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Rumored death of famed former Iraqi statesman and military commander Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri

Saif al-Arab

Mar 26, 2015
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Saudi Arabia

Rumors in recent days that Izzat al-Douri has died in a Tunisian hospital. So far unconfirmed.


Say what you want to say about him but he was an Iraqi and Arab patriot.

Iraq's army, police and institutions should never have been disbanded in 2003 completely. Some of the greatest patriots served in those state institutions. They could have been useful since 2003 in trashing corrupt politicians, terrorists (sect is irrelevant), opportunistic land-grabbing Kurds in the North who conspire against Iraq nonstop and to keep certain groupings, individuals from worshipping foreign neighboring regimes.

This has nothing to do with Izzat al-Douri being against Iran nor waging some war against Iran (lol) but more to do what would have been in the best interests of Iraq and Iraqis.

His most recent speech back in April this year.

Personally I believe that the Iraqi army should make a coup in Iraq in order to prevent political chaos, combat corruption more extensively which the current system fosters, destroy the current system and also change the failed foreign-imposed constitution that prevents true unity and for instance enables (legally) Kurds to continue to conspire against Baghdad. Barzani is a Erdogan puppet by large for instance.

@OutOfAmmo @SALMAN F
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Good to hear that the basatard rots in hell. And inshallah Ale yahood/Saud joins him and Saddam

@Saif al-Arab please accept my condolences you piece of shit

Religiously, culturally, linguistically and military conquered Farsi, please return to your cave. This is not the forum (Arab forum) for your likes nor the thread.

This is a thread for Arabs, Iraqis and people of Iraqi origins.

Nothing is confirmed. So don't rejoice too much. Your time will come as well.

Now return to your cave, kawli.

Unbelievable with the recent troll infection around here.
Religiously, culturally, linguistically and military conquered Farsi, please return to your cave. This is not the forum (Arab forum) for your likes nor the thread.

This is a thread for Arabs, Iraqis and people of Iraqi origins.

Nothing is confirmed. So don't rejoice too much. Your time will come as well.

Now return to your cave, kawli.
Saddams daughter has confirmed it. So don't be confused, it's already approved.

Guess what Ale Saud will join them soon enough, did you hear that Yemeni military has ensured safety of hodeyda port? Much of talking about Arabs, while having Arab blood on the hands. Whom you supposed to be an idiot?

Your Saudi masters have killed more Arabs than your own imagination, in Sinai, in Lebanon, and in every part of Arab lands. It's not Arabs that you are paid to fight for, as we already know, you are fighting for a disposed Kingdom that owes its existence to queen of England and Trump. You need to go back to where you came from, multi ID rat.
Saddams daughter has confirmed it. So don't be confused, it's already approved.

Guess what Ale Saud will join them soon enough, did you hear that Yemeni military has ensured safety of hodeyda port? Much of talking about Arabs, while having Arab blood on the hands. Whom you supposed to be an idiot?

Your Saudi masters have killed more Arabs than your own imagination, in Sinai, in Lebanon, and in every part of Arab lands. It's not Arabs that you are paid to fight for, as we already know, you are fighting for a disposed Kingdom that owes its existence to queen of England and Trump. You need to go back to where you came from, multi ID rat.

Now return to your cave.
He resurfaced in April 2016

In that video he requested the US and friends (KSA) to clamp down on Iranian influence...interesting guy.
I never heard about him but I would like to know more.
He resurfaced in April 2016

In that video he requested the US and friends (KSA) to clamp down on Iranian influence...interesting guy.

He is an Iraqi patriot. Every Iraqi patriot considers Iranian Mullah influence harmful. Not only that but every negative foreign meddling regardless of country.

His most recent speech took place in April this year.

I never heard about him but I would like to know more.
CIA agent, Saddams right hand. The one that called us Iranians, the majoosis kuffar who worships god of sun, one of the main sources of racial hatred among Iranians and Arab people.

He and his counterparts in Iraq created backbone of ISIS with American Saudi Israeli help to break the front line of Resistance forces in middle east, Meaning Syria. You shouldn't wonder to see that a Saudi paid troll falls In love with him
CIA agent, Saddams right hand. The one that called us Iranians, the majoosis kuffar who worships god of sun, one of the main sources of racial hatred among Iranians and Arab people.

He and his counterparts in Iraq created backbone of ISIS with American Saudi Israeli help to break the front line of Resistance forces in middle east, Meaning Syria. You shouldn't wonder to see that a Saudi paid troll falls In love with him

Arab-obsessed Farsi, keep your hilarious fairytale stories to your Mullah infested forum. Your likes are not welcome here, nor your trolling or derailing of this thread. I know that you are not too clever but try to return to your cave.

I don't care how many foreigners you fool with your hilarious nonsense (that quick Google searches will destroy immediately) but you are not going to fool a single Arab and that's all that matters here. Nobody is interested in your opinion either. You are not an Arab or of Iraqi origins. So keep out of business that is not yours and go worship your wannabe Arab Mullahs that rule you.
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BTW this is not an endorsement of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri or Ba'athist ideology. Unlike a certain Farsi troll in this thread, I am not supporting the Ba'athi ideology as this guy is doing with Al-Assad for instance whose ideology is no different from Izzat al-Douri that he cries about.

This is about Iraq's rampant corruption, Iraqi politics being all about sect and prone to foreign meddling (informed people know which countries I am referring to here), about the foreign-imposed constitution, about millions of Iraqis losing their jobs overnight in 2003 (who were not Ba'athists but ordinary Iraqi patriots for the most) in the military, police and state institutions, about a political system that enables a Kurdish tribal clan in Northern Iraq to conspire against the country and steal from it while being hostile.

Not to mention the current political chaos in Iraq which weakens the country.

The thread was posted due to rumors of Izzat al-Douri's death. This thread has nothing to do with Iran, Shias or whatever. Anyone that knows me knows that I do not care about sect and that the issues I have mentioned in this thread have nothing to do with religion.

People like @OutOfAmmo and @SALMAN F will understand and from past discussions agree with me.

Lastly notice who started with the insults (out of nowhere) and who started derailing the thread. The trolling started from the Arab-obsessed Farsi individual.
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To the darkest and deepest level of hell
congratulations to all Iraqis mothers who lost her son or daughter by these terrorist
Every one feel sad or mad for this cockroaches is an enemy of the Iraqi peop

@saif Al-arab if you really felt a little sad for this worm you make no mistake you're one with brain washed and you already reserved you place in hell with him
To the darkest and deepest level of hell
congratulations to all Iraqis mothers who lost her son or daughter by these terrorist
Every one feel sad or mad for this cockroaches is an enemy of the Iraqi peop

@saif Al-arab if you really felt a little sad for this worm you make no mistake you're one with brain washed and you already reserved you place in hell with him

Malik, I know that your family took part in the uprising against the Iraqi government back in 1991 and subsequently your family were welcomed in Rafha (KSA) as refugees along with our Iraqi Shia Arab cousins from the south.

You also hate the Ba'ath regime in Iraq for personal reasons while you support another Ba'athi in Syria doing similar things as Saddam did.

Millions of Iraqis, Shias included, would agree with many of my points as seen in Iraqi media. However you are focused on the person, not the points raised in this thread.

Also I am sure that you are well aware of the fact that millions upon millions of Iraqis loath and hate Nouri Al-Maliki (that harmed 100.000's upon 100.000's of Iraqis) while I remember that you supported him years ago and until the end. Can you see what I mean here?

You are ideologically driven that is why you will prefer some hardcore Iranian Shia from Mashhad 2000 km away over a secular Iraqi Shia Arab who agrees with the points that I raised.

See post 11 and try to reply to some of the points that I raised so we can have a constructive discussion.

Thank you.
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Malik, I know that your family took part in the uprising against the Iraqi government back in 1991 and subsequently your family were welcomed in Rafha (KSA) as refugees along with our Iraqi Shia Arab cousins from the south.

You also hate the Ba'ath regime in Iraq for personal reasons while you support another Ba'athi in Syria doing similar things as Saddam did.

Millions of Iraqis, Shias included, would agree with many of my points as seen in Iraqi media. However you are focused on the person, not the points raised in this thread.

Also I am sure that you are well aware of the fact that millions upon millions of Iraqis loath and hate Nouri Al-Maliki (that harmed 100.000's upon 100.000's of Iraqis) while I remember that you supported him years ago and until the end. Can you see what I mean here?

You are ideologically driven that is why you will prefer some Iranian Shia from Mashhad 2000 km away over a secular Iraqi Shia Arab who agrees with the points that I raised.

See post 11 and try to reply to some of the points that I raised so we can have a constructive discussion.

Thank you.
Let me tell you this what you see and hear in media isnt true one hundred percent some yes true some are not.
About millions that lost their jobs that's not due to almaliky management it's actually due to the system or regime the US established in Iraq Maliky can't change any while there's Kurds and Baathist in the Parliament

You don't see this just like some Iraqis who's been mis leaded by media that supported by the enemy of the new regime in Iraq

We hate Baathist because they destroyed the country also they became ISIS and supported the Arab and Muslims Jihadists

We Iraqis in General support our democracy and will keep doing it we really work in an environment that's hostile to our very existing you know what I'm talking about.

About Iran and it's exist in Iraq I'd say it's timely then it will desapear
But how about the Saudis Qataris Turks American Chinese Russians Even Bahranis in Iraq and every on of them use one of Iraqis group
Be realistic what can Almaliky or any one from shiite side can do while he's not supported by the west and their Allies
Iraq till the near past was under the section 7 or chapter seven we have to keep them all satisfied to survive
As you said 2003 people start loosing their jobs due to braime or brimer order of disassembling the armed forces

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