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Rumored death of famed former Iraqi statesman and military commander Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri

Let me tell you this what you see and hear in media isnt true one hundred percent some yes true some are not.
About millions that lost their jobs that's not due to almaliky management it's actually due to the system or regime the US established in Iraq Maliky can't change any while there's Kurds and Baathist in the Parliament

You don't see this just like some Iraqis who's been mis leaded by media that supported by the enemy of the new regime in Iraq

We hate Baathist because they destroyed the country also they became ISIS and supported the Arab and Muslims Jihadists

We Iraqis in General support our democracy and will keep doing it we really work in an environment that's hostile to our very existing you know what I'm talking about.

About Iran and it's exist in Iraq I'd say it's timely then it will desapear
But how about the Saudis Qataris Turks American Chinese Russians Even Bahranis in Iraq and every on of them use one of Iraqis group
Be realistic what can Almaliky or any one from shiite side can do while he's not supported by the west and their Allies
Iraq till the near past was under the section 7 or chapter seven we have to keep them all satisfied to survive

What is not true?

This is about Iraq's rampant corruption, Iraqi politics being all about sect and prone to foreign meddling (informed people know which countries I am referring to here), about the foreign-imposed constitution, about millions of Iraqis losing their jobs overnight in 2003 (who were not Ba'athists but ordinary Iraqi patriots for the most) in the military, police and state institutions, about a political system that enables a Kurdish tribal clan in Northern Iraq to conspire against the country and steal from it while being hostile.

Not to mention the current political chaos in Iraq which weakens the country.

Are those facts above a lie despite most Iraqis agreeing with it and talking about it openly on all platforms and even in the news (!)?

I have relatives that live in Iraq. That went through everything since 2003.

I do not care about Ba'athism. I am not a Ba'athi. My relatives in Iraq were never Ba'athists. They were always Iraqi patriots and Arab patriots who wished the best for Iraq and worked for it actively during the monarchy and even after despite not being communists or socialists!

I know what is going on in Iraq as well as you do. I also follow media and news. Maybe not as much as you do but I am still well-versed.

For instance I know all about the political chaos in Iraq currently which is a consequence of the failed system and I know all about the destructive role of the Iranian regime in this.

Who is a Arab puppet in Iraq exactly? Which Arab country claims or have aspirations of attacking Iraq or its territory?

Are Arabs or Turks mainly supporting Barzanistan? Who is supporting the corrupt system in Iraq and in whose best interests is a weak and divided Iraq most suited for if not the Iranian regime?

Was Ali Hatem Suleiman not supported by Erdogan? Did he not escape to Barzanistan? Who is the biggest sponsor of Barzanistan? Who are the Nujaifis connected to if not Erdogan and the MB?

Where is KSA in all those or other Arab states?

KSA does not need to seek any influence in Iraq since Iraqis are our own flesh and blood who we share ancient pre-Islamic history with, ALL chapters in Islamic history (from the Rashidun), language, religion culture, ethnicity, geography, COMMON interests etc.

Most holy sites in Iraq and revered contain people (Arabs) from modern-day KSA (Hijaz) so how can Iraqis hate modern-day Saudi Arabians? Really? How can modern-day Saudi Arabians hate Iraqis when almost all of us have relatives in Iraq, mostly distant today? This is insanity.

BTW I am against how KSA and most Arab countries treated in Iraq (ignored mostly) after 2003. It should have been done differently. I was and am strongly against some clerics 15-10 years ago calling the youth to go to Iraq and fight Americans later to be brainwashed by local groups seeking to murder other sects and dying there for nothing and creating bad blood between brothers. Those same clerics in KSA caused great harm for KSA ever since the Sahwa period and destroyed many families. Just like Iraqi people are innocent of the many 1000's of local Daesh terrorists (majority) and all their Iraqi (local) leaders, Saudi Arabian people are innocent of the few 1000 Saudi Arabians who went to Iraq since 2003 along with most nationals from the world, including Iranians as well whether in Daesh or Shia terrorist groups during the height of the civil war back in 2005-2008. But how long shall we dwell in this when there have never been any other problems in modern-day history expect for the invasion of Kuwait where KSA had no other choice but stand with Kuwait (like the international community) as KSA would be next and you too must disagree with this action (invasion of Kuwait)? Or what about Iraqi Jihadists in Syria, should Syrians now hate Iraqis forever?

BTW who is building tons of dams that will impact the very survival of Iraq? KSA, other Arab neighbors or states or Iran and Turkey? Please answer me here. Who is flooding the Iraqi market and partially destroying the local agricultural market for instance, if not goods from those countries? Who sold 10.000's upon 10.000's of suicide cars to Iraqis (1000's perished in those car accidents)? Was it KSA or Arabs?

Which country openly claimed that it controls 4 Arab capitals, one of them being Baghdad? Which country and nation (people) consider Iraqis as mere puppets? Which nation and people insult and harass (occasionally but it happens) Iraqi pilgrims that visit certain shrines abroad? Which nation and people claim to be racially superior? Do you honestly, with a hand on your heart, can honestly say, that this is all the work of KSA and Arabs?

Today KSA and Iraqi ties are great (governmental) and people to people level as they always should be.

Please understand this. I also do not care about sect. Today earlier, because I posted articles and photos of ancient civilizations in KSA (up to 10.000 year old like Al-Magar) I was called a Pagan by a Turkish troll!

Sorry for the long post. It was necessary to explain everything in detail not to create any unnecessary confusions.

Rumors in recent days that Izzat al-Douri has died in a Tunisian hospital. So far unconfirmed.


Say what you want to say about him but he was an Iraqi and Arab patriot.

Iraq's army, police and institutions should never have been disbanded in 2003 completely. Some of the greatest patriots served in those state institutions. They could have been useful since 2003 in trashing corrupt politicians, terrorists (sect is irrelevant), opportunistic land-grabbing Kurds in the North who conspire against Iraq nonstop and to keep certain groupings, individuals from worshipping foreign neighboring regimes.

This has nothing to do with Izzat al-Douri being against Iran nor waging some war against Iran (lol) but more to do what would have been in the best interests of Iraq and Iraqis.

His most recent speech back in April this year.

Personally I believe that the Iraqi army should make a coup in Iraq in order to prevent political chaos, combat corruption more extensively which the current system fosters, destroy the current system and also change the failed foreign-imposed constitution that prevents true unity and for instance enables (legally) Kurds to continue to conspire against Baghdad. Barzani is a Erdogan puppet by large for instance.

@OutOfAmmo @SALMAN F
He is one of the last saddams regime officials that are not dead or in jail

Baathists and Iraqis in general are famous for their big mustaches the represent the manhood even they use the mustache as an insult :lol:
Full moon have a good mustache :lol:

Mustache is famous on among Iraqi officials,army officers,soldiers, tribal leaders and regular people people with big mustache seen as brave, tough and high class even the shaqawa and futuwa gangs grow big mustache so they can look big and tough

These are some baathist and army mustaches:lol:


These are Bani Malik the tribe of the former iraqi prime minister Nouri al Maliki you can see the thick mustaches:lol:

and this is the best insult of all times:rofl:

and this Iraqi song threating to shave the Kuwaitis mustaches:lol::rofl:


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He is one of the last saddams regime officials that are not dead or in jail

Baathists and Iraqis in general are famous for their big mustaches the represent the manhood even they use the mustache as an insult :lol:
Full moon have a good mustache :lol:View attachment 481941View attachment 481942

Mustache is famous on among Iraqi officials,army officers,soldiers, tribal leaders and regular people people with big mustache seen as brave, tough and high class even the shaqawa and futuwa gangs grow big mustache so they can look big and tough

These are some baathist and army mustaches:lol:

View attachment 481943View attachment 481944 View attachment 481945 View attachment 481946View attachment 481947View attachment 481948 View attachment 481949View attachment 481951 View attachment 481952View attachment 481954View attachment 481955 View attachment 481956

These are Bani Malik the tribe of the former iraqi prime minister Nouri al Maliki you can see the thick mustaches:lol:

and this is the best insult of all times:rofl:

and this Iraqi song threading to shave the Kuwaitis mustaches:lol::rofl:


It is also common among tribal sheikhs in KSA but Iraqis top it.:lol: Wonderful post.:rofl:

I have a mustache and beard (stylish and middle-lenght) but not such a big mustache as Bani Malik!

People from Northern KSA have the largest mustaches in general.

Many of the Saudi Arabian diplomats in those two videos from Kyrgyzstan I showed you they are from North and Najd!

Notice the mustaches in both videos!:lol:

I believe it is a North Arabian thing which explains why Iraqis, Jordanians, Palestinians, many Lebanese and Southern and Eastern Syrians top this discipline usually.:D

@OutOfAmmo @Malik Alashter
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It is also common among tribal sheikhs in KSA but Iraqis top it.:lol: Wonderful post.:rofl:

I have a mustache and beard (stylish and middle-lenght) but not such a big mustache as Bani Malik!

People from Northern KSA have the largest mustaches in general.

Many of the Saudi Arabian diplomats in those two videos from Kyrgyzstan I showed you they are from North and Najd!

Notice the mustaches in both videos!:lol:

I believe it is a North Arabian thing which explains why Iraqis, Jordanians and Southern and Eastern Syrians top this discipline usually.:D

@OutOfAmmo @Malik Alashter
Mustaches among arab tribal leaders represent the powerful image of courage, heroism, horsemanship, and generosity

I believe the druze have the best mustaches in the region:lol:


This iranian journalist have a nice mustache:lol:

Kurds have one of the thickest mustaches:rofl:

Jeddah, 1918.

I found the winners from Hijaz.:lol:


Not a fan, lol.

Luckily this is the most typical and popular style in KSA;

Or this style;

This (more religious type usually)

I had all 3.

However I wish I could grow a beard like this;

(my all-time favorite beard seen on a painting/portrait)

Do you know who this is?


Guess which region of the world he is from?:lol:


Bashir was born in 1767 in Ghazir,[4][5] a village in the Keserwan region of Mount Lebanon. He was the son of Qasim ibn Umar ibn Haydar ibn Husayn Shihab of the Shihab dynasty,[6] which had inherited the super tax farm of Mount Lebanon, also known as the Mount Lebanon Emirate, from their Druze kinsmen, the Ma'an dynasty in 1697.

The Shihab dynasty (alternatively spelled Chehab; Arabic: شهابيون‎, ALA-LC: Shihābiyūn) were a prominent noble family during the Ottoman era in Mount Lebanon. The Shihabs were the traditional princes of the Wadi al-Taym, who traced their lineage to the Banu Makhzum of the ancient Quraysh tribe. The family inherited control over the Mount Lebanon Emirate from the Ma'an dynasty, their kinsmen through marriage, in 1697. This transfer of leadership was decided by the Qaysi faction of the emirate's Druze feudal chiefs and confirmed by the Ottoman authorities, who conferred to the family authority over the tax farms of Mount Lebanon.


Hijazi ancestry as well :lol::enjoy: but I do not believe that I can grow such an historic beard.:cry:

I think that I will change my avatar to Bashir Shihab II for a while as a tribute and respect for his great historic beard.:rofl:
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Jeddah, 1918.

I found the winners from Hijaz.:lol:


Not a fan, lol.

Luckily this is the most typical and popular style in KSA;

Or this style;

This (more religious type usually)

I had all 3.

However I wish I could grow a beard like this;

(my all-time favorite beard seen on a painting/portrait)

Do you know who this is?


Guess which region of the world he is from?:lol:


Bashir was born in 1767 in Ghazir,[4][5] a village in the Keserwan region of Mount Lebanon. He was the son of Qasim ibn Umar ibn Haydar ibn Husayn Shihab of the Shihab dynasty,[6] which had inherited the super tax farm of Mount Lebanon, also known as the Mount Lebanon Emirate, from their Druze kinsmen, the Ma'an dynasty in 1697.

The Shihab dynasty (alternatively spelled Chehab; Arabic: شهابيون‎, ALA-LC: Shihābiyūn) were a prominent noble family during the Ottoman era in Mount Lebanon. The Shihabs were the traditional princes of the Wadi al-Taym, who traced their lineage to the Banu Makhzum of the ancient Quraysh tribe. The family inherited control over the Mount Lebanon Emirate from the Ma'an dynasty, their kinsmen through marriage, in 1697. This transfer of leadership was decided by the Qaysi faction of the emirate's Druze feudal chiefs and confirmed by the Ottoman authorities, who conferred to the family authority over the tax farms of Mount Lebanon.


Hijazi ancestry as well :lol::enjoy: but I do not believe that I can grow such an historic beard.:cry:

I think that I will change my avatar to Bashir Shihab II for a while as a tribute and respect for his great historic beard.:rofl:
I know this man he is considered the founder of modern Lebanon

I think he and fakhdir-adin al maani are the most powerful rulers in the modern history of Lebanon

Shahibis they succeeded the Ma'anis and both are considered the strongest clans in modern Lebanon history

Bashir al shihabi killed sheikh bashir junbulatt Of of waleed junbulatt ancestors and member of the junbulatt family

I forgot to post this video in my first post :lol:
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Religiously, culturally, linguistically and military conquered Farsi, please return to your cave. This is not the forum (Arab forum) for your likes nor the thread.

This is a thread for Arabs, Iraqis and people of Iraqi origins.

Nothing is confirmed. So don't rejoice too much. Your time will come as well.

Now return to your cave, kawli.

Unbelievable with the recent troll infection around here.
racist post.facts!
racist post.facts!

Are historical facts now racism in year 2018? That's an interesting theory. Soon everything will be racism.:lol:

Will you cry if I call you Black?

Did you miss the rats unmotivated insult? The last thing that this thread and peaceful Arab section need is some Nigerian Mullah apologist. Please spare us all.

I know this man he is considered the founder of modern Lebanon

I think he and fakhdir-adin al maani are the most powerful rulers in the modern history of Lebanon

Shahibis they succeeded the Ma'anis and both are considered the strongest clans in modern Lebanon history

Bashir al shihabi killed sheikh bashir junbulatt Of of waleed junbulatt ancestors and member of the junbulatt family

I forgot to post this video in my first post :lol:

Yes, he is one of the most important personalities of Lebanon in recent centuries if not the most important.

Saudi Arabians in action again.:lol:

Great song.

BTW we should open a thread about Arab historical personalities (portraits) and old photos. There are some amazing photos out there. Not seen better from any region.
Are historical facts now racism in year 2018? That's an interesting theory. Soon everything will be racism.:lol:

Will you cry if I call you Black?

Did you miss the rats unmotivated insult? The last thing that this thread and peaceful Arab section need is some Nigerian Mullah apologist. Please spare us all.

Yes, he is one of the most important personalities of Lebanon in recent centuries if not the most important.

Saudi Arabians in action again.:lol:

Great song.

BTW we should open a thread about Arab historical personalities (portraits) and old photos. There are some amazing photos out there. Not seen better from any region.
I have a lot of different photos from Pinterest
The notion of these leaders, the ba'ath party being bad for Iraq is one that can and should only be supported internally without any attachment to foreign leaders or interest. When Iranians join along and you identify with them against Izzat, Saddam or any of the Ba'ath party then you're standing against your own country. Saddam over Khomeini/Khamenei any day, now or in the past. This is a major reason why so many Shia Iraqis fought Iran back then. Iran and Turkey should be kept at distance, both of them have dirty plans and are the major players in Syria who destroyed the country.

We don't want Qasem roaming around to get some newspaper fame and it seems to me that the past decade of Iran-Iraq relations has created some athmosphere whereIraqis are expected to thank and worship Iran as a savior and enabler of Iraq. Whilst in reality all we've received is a few rusty ex-Iraqi SU-25's, some small arms and that's about it (they were eventually paid for as per the words of Al-Abadi at the WEF). Iran's regime is of no benefit to us, they want to use us as an aggressor agains the Gulf States hence spawning all those groups (Kataib Hezbollah etc.) The PMU itself needs a reforming towards a national guard force dissolving all the groups in the PMU umbrella and militarizing them, currently they are tied to political figureheads.

Hadi al-Ameri is not that special, uneducated and not fit for ruling or high-level commanding of a force. Infact the PMU did not perform that well militarily, too many were lost in the fighting due to the lack of training and lack of armament (mostly without even the basics of helmets or body vests). Unfortunately this animal won many votes which reinforces my idea of closing some mosques.
The notion of these leaders, the ba'ath party being bad for Iraq is one that can and should only be supported internally without any attachment to foreign leaders or interest. When Iranians join along and you identify with them against Izzat, Saddam or any of the Ba'ath party then you're standing against your own country. Saddam over Khomeini/Khamenei any day, now or in the past. This is a major reason why so many Shia Iraqis fought Iran back then. Iran and Turkey should be kept at distance, both of them have dirty plans and are the major players in Syria who destroyed the country.

We don't want Qasem roaming around to get some newspaper fame and it seems to me that the past decade of Iran-Iraq relations has created some athmosphere whereIraqis are expected to thank and worship Iran as a savior and enabler of Iraq. Whilst in reality all we've received is a few rusty ex-Iraqi SU-25's, some small arms and that's about it (they were eventually paid for as per the words of Al-Abadi at the WEF). Iran's regime is of no benefit to us, they want to use us as an aggressor agains the Gulf States hence spawning all those groups (Kataib Hezbollah etc.) The PMU itself needs a reforming towards a national guard force dissolving all the groups in the PMU umbrella and militarizing them, currently they are tied to political figureheads.

Hadi al-Ameri is not that special, uneducated and not fit for ruling or high-level commanding of a force. Infact the PMU did not perform that well militarily, too many were lost in the fighting due to the lack of training and lack of armament (mostly without even the basics of helmets or body vests). Unfortunately this animal won many votes which reinforces my idea of closing some mosques.

If idiots on both sides stopped obsessing about sect and looked at the wider picture and what is in the best interests of the specific Arab country in question, 1) they would not dream about harming other Arab countries as this does not suit any Arab country, 2) they would not make divisions within the country based on sect and other differences enabling foreigners to take advantage of conflicts (I can mention Turkey's role in Syria, Iran's in the region and what they are doing in Yemen for instance with Houthis and Zaydis while they do not care about that country or people (not even a neighbor), what happens in Yemen does not impact them and they do not donate or even help Yemen in any way). Just filthy and dirty religious propaganda, arms and rockets smuggling and hiring Hezbollah advisers to help Houthis. Lebanon is another country that they helped destroy with Hezbollah and how they act. Lebanese do not need Hezbollah to act anti-Israel. That country is divided with a similar political system like Iraq. Shia, Sunni and Christian and we can all see how well that is working!

@Malik Alashter is ideologically (religion - in this case his own sect) driven due to family history (I understand this but at some point you also must move on) while we care more about the overall well-being of Iraq and the Arab world, at least immediate region. I do not think that religion should play any role in this discussion. If I am a Semitic pagan, so be it, if Omar is a Sunni Muslim, fine, if Hussein is a Shia Muslim, great, if Sarah is a Christian, no problem.

Why can't such a person see that the current system is failed and that it fosters sectarianism and that religious cleric monkeys on both sides should be silenced so they don't spread harmful nonsense that simpletons copy?

MbS is targeting such monkeys in KSA. Most are in jail now. More need to follow. Why are they monkeys? Is it because they are who they are? No, it's because their poisonous views and harmful influences for the society.

Some will scream anti-religion or anti-Islam but that is not what this is about.
MBS is great

And these turban headed monkeys as well as dogs like Ali Hatem Suleiman need to be eradicated to make way for the new, the modern and the sane. Abadi ruled well however he is actually a westerner which is what Iraq needs as locals won't do well. He had no trouble accepting the election which stated he lost whereas others such as the parliament speaker caused problems. The middle eastern mentality does not cope well with power, we see al-Assad and Saddam rather dragging a country to hell instead of giving up power.

Turkey is the country that burnt Syria initially and started all this as we all know, they themselves do not like to admit it but it's their mess. They tried the same in Iraq, all Iran does is watch along and ship some arms. If Iran was truly Syria's allie we would've seen their troops in Syria. Instead, we saw more Iraqis fighting in Syria defending Assad than Iranians. Americans need to stay in Iraq for the reason that Iraq hosts some feral animals who might just consider signing a treaty allie with Iran which will take Iraq to civil war. Their presence is very much needed for the coming 10 years.

Iran and Iraq can have good relations, only when Iraq makes it clear to them where the boundaries are which they always have trouble with understanding. Some PMU elements need trashing on the political level, Sadr supports this.
Al-Assad (from my stand point) would not be such a huge problem if he did not help start this Syrian civil war due to lack of reforms and his incompetence and if he did not foolishly rely on the Iranian regime (in what way does this benefit Syria and what interests do the average Syrian have in common with the average Iranian far away and especially that regime?).

Personally of course I consider the whole Al-Assad family to be trash due to their betrayals against Iraq, incompetence and treason during 1980-1988 as well as wasting Syria's potential. Problem is that many Shia Arabs in the region consider it a holy duty to help his regime, including Saudi Arabia Shia and Shias in the GCC. For reasons I find hard to understand. Some theory about Syrians suddenly murdering all the Alawis in Syria. Something along those lines while prior to Al-Assad Sunnis (Arab and Syrian nationalist - real ones) ruled and nobody was murdered. Now his stupidity has caused for Syria to become a puppet state divided by well-known entities. But if he can keep his throne, at least ceremonially, he does not care.

Fake nationalist.

MBS is great

And these turban headed monkeys as well as dogs like Ali Hatem Suleiman need to be eradicated to make way for the new, the modern and the sane. Abadi ruled well however he is actually a westerner which is what Iraq needs as locals won't do well. He had no trouble accepting the election which stated he lost whereas others such as the parliament speaker caused problems. The middle eastern mentality does not cope well with power, we see al-Assad and Saddam rather dragging a country to hell instead of giving up power.

Turkey is the country that burnt Syria initially and started all this as we all know, they themselves do not like to admit it but it's their mess. They tried the same in Iraq, all Iran does is watch along and ship some arms. If Iran was truly Syria's allie we would've seen their troops in Syria. Instead, we saw more Iraqis fighting in Syria defending Assad than Iranians. Americans need to stay in Iraq for the reason that Iraq hosts some feral animals who might just consider signing a treaty allie with Iran which will take Iraq to civil war. Their presence is very much needed for the coming 10 years.

Iran and Iraq can have good relations, only when Iraq makes it clear to them where the boundaries are which they always have trouble with understanding. Some PMU elements need trashing on the political level, Sadr supports this.

That Ali Hatem Suleiman (power hungry and switching sides, which is well-known when money is involved in the region unfortunately, not only in Iraq) has been disowned from the Dulaim and I have not heard anything about his whereabouts other than him escaping to Barzanistan years ago. BTW 2 days ago the former Daesh operations "emir" was caught in Al-Anbar due to local intelligence (tribal forces had great success hunting down Daesh actually).

Al-Abadi was great. Don't understand why he was not elected. Iranian regime was quick to demonize him.

Turkey, once Erdogan is gone, can be a great ally. It is Erdogan's deluded dreams of Arab worshipping him and Turkey ruling all Arabs (for the first time in history) that he dreams about. His wife is also ethnic Turkish Arab. Maybe she has told him some deluded day dreams. Anyway we can already see Turkification attempts in the Afrin Canton and talk about annexation of Syrian territory. I do not believe that Syrian nationalists support this or most Syrians but they have Al-Assad to thank for this. If he had stepped down another leader could have been elected but since most Middle Eastern regimes are family businesses they won't leave the throne.

Iran will be the hardest to have truly cordial relations with due to them becoming brainwashed. Either extreme Shia fanatics or some Aryan fairytale stories (long disproven by actual modern DNA tests) and some revenge dreams for something that occurred in ancient eras. However the normal Iranians are friendly people. Their largest diaspora in the world lives in the GCC (after the US) and they are overall not a problem. Especially Southern Iranians (Arabs, Lurs, genuine Persians) have great people to people relations (historically - at least for much of history) with neighboring Arabia (Eastern Arabia in particular) and Eastern Iraq. No problem with them.

It is the Mullah regime that is the problem and their supporters (majority here on PDF). Problem is not the entire nation. No such nation is a problem. Not even Israel.

But people like Malik will not change their views I believe just like religiously motivated (solely) people on the other side will not. They will still not recognize the Iraqi army under Al-Abadi because of influences of the likes of Al-Amiri and accusations of "Iranian army".

Al-Abadi did great in uniting Iraqis but now we do not know what will happen. Al-Sadr is a bit of a joke. Educated in Qom (lived there for years), at one point anti-West, then became friendly, first anti-Arab (regimes at least), then became friendly, first he wanted to cooperate with communists, now it's the Iranian regime faction led by Al-Amiri. It's a mess with all due respect.
Mess indeed. A coup would do well at this point and if some small PMU elements cause trouble the military would be able to put them down, US would help as well. The current system is in favor of foreign meddling, Kurdish sabotage and constantly results in deadlocked situations. Iraq's system might be 'ideal' on paper, but when you neighbor dictatorships it does not work. Democracy is a system where foreign meddling is inevitable, especially when you neighbor Turkey and Iran who both seek to expand their trashy ideolgy.
Mess indeed. A coup would do well at this point and if some small PMU elements cause trouble the military would be able to put them down, US would help as well. The current system is in favor of foreign meddling, Kurdish sabotage and constantly results in deadlocked situations. Iraq's system might be 'ideal' on paper, but when you neighbor dictatorships it does not work. Democracy is a system where foreign meddling is inevitable, especially when you neighbor Turkey and Iran who both seek to expand their trashy ideolgy.

In a diverse (religiously and likewise ethnically although Arabs are majority) state like Iraq, only nationalism can truly succeed. Some "Shia Imamate" will not please a large portion of the society. A "Sunni Caliphate" will not please the majority. Iraqization will be considered as "Arabization" by the Kurds in the North who will scream "genocide" and all Western media will favor them because Arabs have become evil lately while just 40 years ago most Arab was very cool in the West expect for some Hollywood movies made by mainly Jewish directors.

If the military (which most likely has been infiltrated by pro-Al-Amiri people for instance and others) will try to do a coup, a civil war (new one) can be ignited as I believe that this will be heavily opposed by the "Malik segment". Even more by locals who live in Iraq and are only taught sources from likes of Al-Sadr, Al-Amiri etc.

Therefore a leader like Al-Abadi (nationalists) who sought cordial ties with all neighbors and good relations with the West (perfect tactic) would have been very useful. He should have ruled for more years in order to install more national unity and improve old faults under Al-Maliki. This would have fostered an environment that was like pre-1979 (unity, good ties with Arab nations, only the Kurdish problem in the North mostly etc.).

Now if Al-Sadr and the Al-Amiri monkey gets years to rule, they will ruin (I believe) all progress made under Al-Abadi. It would be tragic. Most the problem here is Al-Amiri as Al-Sadr is more pragmatic.

But MAYBE just MAYBE even Al-Amiri and his likes will not try to destroy the status quo (in terms of relations with the region and West) and not forget that they are also Arab (which they talk often about) and them wanting good ties with Arab countries, especially neighbors. Let us hope in this case that they will not listen too much to the Iranian regime who wants them to be hostile to Arabs.

What is your view @SALMAN F . We know Malik's view and he never changes his views I have noticed.
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