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Russia calls off joint military drills with Pakistan!

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FYI . the term P.o.K, Pakistani Occupied Kashmir should not allowed to be used on Pakistan Defence Forum unless or until it comes via a news source. @Horus @Slav Defence

Pakistani members are requested to report that term WHEREVER they see it. @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Dazzler @Mrc @WaLeEdK2 @YousufSSG @war&peace
Please tag any additional members you see fit, spread the word.
Go to the Indian Defense section and check their threads; you can participate in those threads and PLEASE REPORT any remarks such as "Why are Pakistanis on this thread or topic etc etc."
Got it @Zibago @Moonlight @django @Arsalan
@Mr.Meap @Mentee @PaklovesTurkiye
Beta jee nobody cares about death of 18 Indians soldiers. There would be a few statements of solidarity with India and all that.

And that's it. US, UK, Germany, Russia, China more or less it would be same everywhere.
These indians perhaps forgot the Newtons third law, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".
they are killing innocent people of Kashmir and when they fight back they people go mad and start blaming Pakistan.
Off topic but important, the website was inaccessible for a few minutes and there are some errors while typing the comment, Is it just me or anyone also experienced that?
FYI . the term P.o.K, Pakistani Occupied Kashmir should not allowed to be used on Pakistan Defence Forum unless or until it comes via a news source. @Horus @Slav Defence

Pakistani members are requested to report that term WHEREVER they see it. @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Dazzler @Mrc @WaLeEdK2 @YousufSSG @war&peace
Please tag any additional members you see fit, spread the word.
Go to the Indian Defense section and check their threads; you can participate in those threads and PLEASE REPORT any remarks such as "Why are Pakistanis on this thread or topic etc etc."
Please read the post above by our senoir mod @Oscar and spread the word :)
@django @Sipahi @Doordie @PaklovesTurkiye @barbarosa
Off topic but important, the website was inaccessible for a few minutes and there are some errors while typing the comment, Is it just or anyone also experienced that?

@django @Sipahi @Doordie @PaklovesTurkiye

I got the message... Yes...I experienced the same...PDF was inaccessible...any random fault occur or some one from across the border was involved?

Got it....
Four threads in Four Minutes.
Happiness ( and frustration) of Bhartis is so obvious :lol:
Pakistan is calling of its own military drills due to increased tensions. And possibly we did same with joint exercise with Russians. :P
Got it. But what's happening after this attack is that the Modi government is coming under increasing public pressure to take military action against Pakistan. If Modi and Co eat their words and limit the response to diplomatic action, they will be perceived as a gutless lot and will lose the next election. I sincerely hope this won't escalate into a war.
I got the message... Yes...I experienced the same...PDF was inaccessible...any random fault occur or some one from across the border was involved?

same here was getting a gateway error 502 over and over again maybe the server was overloaded
with traffic
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Wait for what???

Did your "friend" Russia just change its mind today and didn't give a f*ck to all your allegations about Pathankot attack or Mumbai attacks???

It is all drama by your media to save some face for Modi.
I thought this is a professional forum. Why do you guys take unnecessary digs at one another and use profanities? I assume most of us are grown up enough to talk in a civil way.
We are not going to ask them to cut all relations with Pakistan, ours is a relationship of Mutual trust and respect not that of master slave

Would they cut relations with Pakistan if India asks to do so ?

We are not going to ask them to cut all relations with Pakistan, ours is a relationship of Mutual trust and respect not that of master slave

How India trusts them, when they are selling weapons to Pakistan ? What kind of trust is that ? or they bound to sell weapons under Indian trust ? What is authority of India over Russia to impose that trust ?

We are not going to ask them to cut all relations with Pakistan, ours is a relationship of Mutual trust and respect not that of master slave

So you mean if they are selling weapons to Pakistan then Russia is master and Pakistan is salve ?
All these chest thumping and barking which we are listening from our neighbors will end in 30 days and they will not be able to do anything except sh!ting outside regularly.
I dont see it anywhere from Russia officially yet.
I agree. It's mostly on Indian press. The least that a foreign website wrote about it is Xinhua which said India need not worry about the exercise.


Russia strongly condemns Uri attack
Moscow expresses concern that base was attacked from Pakistani territory.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has strongly condemned the September 18 attack on an army base in Uri, India, which claimed the lives of 18 Indian soldiers.

“We strongly condemn the terrorist attack against an army base in Jammu and Kashmir’s Uri in the early hours of September 18, which killed 17 and injured 30 service personnel. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a rapid recovery to all those injured,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Regarding the Pathankot Indian air base attack in January 2016, we are very concerned about the terrorist attacks near the Line of Control,” the ministry added. “We are also concerned about the fact that, according to New Delhi, the army base near Uri was attacked from Pakistani territory.”

Russia called for a proper investigation. “We believe that this criminal act will be investigated properly, and that its organisers and perpetrators will be held accountable,” the ministry said. “We confirm our continued support for the Indian government’s counterterrorism efforts.”
This is what they always do when such attacks occur. Condemn the attack and don't do anything about it. I wish Pakistan too did the same.
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