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Running out of ventilators is a real possibility. And Walton comes to rescue.


Feb 3, 2015
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For weeks now, the nation has been obsessed with one set of numbers: how many confirmed cases of coronavirus and how many have died?

But there is a whole other set of numbers the public needs to start paying attention to: how many ventilators do we have in this country?

Ventilators blow oxygen into the lungs of patients suffering from severe pulmonary stress and are essential for saving the lives of the sickest COVID-19 patients.

Bangladesh has just 1,250 ventilators -- 500 in public hospitals and 750 in the private ones -- according to Md Aminul Hasan, director for hospitals and clinic at the Directorate General of Health Services.

If the pandemic spreads, the country with more than 16 crore population will need at least 25,000 ventilators, said AM Shamim, managing director of Labaid Group, which owns a chain of private hospitals.

But ventilators are in short supply at the moment, given the rate at which the lethal, pneumonia-like virus is spreading across the globe. And in recent weeks, countries around the world have been scrambling to build and buy as many of them as possible.

Although regular manufacturers like Medtronic, Philips, Draegerwerk and Getinge said they have boosted their production, big names of other industries such as General Motors, Airbus, McLaren and Dyson have offered their engineering expertise or factory lines.

At the time of writing, the total number of confirmed cases of coronavirus around the globe stand at 740,157 and the total number of deaths 35,097.

One of the options available to Bangladesh is to explore scope of getting the device brought in from China, where the number of COVID-19 cases have dropped.

And another way is to explore the scope of making ventilators locally and develop manpower by training to run the devices properly.

The government is on this course and has enlisted the service of local tech giant Walton to manufacture it with support from Medtronic.

"We have already had a huge chat with the Medtronic team, which is run by an iconic Bangladeshi expatriate Omar Ishrak, and they have assured us to help in manufacturing ventilators in our country," said Zunaid Ahmed Palak, state minister for the ICT division, yesterday in an online press conference.

Palak with this team attended a video conference on Saturday with the research and development team of Medtronic and they have assured to share their source code.

"We are very hopeful to get their source code and patent by Wednesday and might go for manufacturing within the shortest possible time."

The junior state minister said he has already informed the prime minister of the development and spoke with the health minister over phone.

"It will be a huge mileage for Bangladesh," Palak added.

Access to Information (a2i) programme under ICT division is coordinating the issue and with its help Walton has already applied before the directorate general of health services yesterday, Golam Murshed, executive director of Walton, told The Daily Star.

Other than ventilators, Walton said it is planning to manufacture a few other medical devices like UV disinfectant, goggles, shield, respiratory mask, oxygen concentrator and PAPR.

Walton has also applied to import the components for the life-saving machines.

About 50 local engineers have already started work on this project, Murshed said, adding that the company can begin manufacturing the goggles and protective shield from the first week of April and the other equipment after that.

Another group of local engineers and physicians have developed a ventilator named Spondon recently too, said a press statement. Whether they would go into production anytime soon is undecided.

But the government though is planning to buy another 300 ventilators without further ado, according to Hasan.

"We are getting a lot of call. But none have the device anymore now," said Mohamad Saifur Rahman, manager monitoring and analytics therapeutic care of Philips Bangladesh, adding that all five portable ventilators its distributors had were sold recently.

Medical equipment sellers said nearly a dozen firms import and market ventilators made mainly by manufacturers based in the US and Europe.

And because of slow demand and relatively high cost, ranging from $10,000 to $25,000, they usually do not maintain a large inventory.

"We usually do not have ready stock. And it is supplied mainly based on order," said Shahidul Islam, director technical of Widespread Solutions, a medical equipment supplier and marketer in Bangladesh.

It may take seven to 15 days to import the devices into the country if the manufacturer has available stock.

However, getting supply from the US is unlikely right now as demand is through the roof there, he said.

But Md Maniruzzman Bhuiyan, president of the Bangladesh Private Clinic Diagnostic Owners Association (BPCDOA), is not too worried about the shortage of the lifesaving equipment.

"Only a small portion of COVID-19 patients will need ventilator support."

Some 80 per cent of the patients recover normally. Of the remaining 20 percent, the condition of five per cent among them may be critical and they may need ventilator support.

"Let us not think of the worst," he added.

The biggest preparation should be to prevent the spread of the disease by getting people to stay in, said Mohammad Mushtuq Husain, adviser of the Institute Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR).

The government should provide support to the needy so that they do not need to get out of their homes, he added.

Shamim says ventilators can still be managed if the government provides support to the private sector.

The government has given Tk 100 crore for the health sector and if the state bears half the prices of each ventilator the private sector will import a lot.

"We will import 1,000 ventilators in 15 days if the government provides subsidy," he added.

As of now, the Directorate of Drug Administration (DGDA) requested the National Board of Revenue to remove all duty and taxes on import of ventilators, said Director of DGDA Md Mostafizur Rahman.

Arif Mahmud, head of medical of Apollo Hospital that is set to renamed as Evercare Hospital, said the hospital is in the process of adding 20 more ventilators to its existing 56.

Md EE Yousuf Siddique, chief administrative officer of Square Hospital, however said having the equipment only will not be helpful.

"It requires trained manpower including trained intensivist respiratory therapists and trained nurses to run the machines," he said, adding that Square can help train human resource to run the machines.

For obvious reasons I have been paying close attention to the situation in both UK/Europe and BD.

FYI Walton is a manufacturing company that supplies TVs, fridges and other electronic equipment to BD home market and overseas recently.

It is the best shot that BD has in mass producing cheap reliable ventilators as it manufacturers vacuum cleaners, air conditioners and air purifiers - vital experience in air flow and purification that are required to design ventilators.

It's industrial capacity can easily churn out thousands of ventilators a week.

Luckily it just so happens that a BD'shi expatriate runs Medtronic who are global leaders in ventilator production and they will work with Walton to rapidly build ventilators on what looks like one of their proven designs.

Trained manpower will prove more difficult to find.
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For obvious reasons I have been paying close attention to the situation in both UK/Europe and BD.

FYI Walton is a manufacturing company that supplies TVs, fridges and other electronic equipment to BD home market and overseas recently.

It is the best shot that BD has in mass producing cheap reliable ventilators as it manufacturers vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, air purifiers and vacuum cleaners - vital experience in air flow and purification.

It's industrial capacity can easily churn out thousands of ventilators a week.

Luckily it just so happens that a BD'shi expatriate runs Medtronic who are global leaders in ventilator production and they will work with Walton to rapidly build ventilators on what looks like one of their proven designs.

Literally no one has ever has bragged about a Bangladesh origin CEO on PDF ever - you guys need to up your game :enjoy: or the world will believe all CEO's are of Indian origin :argh:

Realistically though it is highly unlikely current designs can be manufactured quickly. The pressure sensor on ventilators requires a glass wafer plate with microscopic holes which is very difficult to manufacture.

Someone needs to come up with a simpler design...


Literally no one has ever has bragged about a Bangladesh origin CEO on PDF ever - you guys need to up your game :enjoy: or the world will believe all CEO's are of Indian origin :argh:

Realistically though it is highly unlikely current designs can be manufactured quickly. The pressure sensor on ventilators requires a glass wafer plate with microscopic holes which is very difficult to manufacture.

Someone needs to come up with a simpler design...


Can we stop taking cheap shots at India please? lol

Yes I do not think it will be exactly a current Medtronic design but based on it to make it much simpler to manufacture in mass quickly.

Walton's huge experience in air flow and filtration, coupled with it's ability to rapid manufacture electronic components and appliances will hopefully allow the required number of ventilators to be produced in time.

What will be much harder is to find the trained medical professionals to operate these devices.
I am glad the steps are taking place although a bit late. Local conglomerates operating hospitals can ramp up training for ventilator experts/operators as stated in the news piece.

Literally no one has ever has bragged about a Bangladesh origin CEO on PDF ever - you guys need to up your game :enjoy: or the world will believe all CEO's are of Indian origin :argh:

Realistically though it is highly unlikely current designs can be manufactured quickly. The pressure sensor on ventilators requires a glass wafer plate with microscopic holes which is very difficult to manufacture.

Someone needs to come up with a simpler design...



I'm sure Walton has to import some parts and manufacture some in-house. As mentioned above - Medtronics itself relies on some 200 global suppliers. But China is slowly ramping back up as the worst in that country has mostly passed. Most parts are probably made there anyway.

Walton makes their cellphone motherboards in house from SMD components and has extensive CAD/CAM capabilities.
I am glad the steps are taking place although a bit late. Local conglomerates operating hospitals can ramp up training for ventilator experts/operators as stated in the news piece.

Bhai, they have been working on this for weeks and will produce the full range of medical equipment that Covid-19 patients may need + to protect the staff treating them. 50 engineers have been assigned to this emergency.

It is not that easy to produce trained operators and although they are working on this, this will be hardest part of the effort. Government can also call back those that have recently left the medical profession to bolster the current staff.

I hope that they are already planning on converting large buildings into temporary hospitals if the number of patients looks like it will start approaching European countries at any time in the future.
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Ah yes walton, the company with 600 cr Taka (70 million USD) adjuged capital (even by something as shoddy as BSEC) for its (still upcoming) IPO.... is going to save the day:


Huge capacity and proven experience for sure. Not brochure proliferation and blah blah run by nepotism connections with "daily star BD" and whichever other news cartels run by BAL+haseena at all.

....."and overseas recently." <--- Not if you check with the "overseas" countries themselves. All zilch there....because they are actual credible countries unlike BD.
Ah yes walton, the company with 600 cr Taka (70 million USD) adjuged capital (even by something as shoddy as BSEC) for its (still upcoming) IPO.... is going to save the day:


Huge capacity and proven experience for sure. Not brochure proliferation and blah blah run by nepotism connections with "daily star BD" and whichever other news cartels run by BAL+haseena at all.

....."and overseas recently." <--- Not if you check with the "overseas" countries themselves. All zilch there....because they are actual credible countries unlike BD.
When the lives of entire human race is at a stake you are spewing venom as usual at Bangladesh. Walton may be poorer than your person, but it is trying to achieve something. Open the link below to know about the Walton progress on building ventilators.

Literally no one has ever has bragged about a Bangladesh origin CEO on PDF ever - you guys need to up your game :enjoy: or the world will believe all CEO's are of Indian origin :argh:

Realistically though it is highly unlikely current designs can be manufactured quickly. The pressure sensor on ventilators requires a glass wafer plate with microscopic holes which is very difficult to manufacture.

Someone needs to come up with a simpler design...



Bragging is something we leave it up to the Indians. Their ego is so huge, there is literally no space for anyone else as their ego originates in India reaching the outer edges of the solar system !

Realistically speaking Dr. Ishrak is probably more American than he is Bangladeshi.

Dr. Omar Ishrak was elected to Intel's board of directors in March 2017 and was named chairman of the board in January 2020. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of Medtronic, a global leader in medical technology, and has served in that role since 2011.

Governance ... - Intel Corporation - Investor Relations
www.intc.com › investor-relations › board-of-directors
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Every Tom Dick and Rishi in every country seems to have designed and made a new cheap ventilator which will go into production in the next few weeks.
Unfortunately this is the kind of myth making that emerges when the childish gullible hang about forums waiting for miracles
There are indeed some companies making rapid progress ( Mercedes ) but they are all based in technically advanced communities
Every Tom Dick and Rishi in every country seems to have designed and made a new cheap ventilator which will go into production in the next few weeks.
Unfortunately this is the kind of myth making that emerges when the childish gullible hang about forums waiting for miracles
There are indeed some companies making rapid progress ( Mercedes ) but they are all based in technically advanced communities

Walton is not any "Tom, Dick and Rishi" dude.

They make vacuum cleaners, air conditioners and also air purifiers which gives the experience in air circulation and purification required to make ventilators. The ability to mass produce consumer products from Fridges to TVs in thousands every week means that they can make the required number in the short-time frames required. Walton manufactures around 40,000 fridges every week as an example of their production capacity!

In fact I would say that they are probably more suited than the UK's Dyson who has been given a UK government order to make 10,000 units for NHS, subject to regulatory approval.

As long as they have a proven design to work on, they are one of the most qualified to mass produce ventilators.
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Every Tom Dick and Rishi in every country seems to have designed and made a new cheap ventilator which will go into production in the next few weeks.
Unfortunately this is the kind of myth making that emerges when the childish gullible hang about forums waiting for miracles
There are indeed some companies making rapid progress ( Mercedes ) but they are all based in technically advanced communities

Just believe the "mass production", "export to germany" brochures, its ok, you can do it!

Then later ignore the reality (like what actual OTHER countries report in the end).

Rinse and repeat.

Then these clowns call each other hindu/indian false flaggers and such... and have their non stop drama about that.

This is supposed to all be taken super seriously....and you should not laugh at all at it, please.
Bhai, they have been working on this for weeks and will produce the full range of medical equipment that Covid-19 patients may need + to protect the staff treating them. 50 engineers have been assigned to this emergency.

It is not that easy to produce trained operators and although they are working on this, this will be hardest part of the effort. Government can also call back those that have recently left the medical profession to bolster the current staff.

I hope that they are already planning on converting large buildings into temporary hospitals if the number of patients looks like it will start approaching European countries at any time in the future.

The only saving grace is hopefully that the immunity levels for Bangladeshis against this are supposedly higher.

The NGO's at the very least should be making arrangements for makeshift hospitals now.

But the lack of people taking this seriously is certainly a concern with idiots ambling about in large gatherings. They had to mobilize the military to make people obey the lock-down. I saw videos where Police were whacking errant people with batons - I guess this is necessary among the poor and uneducated...

Every Tom Dick and Rishi in every country seems to have designed and made a new cheap ventilator which will go into production in the next few weeks.
Unfortunately this is the kind of myth making that emerges when the childish gullible hang about forums waiting for miracles
There are indeed some companies making rapid progress ( Mercedes ) but they are all based in technically advanced communities

Share with us the contributions India is making toward mass-producing ventilators...

Walton is not any "Tom, Dick and Rishi" dude.

They make vacuum cleaners, air conditioners and also air purifiers which gives the experience in air circulation and purification required to make ventilators. The ability to mass product consumer products from Fridges to TVs in thousands every week means that they can make the required number in the short-time frames required. Walton manufactures around 40,000 fridges every week as an example of their production capacity!

In fact I would say that they are probably more suited than the UK's Dyson who has been given a UK government order to make 10,000 units for NHS, subject to regulatory approval.

As long as they have a proven design to work on, they are one of the most qualified to mass produce ventilators.

I have probably posted Walton videos here in PDF some five times in as many years and Sanghis keep questioning Bangladesh industrial capabilities. Getting tired of telling these idiots that Bangladesh in 2020 is not the same as it was two decades ago.

When you invest hundreds of millions in vertically integrated production processes, you don't need Indian excuses.

Let’s build the ventilations, Produce other equipments , PPE and then export the excess to our SAARC communities and other countries - that should be our objective now .
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