No, its far from heaven. And about your REAL problems, I assure you, NOBODY is working on correcting it.
99.9 % of the population of kerala are not even AWARE of the real problem that plague the state.
Not even the RSS in kerala, most of whom have grown up drinking the communist and christian propaganda which is today "kerala culture".
They think the problem is Alcoholism while ignoring the REAL underlying reasons for Alcoholism which is Hopelessness.
They think the problem is Law and order, while ignoring the REAL underlying reasons which are Broken families and fast disappearing social and cultural VALUES which are replaced by more "pragmatic" principles like sleeping with your neighbors wife if her husband is in the gulf and preying on his daughter.
Your REAL problem is the total replacement of Hindu Values with christian western values that put MONEY above everything else. Self before society. Self gratification before moral and ethical behavior.
How many of you are even AWARE of this ? How many of you have the wisdom or the courage to even ACKNOWLEDGE this ? Not many, I can assure you. THAT is the reality of Kerala and this reality will write your future.
And all you can do is be in DENIAL while abusing the RSS for all your ills.