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Russia-Belarus firm to export Pechora-2M air defense systems


Sep 10, 2008
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MOSCOW: The Russia-Belarus financial and industrial group Defense Systems will supply Pechora-2M air defense systems to five countries in the near future, the company's deputy general director said on Tuesday.

The Pechora-2M is an upgraded version of the Pechora (SA-3 Goa) low-altitude surface-to-air missile system. The modernized system features a longer range (up to 27 kilometers), an increased kill probability, better resistance to jamming, and the ability to engage multiple targets, including cruise missiles.

"We will deliver Pechora-2M air defense systems to three former Soviet states and two [other] foreign countries soon," Vyacheslav Karatayev said, without specifying the customers.

He added that the company was holding talks with another 10 countries on sales of Pechora missile systems.

"This system is very popular around the world. However, we have not yet been able to increase the production capacity to 15-17 systems annually, as was the case during the Soviet era," the official said.

Some Russian media sources earlier reported that the portfolio of 2009-2011 export orders for Pechora-2M and Pechora-2A SAM systems totaled 200 units, including 70 for Egypt.

The Defense Systems joint venture was formed in 1996 under a Russia-Belarus intergovernmental agreement. The company comprises 38 subsidiaries in both countries and focuses on the production, export and post-sale servicing of Pechora-2M air defense systems.

Why this SAM is effective??
The Egyptian army now wields brand-new Pechora-2M SAMs, "grandchildren" of the good old S-125, which knocked down nearly 4,000 U.S. aircraft in Vietnam and even one F-117 Stealth Fighter during the 1999 war against Yugoslavia.
A state-of-the-art elements base is another crucial difference. Unlike the older S-125 system, which featured lamp electronics, solid-state and digital units account for 90% of the Pechora-2M's electronic network. The service life of advanced microprocessors has increased from 30-40 to 2,000 and even 10,000 hours.

Moreover, the new jam-resistant system can successfully cope with enemy ECM (Electronic-Counter-Measures) systems and missiles.
Experts recall that the United States had used Shrike anti-radar missiles against targets in Vietnam. But things have changed since then, and even the sophisticated HARM anti-radar missile is unable to hit Pechora-2M aerial posts because they simply vanish
off the screen. Unlike its predecessor, which had a 26-km range, the new SAM system can hit enemy aircraft 35 km away.
The Pechora-2M features an optronic network consisting of one TV channel and one thermal imaging channel. This network makes it possible to attack and destroy aerial targets day and night in conditions of radio-electronic warfare. Consequently, the -2M can hit F-16 fighters at 30-km ranges and larger aircraft at arange of up to 35 km.
do china have this system or any other copy of it its seems amazing
which countries are potential customers of this system ? any info on that ?
However , as per my understanding these missiles launchers are not mobile and would be prone to modern ARMs.
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Tetraedr SRTZ-2TM Anti-Radiation Missile Decoy System

Air Defence System Defensive Equipment

Tetraedr in Belarus offer the SRTZ-2TM Anti-Radiation Missile defensive package for the upgraded Pechora 2TM / mobile SA-3 Goa SNR-125-2TM engagement radar.

The system is claimed to be effective against ARM homing seekers, ARM guidance packages with GPS midcourse control, and is claimed to provide a capability to defeat MMWI and EO/IR seekers. Claimed Pk is 95% for a single round HARM attack, 93% for a two round attack and 90% for a four round attack, with Ps for the SRTZ-2TM cited at 93%, 92% and 90% respectively.
However , as per my understanding these missiles launchers are not mobile and would be prone to modern ARMs.

If you can observe they are land mobile versions just google for its images
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which countries are potential customers of this system ? any info on that ?

Russian said 3 former Soviet regimes & two foreign countries!!
Lets say India one of the foreign country who will be the other, not China of coarse because of India/China rivalry. There is indeed a possibility that Iran having strengthen its ties to Moscow in previous years will surely opt for such a system & perhaps Pakistan probability of acquiring this system from Iran isn't very low.
As far as I know Americans already are stating something similar to Putin Ahmadinejad Another Hitler Mussolini
Vietnam upgraded Pechora-2M Air defence system
Vietnam sign contract with Tetraedr upgrade package over 30 combinations of the S-125 air defense missile "Pechora-M" to the standard S-125-2TM Pechora-2TM.

Tetraedr development is the combination medium-range air defense missiles S-125-2TM.Tetraedr was founded April 26, 2001 in the capital, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.

S-125-2TM Pechora-2TM will be equipped with at least 10 air defense missile regiments (the 8th regiment using Pechora-2M includes regiment 213, 250, 257, 274, 276, 282, 284 and regiment 285). In October 2010, the vehicles and components to upgrade the S-125 "Pechora-M" in first phase of this contract was transport to Noi Bai airport.

After a period of upgrade Pechora-2TM in A31 Factory, Department of Engineering, Air Defense-Air Force, 152 Battalion of the 250 Missile Regiment was the first unit receives the weaponry refurbished. From 26 to 28 March 2011, the Battalion 152 and Tetraedr experts, A31 Factory and Technical Department of the Air Force and Air Defense shot test at TB1 ammunition. During shoot, 152 battalions have used the equipment of S-125-2TM fired a total of six missiles (1 missiles on 26/03/2011 and 5 missiles on 28/3/2011) kill the six target aircraft, results killing 100%.

The second units to receive the S-125-2TM is the 122 Battalion of the Regiment 284. During live firing drills from 1 to 5 December 2011 at TB1, Battalion 122 with technical experts Tetraedr have conducted successful test shot of S-125-2TM with the performance of the equipment of 152 Battalion.

In the process of modernization, the basic parts to be replaced, equipped with photovoltaic systems "day - night" and defensive radio techniques to deal with anti-radar missiles. two missile mounted on truck chassis produce by the Minsk factory.
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