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Russia boots out 60 US diplomats and shuts Saint Petersburg consulate

Well elections are on the horizon and so let's hope true reps of the people come into power.
Yes hope...but be realistic...as the leaders are so are their people....
Yes hope...but be realistic...as the leaders are so are their people....
Not applicable to most of the Muslim countries...a lot of these have been imposed upon us. Just look at Turkey, until recently, they used to be ruled by sickulars despite the farce of elections. So when Allah wills, a better leadership will take over. Pakistan people have suffered and struggled.
Pakistan should do it as well...we have a pretty large embassy, we need that space..
I disagree with this. Pakistan is in a vulnerable spot and should not take any measure that might backfire on it.

What Russia is doing, is not our concern.
Details please. I don't know what you are talking about.
Conflicts btw Iranian people has a long history which made Iranian to revolt against Shah a dictator supported by the US. due to military coup conducted by American back in 1953 to topple first elected democratic government (Iranian nationalized their own oil industry and therefore should have been punished) Iranian were afraid that the US would plan another coup and also the US refuse to five back Shah which in that time was in the US so Iranian students protested and held demos before the American embassy which eventually ended in taking over it ...
Iranian students found many documents proving The US attempts to reestablish the former regime one of them was working on Iran first president "Bani Sadr" whom was called "SD LURE" in American documents and later on fled country to the France.

Russia boots out 60 US diplomats and shuts consulate as UN chief warns of a new Cold War

The 58 envoys in Moscow and two in Yekaterinburg must leave by April 5 - while the US consulate in St Petersburg will be shut down


Saint Petersburg consulate

Russia booted out 60 US diplomats tonight as the head of the UN warned of a new Cold War.

The 58 envoys in Moscow and two in Yekaterinburg must leave by April 5 - while the US consulate in St Petersburg will be shut down.

The Kremlin’s move was the first retaliation for 60 Russian diplomats being thrown out of the US this week.

Twenty-four other nations joined the biggest mass expulsion of Russians in history by Britain’s allies, who united in condemnation of the nerve agent attack on ex-spy Sergei Skripal .

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned of more expulsions to come, saying: "The measures would be reciprocal.”


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Russian-US relations were deteriorating into a situation "similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War” (Image: Getty)


Russian President Vladimir Putin (Image: REX/Shutterstock)

Tonight UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Russian-US relations were deteriorating into a situation "similar, to a large extent, to what we lived during the Cold War”.

He added: "During the Cold War there were mechanisms of communication and control to avoid the escalation of incidents, to make sure that things would not get out of control when tensions would rise.

"Those mechanisms have been dismantled.

"I do believe that mechanisms of this sort are necessary again."

Meanwhile the daughter of poisoned ex-spy Sergei Skripal is now reportedly conscious and talking - raising questions over whether she will reveal who was behind administering the deadly nerve agent.


Meanwhile the daughter of poisoned ex-spy Sergei Skripal is now reportedly conscious (Image: Getty)

Yulia Skripal is no longer in a critical condition and is improving at such a rapid speed that just a few hours later she woke up, according to the Salisbury NHS Trust.

But it is still not clear what the long term damage to her health will be.

It was previously feared she may never recover from the nerve agent attack earlier this month.

The 33-year-old is still is in need of round-the-clock care at Salisbury District Hospital but has "responded well to treatment", medics said.

The condition of her dad Sergei, 66, remains critical but stable following the attack in Salisbury on March 4 - which has sparked a major row between Britain and Russia.

Good job.
Russia likely to rue its retaliatory expulsions


© Getty

Russia has become more daring with the West and may face a rising price. In the war of expulsions, Moscow is acting as the aggrieved party even though the Kremlin is “highly likely” to have ordered the assassination attempt against former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the U.K.

An angered West could turn from expulsions to economic countermeasures, hitting at Russia’s soft underbelly.

The current spate of expulsions may be worse than in the Cold War era. In 1971, Britain expelled 105 Soviet personnel accused of espionage, and in 1983, France ousted 47. In 1985, the British and Soviets each expelled 31.

In 1986, under pressure from Congress after the 1985 “year of the spy” in which the U.S. made a series of high profile espionage arrests, the Reagan administration removed 55 Soviets accused of intelligence activities.

The USSR responded by taking away 260 of its citizens who performed maintenance and other support functions at the American Embassy in Moscow and the Consulate General in Leningrad.

Last December, the U.S. ordered out 35 Russian diplomats in response to Russian election interference and harassment of U.S. diplomatic personnel. Russia did not retaliate right away, perhaps waiting for the Trump administration to take office.

Each time after a decent interval, the sides tend to find ways to restore most or all their diplomatic staff. A big difference this time is the scale of facility closures.

In December 2016, the Obama administration seized two vacation estates that it said were being used for intelligence purposes, one on the eastern shore of Maryland and the other on Long Island. Last August, the Trump administration forced the closure of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco, located high on a hill.

On March 26, the Trump administration ordered the closure of the Russian Consulate General in Seattle. All four facilities were diplomatically immune (U.S. personnel could not enter to inspect them) and located near sensitive U.S. activities.

In recent years, Russia’s relations with the West have kept breaking new barriers. Prior to 2014, when Moscow illegally annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region and launched a war in eastern Ukraine that still simmers (over 10,000 dead), few in the West expected enactment of major economic sanctions against Russia.

But in response to Crimea annexation, eastern Ukraine aggression and the shoot-down of the Malaysian airliner, Western countries denied Russia access to substantial financing and energy and defense technology.

Prior to 2016, when Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election, few in Washington dreamed it would deprive Russia of three important facilities, especially its high-profile Consulate General in San Francisco.

Prior to the Skripal poisoning, Western countries never imagined they would engage in a first-ever, large-scale coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats.

Russia and the West might now reassess ways forward. Continued expulsions have significant downsides.

Russia has suffered a body blow to its intelligence collection capacity in the U.S. and may not want to lose more. Moscow has asymmetric advantages in cyber espionage and cyber-attack skills and in military power near NATO’s eastern flank. Russia may find these to be attractive tools to continue its fight against the West.

The West has asymmetric advantages in the economic realm and may give them more emphasis. British Prime Minister Theresa May is said to be exploring limits or a ban on Russian government sales of sovereign debt in the London financial market, for which Russia has few good alternatives.

Russian sovereign debt is attractive in part because government debt and budget deficits are low. Last month, over $4 billion in such debt was sold in London.

A second area of economic pain to Russia could come more naturally. Russian misbehavior in Ukraine, Syria and the West keeps raising investor perceptions of political risk in Russia. Western investors who know less about Russia or live at some distance from it are sometimes more risk averse.

Russia is missing in action in the development of most global supply chains, reducing its ability to exploit its location between two of the three largest markets in the world: China and Europe. Investor perceptions of risk in Russia will need to diminish for Russia to take better advantage of this economic opportunity.

Finally, the Kremlin's aggressive posture on expulsions might jeopardize an early summit that Putin hopes to have with President Trump, who may face pressure in Congress not to meet.

Kremlin policy seems to accord higher priority to foreign geopolitical adventures than to improving the economy at home. Tensions between Russia and the West may not diminish until the Kremlin alters its preferences.

William Courtney is an adjunct senior fellow at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation, and a former U.S. ambassador to Kazakhstan, Georgia and a U.S-Soviet commission to implement the Threshold Test Ban Treaty.
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