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RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism .

The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church priests always wear the Kavi dress as their uniform..

If you look at the picture it is not only the priest his followers also wearing the kavi dress..... I have seen people going to malayattor wearing kavi dothi...... not one most of them....There is some reason behind it, which i do not know
must have to do with the weather I guess, saffron keeps the body cool whereas in whites they perspire like hell.

No, it cannot be, because saffron is used only for this particular yaathra and that too on a particular time.....

I heard saffron is really expensive.

You can get a dhoti from Rs 40 to 400
We should never allow this. All secular Indians should unite and donate their everything to Christian Evangelicals and Tablighi Jamaat to convert 10 or 100 times this number into their respective faiths. Only a demise of Hinduism in its entirety can guarantee communal harmony.

Dude, RSS is doing a lame thing....
No, it cannot be, because saffron is used only for this particular yaathra and that too on a particular time.....
It was a joke bro, not a serious explanation. Have no idea about it though, would love to know the reason behind it, if one can share it here.
All conversions are pointless but the human mind is conditioned to respond to greed. Both the converor & the convertee are driven by greed, only for different things. To do what you suggest would require a noble heart, thats always in short supply though there are quite a few who do exactly that and get no media spotlight. Not enough masala there, you see,,,,,
If people want to convert because they sincerely believe in it, then its fine, but this seems more to do with ego boosting and getting some news headlines.
I heard saffron is really expensive.
Good stuff always is.
You can get a dhoti from Rs 40 to 400
I think he meant this one ...
If people want to convert because they sincerely believe in it, then its fine, but this seems more to do with ego boosting and getting some news headlines.

This is't ego, this is politics.
No, it cannot be, because saffron is used only for this particular yaathra and that too on a particular time.....

Mate as I told you many times in this forum.. Christianity in India have adapted many practices and styles from Hinduism.. It was been there for centuries not like some RSS guys saying that we are copying it recently to attract people. Here is one link which shows the life style of Christians here in Kerala..

Lifestyle of Kerala Syrian Christians | Nasranis

Some important parts!!

Many Syrian Christian practices are distinctively eastern and early western missionaries found them primitive and ignorant in their point of view terming them as heretics. The caste consciousness is prevalent till today among the Nasranis. There are many other Hindu traditions followed by Christians such as dowry system, decorations with rice flower, forty-one day observance after a death in the family. The ceremonies after child-birth, like initial feeding of the newborn with powdered gold and honey, solemn rice feeding (Chorunnu ceremony), tying of an amulet around the waist (arannyaanum) are all Hindu customs while those related to child-birth purification

Nasrani society is strongly patriarchal and inheritance is patrilineal. The father is the head of the family and is often called as ‘karnavar’, a title which is also given to the eldest male member in the family.

Property is traditionally divided among the sons. The most notable is the age-old tradition, that the youngest son is given the family house (tharavadu veedu) where he stays with the parents which is in contrast to rules in almost all other communities in Kerala.

You think Europe and America will convert to Hinduism?
Yes, they are converting in large numbers now..30 million americans and 5 million Europeans are now under direct influence of hindu gurus and doing hat yoga regularly and chanting omm.Vegeterianism,non violent etc, yoga and medication mostly followed by westerners and indirectly spreading hinduism. ISKON now a days spreading hinduism directly in many natins. Devotees of sway narayan are constructing big hindu temple in china as per request of chinese govt,.
Good Welcome step.They should be consensual not forced.Give them privileges there is nothing wrong in that

Like i said to the indians before....if yr sincere with yourself u will try to stop them if not them the world also wont be keeping quiet.

they are returning to the faith why should we stop them they are not born Christian or Muslims their ancestors were forced to convert by Mughals and Brithishers
Nice way to go RSS keep up your good work...Kick those pentecostal Christian charity out of the country first...
NEW DELHI: This Christmas, the RSS plans to convert at least 4,000 Christian and 1,000 Muslim families into Hinduism under what it calls the 'Ghar Wapsi' (returning home) programme. Organisers claim the event in Aligarh will be one of the biggest ever conversion programmes. Among the prominent faces at the event will be firebrand BJP MP Yogi Adityanath.

It has chosen the city, Aligarh, and the day, December 25, carefully. "Aligarh was chosen because it's time we wrest the Hindu city from Muslims. It is a city of brave Rajputs and their temples on whose remains Muslim institutions have been established," said RSS regional pracharak Rajeshwar Singh.

Christmas was chosen as the day for conversion because the event is a "shakti pariksha" (test of strength) for both religions, said Singh. "If their religion is better, they can stop them. It is a test for both of us. If they come to us on Christmas, it is the biggest rejection of the faith."

The families have already been identified from 40 slums in Aligarh, Bulandshahr and Hathras, Singh said. "The 4,000 Christian families belong to the Valmiki samaj. The Valmiki samaj is the feet of the Hindu society. We are incomplete without them."

The 1,000 Muslim families who have been identified for the conversion are descendants of Thakurs and Brahmins who have been convinced of their "lost pride", Singh claimed. RSS workers said the conversion was an annual event but it has been low profile all these years.

"Now many more people want to join us. This time we didn't indulge in any threat. We just had to make people understand," said Pankaj Singh, an RSS worker in Aligarh.

Many see the instances of " Ghar Wapsi" programmes organised by sangh outfits as an indication of their intolerance for minorities. They don't expect them to be treated as equals once they reconvert.

"On one hand they say they will treat the converts as equals and on the other hand they believe in Sanatana Dharma under which these converts will always be treated as outcastes," said Roop Rekha Verma, a former Lucknow University V-C who runs Saajhi Duniya, a not-for-profit working on communal harmony in UP.

Converting to Islam or Christianity has not necessarily reformed lives of Dalits, but going back to Hinduism will mean they will "be used as fuel against minorities", she added. The Sangh has outsourced all arrangements of the event to be held at Maheshwari College in the city to the Bajrang Dal. "There will be a havan anushtaan and use of Ganga water to purify the converts.

Pictures of Hindu deities will be distributed to them. We will tell them methods of our worship and give them our religious books," said Pruthivi Kumar, a Bajrang Dal associate in the region and in charge of making arrangements.

RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism - The Economic Times
If RSS is doing or planing to do it.. its not good...
Conversion of relgion is personal issue..
how much their life will chage for good from tomoorow if they become HINDU..
RSS had and doing good work in other areas.. this is uncalled for.
Hinduism still have curse of casteism.. untoucability...
lets make Hinduism pure to become more human and supportive to those who suffer ..
make relgion so goof that people will by WILL come and join..
now .. hindusim is still need some good solid chnage .. beter focus that

You are welcome........I am proud of my religion.check the promenade converts
List of converts to Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
hisduim is good but nothing to be so proud of..
we still have castesim .. still have untoucbailuty .. still dont consider dalits are hindus..
want proof ..
read matriomonial ads in newspaper .. its clearly show how people think .. even today
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