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Russia can't find a better ally than Pakistan in the region.


May 3, 2009
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Published in Pakistan Army's magazine 'HILAL'.​
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Indeed, with greater levels of mutual understanding from both sides, there is a huge scope for cooperation between Pakistan and Russia. :cheers:

Pakistan has a very important geopolitical location, being the bridge between Central Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and even East Asia (through the Sino-Pakistani border).

This fact has not gone unnoticed by the sole superpower America. However, the true nature of America's intentions towards Pakistan have come to light in recent years, asking Pakistani people to die in order to serve American interests, for a war that America started to benefit themselves. They are essentially using Pakistan as a "meat shield", in order to prevent the blow back from their war from reaching the American mainland, instead they want Pakistan to absorb this damage on their behalf.

On the other hand, cooperation between Pakistan-Russia-China has the potential to provide great benefits to all sides, without the needless bloodshed that America demands.

As the article notes, Pakistan-Russia-China all face similar threats, i.e. security problems arising out of tensions between the political centre and the periphery regions. And who is the beneficiary of all this? The ultimate beneficiary is America, since they are rivals of both China and Russia, and also have an interest in keeping Pakistan weak so they are less able to reject American influence.

Last but not least, both Russia and China need to improve relations with the Muslim world, this is a geostrategic imperative. The Muslim world contains over 1.5 billion people, and covers some of the most geostrategically important and resource rich regions of the world, such as the Middle East and Central Asia.

For anyone to challenge American hegemony in the future, good relations with the Muslim world are needed.

Pakistan, being the only nuclear-armed Muslim nation, carries a great deal of weight in the Muslim world, and has before acted as a "gateway" for China in particular. Russia no doubt seeks the same thing, greater influence in the Muslim world, and increasing their cooperation with Pakistan would be a very logical choice for them.
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Vladmir Putin never visit to Pakistan as it was promised last year on November 2013 but postponed again. It is very important for both Pakistan and Russia to start new fresh relations and military ties. Maybe Russia's double headed eagle to replace crescent star on our flag is awesome! :D
Pakistan should establish highway and rail links with both China and Russia. Tajikistan & Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan will also be linked. There is a narrow strip of Afghanistan that comes in the way too.

It is said that Russian invasion of Afghanistan was ambition to reach warm waters!! Making such road\rail links will give these countries access to Arabian-Sea without them needing to invade anyone. It would be a win-win for all.

At the time Karakoram Highway was built, technology was not what engineers have today. It would be much easier, & safer to build high quality road\rail link now. Breaching the Himalayas should be relatively easy task now. To shorten the distance, raise it rather high as a bridge to avoid serpentine longer distances.


To avoid that narrow strip of Afghanistan, we can build the main highway+rail to China & the link from Russia & Russian states could join that primary link in China. Thus skipping Afghanistan.
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I generally found Russians more keen to share knowledge, in USA you can't get knowledge every thing has "Patent" and you cannot make your own copy and sell it they may the world pay fees for this "Patent"

a) Patents
b) Franchises (Franchise Fee) etc
c) Global Mega Stores

Russias on other hand they are giving , they share knowldge
I mean lets look at it they passe knowledge to Pakistan steeles mills and may be oil refineries to Pakistan

With india probbaly helped their auto sector

With China they helped with share of plane technology etc

Russians are like a true "Bear" they like to live in their cold place , they don't go to warm locations they like their zone etc

They have enough military power to take 50% of world but they are still conservative

From Pakistan's prespective , we are more focused on trade etc

We really have 0% beef with Russia , Crimea etc is Russia's internal matter
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Couldn't have summed it up better than this myself.

We need to diversify our geopolitical and economic relations with China US and Russia. Only this will help us break the American hegemony on #Pakistan.

We need to scrap the formal alliance with the US as it has costed us two unneeded wars on their behalf which have brought us to oblivion.
The ball at times comes to a different court , old things and old news stay old while room is made for a new game and new things , this will be good for both nations wish them all the best and may GOD bless them both.
Pakistan should establish highway and rail links with both China and Russia. Tajikistan & Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan will also be linked. There is a narrow strip of Afghanistan that comes in the way too.

It is said that Russian invasion of Afghanistan was ambition to reach warm waters!! Making such road\rail links will give these countries access to Arabian-Sea without them needing to invade anyone. It would be a win-win for all.

At the time Karakoram Highway was built, technology was not what engineers have today. It would be much easier, & safer to build high quality road\rail link now. Breaching the Himalayas should be relatively easy task now. To shorten the distance, raise in rather high as a bridge! to avoid serpentine longer distances.


To avoid that narrow strip of Afghanistan, we can build the main highway+rail to China & the link from Russia & Russian states could join that primary link in China. Thus skipping Afghanistan.

See if you can get a copy of James Mitchner's book CARAVANS. It has maps of the old trade routes which you now want to turn into modern highways and rail links.

During my 1963-65 posting to then West Pakistan I believe the USSR was working on a paved highway in the North from one of the Stans....this at the time when all these countries were part of the USSR. China, too, during the 63-65 era wanted to connect by road, perhaps by rail, but in 1960, having just fought a border war with India, China was not "up to transportation development" costs due to that war.

@Chinese-Dragon is right on the money. Russia is reasserting itself as a Super-Power and this time around Pakistan should be with the Russians to form an Alliance for the sake of common interests.

Russia relies too heavily on oil and gas revenue. Ukraine can hold Russia's pipeline(s) hostage and cut Russia's current income foreign exchange account almost in half, over night! Putin has made a huge mistake he will soon live to regret.
I think it is far too premature to be discussing a Pakistan - Russian alliance. The international situation is still far too fluid. It is not clear yet how the dice will drop and in the end who will align with whom. At the moment the Russian-Indian alliance still appears strong. The annexation of Crimea is only the beginning of a long process the end of which is far from clear. In the end each country will look at its interests from its geographical situation except for the United States which has global reach. In Bangladesh we are suffering from the US having gifted us to India in 2007 and now we have an Indian proxy government in Dhaka which is also backed by Russia. The Crimea crisis thus has implications for Bangladesh. Fortunately the Americans have realized their mistake but it is not clear whether it will mean a change of policy towards India. For Pakistan a major factor is the situation in Afghanistan and how the Russians and Indians respond to the US vacating the country at the end of 2014.
Russia relies too heavily on oil and gas revenue. Ukraine can hold Russia's pipeline(s) hostage and cut Russia's current income foreign exchange account almost in half, over night! Putin has made a huge mistake he will soon live to regret.

However you are ignoring another piece of the Equation. Ukraine is 100% dependent on Russian Gas and Europe gets 40% of its Gas from Russia through Ukraine. By blocking Russian Gas, Ukraine will not only strangulate itself but Europe too. So what you are suggesting that Ukraine will do amounts to Ukraine cutting its own throat and Pissing off Russia and Europe at the same time.

That theory of yours make zero sense......

I think Putin is way ahead of you there, my Friend.....
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Russia is kind of busy right now to be bothered with some far fetched thheories. What it needs now is try its best to band together its well trusted friends rather than put their hands in yet another messed up fast radicalizing and confused country for the sake of something that may not even be a remote possibility.

Increasing Russian influence in the Muslim world - Pakistan hardly has any influence with its Muslim neighbors nor any influence with other South Asian Muslim countries. It has no say in any stans of Central Asia nor South East Muslim countries. The only country they can influence is Turkey, Saudis and a few Arab ones - but we know how that will pan out compared to American influence over them.

Pipelines - TAPI, IP etc are dead meat because Pakistani leaders dont have the backbone to stand against the US intervention. Its a waste of time and energy for Russia into trying to offset wests influence in Pakistan because nothing beneficial will come out of it.
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