European consumers willing to pay a large premium, as prices across the region surge to new peaks. For much of the year buyers in China, Japan and South Korea have outbid Europeans for shipments of the super chilled fuel, used in power stations to generate electricity. But with storage now full across the region, uncommitted cargoes from the Atlantic basin that were heading for Asia are being turned round by their owners and sent to Europe to cash in on soaring prices and demand.
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Why is EU delaying the approval for Nordstream 2 pipeline? :coffee:
It's going to outright cancel it if Russia invades Ukraine. That's why.
Don't make it seem like Russia has the strong position.
Gas is one of the only things Russia exports, no one wants their other trash. Russia will just loose a huge part of its income and become an even more poor and miserable country.
There are other countries with gas. Even Israel has a lot of gas now from the sea. It's not like Europeans are going to freeze to death.

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