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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

If I were to assess Assad, I would say that he's a brutal realist. Given his background as a doctor and the "accidental dictator", I don't think he's cold-blooded by nature. He's probably just seen that being soft on your enemies like Gaddafi will cause things to get far worse in the long run. He is willing to crackdown on the foreign funded terrorists, even if that means many innocents and less violent opposition people get caught in the crossfire. Better than getting your country destroyed.

If I were in his place, I think my constitution would prevent me from being as iron-fisted as him, and I would end up letting Syria fall into total chaos and sectarian civil war.

Yeah, i honestly believe that Assad is not a cold blooded guy, but he doesn't really have any choice, if he does show the mercy to these terrorists, then they would kill him.

Hopefully he can crush those terrorists as soon as possible.
Good decision by China and Russia. Another Libya where people are being tortured by (ex)Alqaida thugs trained by NATO, (as exposed last week by doctors without borders) should not be let happen. Asad will now remain an Iranian ally till the day he dies. Russia will keep its base in Syria and China will continue to sell Arabs all their stuff from baby napkins to their electronics since Arabs do not have any technology and west does not manufacture much anymore. So Arab opinion on the matter does not count. Most Arab leaders are American puppets whose spinal cords end in white house toilet and the people have no choice but to buy Chinese goods, so their misguided view on the matter is irrelevant.

See this video to see the facts on the ground
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That was the whole point of why the arab league inspectors were invited to Syria to see the reality on the ground and they pointed out that the massacre was still going on.

"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see." I highly doubt these inspectors are trained in police investigations. A possible problem with inspectors is that the host country (one being investigated) will lose it's sovereignty as the inspectors can go anywhere they wish. Am I correct?
Sometimes i just think these arrogant westerners have a special gene in their blood, that gene is to impose on others what they like.
1. In ancient times, their ancesters, aryans, massared the native habitants in today's india, then forced local people to learn their language. That's why today's india language and european language are in the same linguistic system. Poor india, it has be colonized by caucasians for two times.
2.In colonial times, they imposed theire religion and language on local people, and they decided other countries border with a pencil on the map. ****!
3.Nowadays, they use democracy as cover in order to continue to dominate the world. So people, open your eyes and look through their hypocrite appearances.
"Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see." I highly doubt these inspectors are trained in police investigations. A possible problem with inspectors is that the host country (one being investigated) will lose it's sovereignty as the inspectors can go anywhere they wish. Am I correct?

Dr's reports, family accounts, torture marks etc all form part of a investigation and human rights groups have stated syrian forces are behind the massacre.

---------- Post added at 12:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

Syria's Torture Machine - Picture - Syria's Torture Machine - Channel 4

Stills from mobile phone footage which show civilians being tortured by Syrian forces

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 AM ----------

Documentary - Syria's Torture Machine Part 1/2

Channel 4 UK - 19th December 2011

An investigation into the detention and torture of Syrian civilians, featuring shocking video evidence of men, women and children being subjected to beatings, whippings and more elaborate torture.

In this film, victims, refugees and activists who have experienced or witnessed such brutality at the hands of Syrian President al-Assad's forces speak out.

Their stories, combined with the torture footage, refute President Assad's claims that his forces are simply quelling an armed insurgency.

To follow the conversation on twitter use the hash tag #torturemachine.

Disturbing and distressing descriptions and film of torture and atrocities, including the deaths of children.
No surprise here. The countries with horrible human rights record themselves vote against getting rid of dictators like themselves.
Sometimes i just think these arrogant westerners have a special gene in their blood, that gene is to impose on others what they like.
1. In ancient times, their ancesters, aryans, massared the native habitants in today's india, then forced local people to learn their language. That's why today's india language and european language are in the same linguistic system. Poor india, it has be colonized by caucasians for two times.
2.In colonial times, they imposed theire religion and language on local people, and they decided other countries border with a pencil on the map. ****!
3.Nowadays, they use democracy as cover in order to continue to dominate the world. So people, open your eyes and look through their hypocrite appearances.

Only the East Europeans are genetically descended from Aryans, but the West Europeans aren't.

BTW, i think the Anglo-Saxon hegemony should be over and people anticipate a fairer world.
Only the East Europeans are descended from Aryans, but the West Europeans aren't.

BTW, i think the Anglo-Saxon hegemony should be over and people anticipate a fairer world.

umm no they are not and you going off-topic East european people on the whole are considered as Slavs and the aryan migration has been debunked.
the vetos really cannot be helped. syrians who feel let down should know that, after so many instances of american abuse of the human rights doctrine for their own profit, russia and china really had to stop the anglo-saxons this time and it was only unfortunate that when the music stops the syrians happen to be the one who is left with a chair. anglo-americans have done so many evils during the arabic spring and have ridiculously stretched and distorted the meaning in so many u.n. resolutions that everyone could see the double veto coming this time, and syrians should blame only anglo-americans for pretending to champion and thus ruin their cause.
Dr's reports, family accounts, torture marks etc all form part of a investigation and human rights groups have stated syrian forces are behind the massacre.

What about the Nato and its allies torturing Libyans as exposed by doctors without borders last week?
No surprise here. The countries with horrible human rights record themselves vote against getting rid of dictators like themselves.
I myself don't like CCP, especially those corrupted officials, but this issue has nothing to do with the debat here. All i want to see is a more balanced world, a more diverse world. I love to travel, i don't like to see people with same ideas speaking same langugaes wherever i go.
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