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RSS backed Muslim Rashtriya Manch on misson to change mindset of Kashmiri youth

Which war?
watch your answer. you are talking to a fauj historian now. :-)

Read Allama Iqbal's poem I have posted above Sirji : You are inheritors of great turkic and Farsi tribal culture. You inherit the sword of Islam. You brought superior culture from central asia to uncivilized Indian planes. Biryani and Pyjama too. You brought light of Islam to Satan worshipping culture of Punjab and Sindh and rest of India.

Tu Hi Keh De Ke Ukhara Dar-e-Khyber Kis Ne ? 8-)
Read Allama Iqbal's poem I have posted above Sirji : You are inheritors of great turkic and Farsi tribal culture.

Sindh valley has been a melting pot for a long time. While many Bharati Hindus tend to focus on invasions, the real mixing happened due to immigration.

The reasons were simply. Sindh valley produced a lot of food thanks to giant rivers. And back then finding plentiful food was tough.

Allama Iqbal may be ranting about Turks or Persians, (Majority Hindus used Persian as official language)

But in reality he was just asking people of Punjab and Sindh and KP to work harder and pull themselves up.

The whole idea of Jawab shikwa was that.

Sadly you missed all that and became a narrow minded anti-Turk blabberer.
Bhaiyyaji i am a lakhnawi to core. Have many muslim friends from childhood there. Heck i was practically raised by our muslm neghbouring family there. Stop with all this Lucknow-pakistan nonsense you have no idea how stupid you look while posting such nonsense specially in front of a real lakhnawi like myself.

even more when such guy is awarded think tank analyst title
There are some very solid rational reasons for favoring independence or merger with Pakistan. A simple case. The people-the muslims to be exact killed outside the AP high court in Hyderabad burned actually have families that still haven't gained justice. They say that they were attacked right after or during Gujarat riots.

I will speak about emotionalism here. What we have witnessed is people we know who were killed at the hands of Hindutva mobs or Indian organizations. Such people-those killed have families. Almost all seeking independence from India are from families that have lost members of family. That is not the problem only-justice is not swift in fact not even forthcoming. The families were told to go to Pakistan. So before calling our stand stupid stand in the position of one of these peoples relatives for one day-having their loved ones killed and being told by pillar to post that they will not only not get justice for the loved ones lost but also told to go to another land.

So save me the sermons. My relatives and those I know in Lucknow vouching for Pakistan not only have common relations with us, not only are based on common ideology (Islamic ummah) not only voted for AIML or PML as it is now during the 1946 elections but also sme of them if not all are victims of Hindutva tolerance.

Many despite this can be won over. Take up operations against Hindutvas in the same spirit as Muslim terrorists and you might save a lot of innocent lives and perhaps give the muslims something else to think about rather than independence.

I think @haviZsultan is very logical and he has his facts correct about history, identity and purpose of Pakistan. Although I see Pakistan as enemy, I must say I agree with haviZsultan. His thoughts are very clear and consistent with scholars and intellectuals and Nawabs and poets of Lucknow-Bhopal-Hyderabad deccan etc who shaped the idea of Pakistan.

Indians making fun of him I can understand but it is shocking that some Pakistani members also doing that. Lately lot of Pakistanis have been writing nonsense about ideology of Pakistan linking it with things like Indus valley and what not. This reminds me of the concept of Bid'ah. Such people are making innovations to the idea of Pakistan.

This discrimination and opportunism by regionalist politicians started within few years of creation of Pakistan when suddenly gates were closed for muslims migrants from India.

@FaujHistorian @GURU DUTT @RiazHaq
History and Indus valley well I believe that history is a very subjective topic. People view history in their own separate disparate ways. For example people often try to claim the history of the land they live in. I believe we should be collectivistic when talking about our history-accept that many groups will claim it.
Brother ground reality is different than what you are trying to project.
Yes agreed that kashmiries are peace loving and we tried peaceful means to put forward our view point.
Since I live in srinagar, I can vouch for it. No matter what you try to do. No matter how many billions of dollars you try to dole out in front of us. Our aspirations will NEVER EVER DIE. And you all know what our aspirations are.
We are demanding what you promised us.
We don't hate you. We love you. We respect you. But all we are asking from you is to keep your promises.
I think thousands of people participating in the burial of Abu Qasim surprised you all. It was an eye opener for you.
We want India to prosper but at the same time we are humbly asking you that you need to rethink your policies in Kashmir coz they are not taking us anywhere.
I will do a threadbare article on kashmir issue once I find time.
I think we should create a thread to discuss out of box solutions for kashmir issue.
Why not. We will treat the Hindus respectfully... anyone can be won over with respect. But our destiny is written. Pakistan will rule Lucknow.

Bhai sahab,

Good statement but the reality does not agree with your statement. Hindus have reduced, in fact all minorities are beoming extinct in Pakistan slowly.

Good luck with destiny and ruling Lucknow, seems like you are fed well with the Pakistan army propaganda going since last 60 years now. Kahi lucknow ke pechee lag lag kar, i hope you don't lose something else.

I only propose that in an environment where one group is ruled by the laws of the other the 2 in such circumstances cannot live together.

Sir, your statement contradicts now, how can you win over Hindus and win over Lucknow or any other such place in India? Hindus are a major chunk too... Because for example, in Pakistan you have a complete Muslim rule with Blasphemy and other strict rules, which favor Muslims but against/not favoring others? We all including you know how Islamic rules/teachings are misconceived by Maulavis or Rich/Goondas in Pakistan and used against minorities...Blasphemy, kidnap girls (minority community) and after 1 month claim she has married a Muslim man and wants to convert and so on....

How can Hindus as a group in Pakistan live or be ruled by laws of the other (Islam-Pakistan)?

You are not able to convince how you will win over minorities? India could not win them 100%, But at least they have grown in numbers and are on some path of reform (not 100% but better than others).
Bhai jaan,

with your logic, you will shout at Egypt's claim to pyramids.


Oh Sarkar

Pakistan is the true inheritor of Sindh river civilization. Do we have to file papers on the claim?

Why to be so pathetic Sir?

FYI. Bharat has Ganga valley. Go claim your link to that.

let's have Sindh valley.

Is it too much to ask?

And do we need Bharatis giving us certificates to live on our land, and claim our own inheritance?

FYI. Most Pakistanis are born and raised on Sindh river and its valley for the known number of generations.

What about you. Where were you born and raised. And for how many generations?

How many in Bharat claim to be born out of fathers coming down from Sindh river?

How many?

Please enlighten us. Thank you.

The Indic Civilization stretches between the Persian Civ and the Khmer Civ - whether you like it or not India, Pak, BD, Lanka etc. are part of the same civilization.

He has a blog on this where he regularly writes about it. With all seriousness.

Either a professional troll. Or NUTS.
Please share the link
The Indic Civilization stretches between the Persian Civ and the Khmer Civ - whether you like it or not India, Pak, BD, Lanka etc. are part of the same civilization.
off course bhai jaan

Sindh river valley was rich in food and metals. And thus acted as a source of knowledge and culture for the immediate region and beyond.

Somewhat similar to but much earlier than Nile river valley, and Tigris + Euphrates valley, Yellow river, etc.

Pakistanis of today are the ones who have lived and prospered on the banks of Sindh river and tributaries for 10s of 100s of generations.

So I am so glad you want to be part of our culture and history. (assuming that your ancestors too lived on the banks of Sindh river).

Thank you
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Bhai jaan,

with your logic, you will shout at Egypt's claim to pyramids.


Oh Sarkar

Pakistan is the true inheritor of Sindh river civilization. Do we have to file papers on the claim?

Why to be so pathetic Sir?

FYI. Bharat has Ganga valley. Go claim your link to that.

let's have Sindh valley.

Is it too much to ask?

And do we need Bharatis giving us certificates to live on our land, and claim our own inheritance?

FYI. Most Pakistanis are born and raised on Sindh river and its valley for the known number of generations.

What about you. Where were you born and raised. And for how many generations?

How many in Bharat claim to be born out of fathers coming down from Sindh river?

How many?

Please enlighten us. Thank you.
I think you have conveniently forgotten the fact that the largest Indus Valley site has been discovered at Rakhigarhi which is nearly 3 times the size of Mohejodaro(the largest of Indus valley sites in Pakistan) which is in Haryana.Plus the no. of Early/Mature Indus Valley sites that have been discovered in India is twice than that are in Pakistan.Again,the only dockyard has been found in Lothal which is again in the state of Gujarat.So,how can you claim that Pakistan is the true inheritor of the I.V.C./Saraswati-Gharghara valley civilization when the truth is that both India and Pakistan are the inheritors of I.V.C./Saraswati-Gharghara valley valley civilization:coffee:
I think you have conveniently forgotten the fact that the largest Indus Valley site has been discovered at Rakhigarhi w

Indus means Sindh river.

Use the real name if you can. Using anglicized names doesn't make it in your favor.

Thank you.

Now if you want to prove that there is a Sindh river site in Bihar.


But the farther you go away from Sindh river, the faker your claim will be.

Hope you took some basic geography .

Why not. We will treat the Hindus respectfully... anyone can be won over with respect. But our destiny is written. Pakistan will rule Lucknow.


Also we do not count ourselves as Indian-we are Lucknowi, Hyderabadi or other muslims. Not Indian.
You pretty much defined being a Pakistani in the above line.
Indus means Sindh river.

Use the real name if you can. Using anglicized names doesn't make it in your favor.

Thank you.

Now if you want to prove that there is a Sindh river site in Bihar.


But the farther you go away from Sindh river, the faker your claim will be.

Hope you took some basic geography .

You are again conveniently forgetting the fact that the mouth of the Indus(Sindhu in Sanskrit) river used to be at the Rann of Kutch in the state of Gujarat before 1819 earthquake which changed it's course.Plus you haven't taken into account the fact that the no. of I.V.C. sites in India is more than twice than that of Pakistan.Plus the only Port city found in I.V.C. is at Lothal which is again in Gujarat.Lastly,Indus is as much as our river as it is yours as it flows through our country for early 700 Kms before crossing into Pakistan.
Why not. We will treat the Hindus respectfully... anyone can be won over with respect. But our destiny is written. Pakistan will rule Lucknow.
Accha,you will treat Hindus respectfully,Don't drink and post. Already every year thousands of Hindu families from Sindh are migrating to India for Asylum,citizenship. Many of them are settled in the Indian state of Rajasthan,open the link given below.

Where should a Pakistani Hindu go? - Blogs - DAWN.COM
Accha,you will treat Hindus respectfully,Don't drink and post. Already every year thousands of Hindu families from Sindh are migrating to India for Asylum,citizenship. Many of them are settled in the Indian state of Rajasthan,open the link given below.

Where should a Pakistani Hindu go? - Blogs - DAWN.COM
The situation of any country does not remain the same forever... their migration is unfortunate but muslims similarly migrate which aren't given media attention just because we move from our ancestral places now under control of India, like Lucknow. There has been a constant stream of migration to Pakistan-it has been reduced but still continues.

Bhai sahab,

Good statement but the reality does not agree with your statement. Hindus have reduced, in fact all minorities are beoming extinct in Pakistan slowly.

Good luck with destiny and ruling Lucknow, seems like you are fed well with the Pakistan army propaganda going since last 60 years now. Kahi lucknow ke pechee lag lag kar, i hope you don't lose something else.

Sir, your statement contradicts now, how can you win over Hindus and win over Lucknow or any other such place in India? Hindus are a major chunk too... Because for example, in Pakistan you have a complete Muslim rule with Blasphemy and other strict rules, which favor Muslims but against/not favoring others? We all including you know how Islamic rules/teachings are misconceived by Maulavis or Rich/Goondas in Pakistan and used against minorities...Blasphemy, kidnap girls (minority community) and after 1 month claim she has married a Muslim man and wants to convert and so on....

How can Hindus as a group in Pakistan live or be ruled by laws of the other (Islam-Pakistan)?

You are not able to convince how you will win over minorities? India could not win them 100%, But at least they have grown in numbers and are on some path of reform (not 100% but better than others).
The laws will have to be changed to accomodate Hindus. This is all however immense speculation from us. It is what Pakistanis and Lucknowis would believe is the ultimate victory.

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