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Russia at Chinese Aerospace Show


Feb 27, 2009
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From 16 to 21 November 2010 the Rosoboronexport State Corporation will take part in the eighth International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition Airshow China 2010. The Corporation regards the exhibition as a step towards strengthening military-technical cooperation with China. This year about 40 models of armaments and military equipment for the Air Force and Air Defense and 10 civilian and dual-use products are on display at its stand.

China remains one of the most important Russian partners, despite some decrease in China’s share of Russian exports. Active cooperation in the field of aircraft and air defense equipment is going on.

"We hope to hold talks during the exhibition, which will give new impetus to the rapid development of military-technical cooperation between the two countries. The Chinese Army has been successfully operating Russian equipment, the foundation for our cooperation is strong, so we need to find ways that would accommodate the interests of both parties," – said Sergey Kornev, head of the Rosoboronexport delegation and chief of the Air Force special equipment and services export department.

At Rosoboronexport stand, the participants and visitors to Airshow China 2010 will be able to get acquainted with the latest models of Russian air materiel.

The Su-type aircraft are represented by the Su-30MK, Su-30MK2 and the latest Su-35. The latter occupies a special place in Rosoboronexport’s exposition. This multi-role super maneuverable aircraft has been developed using the fifth generation technologies. It has a new engine with thrust vector control, increased power and longer service life. An advanced information management system, an electronically- and mechanically-scanned array radar, new navigation and radio communication equipment, highly effective EW system, modern weapons - all this gives the Su-35 superiority over its counterparts. An onboard oxygen generator and auxiliary power unit significantly reduce the number of required ground airfield support facilities.

Equally interesting to foreign experts are MiG series fighters: MiG-29SMT, MiG-35 and its two-seat version. A distinctive feature of the MiG-35 is a well-balanced combination of high flight performance, operational effectiveness, reliability and safety. It is equipped with the Zhuk-AE active phased array radar, which detects targets at a distance of 150 km and tracks simultaneously 30 of them. In addition, the pilot can attack several targets at once with precision-guided weapons.

The newest Yak-130 combat trainer intended for efficient crew training has been developed in Russia and is entering service with the Air Force. This is today one of aircraft models enjoying increased attention from foreign partners. Owing to its excellent flight performance and special integrated combat employment simulation system, the Yak-130 is now the most effective means for training pilots to fly all modern fighters. In addition, the Yak-130 can be successfully used as a light combat aircraft.

Specialists will be able to get acquainted with the unique Be-200 amphibious aircraft, which proved excellent in extinguishing fires in Europe and Russia. Among the other exhibits are Il-76MD and Il-112V military transport aircraft, Il-78MK tanker, and Il-114MP patrol aircraft.

Russia remains a leader in several niches of the helicopter market. Strong demand for Russian rotorcraft suggests their high efficiency and reliability. This year the export deliveries in this equipment category will increase by 30% compared to 2009.

The family of Mi-type helicopters is represented at the exhibition by the Mi-35M transport combat helicopter, Mi-171Sh military transport helicopter, the world’s heaviest Mi-26T helicopter and its upgraded Mi-26T2 version. The MI-26 showed its unique capabilities in China in fire extinguishing and elimination of the consequences of earthquakes. With its help, it was possible to quickly airlift numerous military units and rescuers, heavy construction equipment and evacuate large groups of victims. Its latest version Mi-26T2 has a reduced crew and is equipped with new avionics enabling day/night operation.

Professionals may also get acquainted with a wide lineup of Kamov helicopters, including Ka-32 and Ka-226T multi-purpose helicopters, Ka-31 radar picket helicopter. Increased attention to the Ka-52 attack helicopter is also expected. It features powerful armor protection and weapons. Owing to its unique maneuverability, the Ka-52 can perform combat turns within a short time to take an advantageous position for attack. It can effectively conduct reconnaissance, surveillance and targeting missions, be used as a command vehicle coordinating an attack helicopter team.

Russia has traditionally held strong positions as regards air defense systems. The AD systems offered by Rosoboronexport make it possible to build an integrated air defense system, providing the interception and destruction of not only aerodynamic air targets, but also ballistic missiles at various altitudes and ranges.
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