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RSS backed Muslim Rashtriya Manch on misson to change mindset of Kashmiri youth

You have a very arrogant and combative attitude which is a serious flaw for any person who wants to take part in a site meant for debate. Pakistan was built for oppressed muslims around the world. The reason why my parents and other relatives were provided refuge and accepted in Karachi. It is a safe haven for all people around the world. To realize this is not a flaw but a strength as by recognizing it we recognize the character of Pakistan-a place where Joginder nath mandal and Zafarullah Khan came despite having a different religion.

India used an asset the Mukti Bahini to divide Pakistan-yet we do not realize how internal rebels-even if we raise our voice through books and articles rather than weapons-Lucknowis can help strengthen the Pakistani nation and its people. We have had muslim relatives left in their regions for long. Yet we have never used them as an asset or treated them as such? Rather treating them as outsiders who do not belong to Pakistan. My nana who lived on in Lucknow continually supported Pakistan and married every daughter to those who moved-yet no one has honored his memory or him for his love of Pakistan. He is one of many major shafaats who died with love for their land Pakistan in their hearts but were never rewarded for it.

I have won enough muslims with my arguments. Which is why your government sees me as a major problem which it can't eliminate but winning a Hindu is new. :D

Lol. I know you are kidding mate. But there are very genuine grievances if not resolved can translate into a rebellion or major support for Pakistan.
I hope all of Pakistan thinks like you. Lunatics are incapable of posing any meaningful threat.

I have contacts in many places and our family is not only divided in one nation but many nations too. So yes I have relatives in Agra. My ancestral place from one side is Barabanki. Won't share more.
Your forgetting Hyderabad, Delhi etc is disappointing. Why only Lucknow? :disagree: All Muslims should be freed from pagan rule.
I hope all of Pakistan thinks like you. Lunatics are incapable of posing any meaningful threat.

Your forgetting Hyderabad, Delhi etc is disappointing. Why only Lucknow? :disagree: All Muslims should be freed from pagan rule.
The "pagans" can freely rule their regions in new pakistan... :D

I only propose that in an environment where one group is ruled by the laws of the other the 2 in such circumstances cannot live together.
Lucknow is my city and my parents and grandparents and uncles and probably 3/5th of my relatives born there. The said lands muslims voted strongly for Pakistan in 1946-90%+ of the total muslim vote of UP went to PML or AIML at that time.

The division of muslims on both sides when we were once one-supporting Pakistan in cricket matches and vouching for Pakistan in wars is upon people like you not on us Lucknowi muslims. Many Lucknowi muslims who stayed on there continue to support Pakistan. Yet their loyalty is rewarded by distrust and a singular and I must say idiotic obsession with only Kashmir when we have allies in other states too.

An asset is an asset for Pakistan and wherever it is it should be utilized. We Lucknowi muslims do not believe in India. Our relatives are an asset left there. They can be useful in a war with India. By ignoring them and treating them as separate from us we refuse to use our full potential in case of a war with India.

I strongly believe in Lucknows merger with Pakistan. You clearly don't so please mind your own business. If you do not agree we can respectfully disagree. Don't proselytize what other Pakistanis should or should not do. This is a democracy and freedom of speech is our basic right.

You can wish anything but your wishes are only day dream. There had been 4 wars in India and Pakistan. How many times did Lucknow or Indian Muslims helped Pakistan? The fact of the metter is that Indian Muslims hate Pakistan more than they what Hindus does. They see the Pakistani act and behavior as the source of trouble for them in India. I show this in many discussion between Indian Muslims panelist and Pakistani panelists.
The "pagans" can freely rule their regions in new pakistan... :D

I only propose that in an environment where one group is ruled by the laws of the other the 2 in such circumstances cannot live together.
I have a better idea. Come back. With a Ghar wapsi and all. :tup:

The land is not going, so why don't you come?
You can wish anything but your wishes are only day dream. There had been 4 wars in India and Pakistan. How many times did Lucknow or Indian Muslims helped Pakistan? The fact of the metter is that Indian Muslims hate Pakistan more than they what Hindus does. They see the Pakistani act and behavior as the source of trouble for them in India. I show this in many discussion between Indian Muslims panelist and Pakistani panelists.
That has to do with the nature of us Lucknowi muslims. We are more into education and fighting with the pen or our words. Even according to me that is the biggest service-convincing those loyalists who have caused damage to the independent cause to give up their pointless love for India and join our ranks. And many have joined us-none of us want to fight unless the situation is so severe that it demands us to.

But the moment we are forced to choose to fight the problems of India have been magnified 10 fold. Also we do not count ourselves as Indian-we are Lucknowi, Hyderabadi or other muslims. Not Indian.

I have a better idea. Come back. With a Ghar wapsi and all. :tup:

The land is not going, so why don't you come?
So I will have to convert to Hinduism first?
You have a very arrogant and combative attitude which is a serious flaw for any person who wants to take part in a site meant for debate. Pakistan was built for oppressed muslims around the world. The reason why my parents and other relatives were provided refuge and accepted in Karachi. It is a safe haven for all people around the world. To realize this is not a flaw but a strength as by recognizing it we recognize the character of Pakistan-a place where Joginder nath mandal and Zafarullah Khan came despite having a different religion.

India used an asset the Mukti Bahini to divide Pakistan-yet we do not realize how internal rebels-even if we raise our voice through books and articles rather than weapons-Lucknowis can help strengthen the Pakistani nation and its people. We have had muslim relatives left in their regions for long. Yet we have never used them as an asset or treated them as such? Rather treating them as outsiders who do not belong to Pakistan. My nana who lived on in Lucknow continually supported Pakistan and married every daughter to those who moved-yet no one has honored his memory or him for his love of Pakistan. He is one of many major shafaats who died with love for their land Pakistan in their hearts but were never rewarded for it.

I have won enough muslims with my arguments. Which is why your government sees me as a major problem which it can't eliminate but winning a Hindu is new. :D

Lol. I know you are kidding mate. But there are very genuine grievances if not resolved can translate into a rebellion or major support for Pakistan.

u stay with blinkers and blind dreams of taking a hindu majority state in2 pakistan as if pakistan not having enough problems of her own. we dont need 2 have a problem state same like another bangladesh/east pakistan sitting cosy in india's lap 2 have india cause more problems 4 pakistan just because ur family cant decide if they r indian or pakistani. if ur nana stayed in lucknow he is indian and pakistan cant accept lucknow as its territory even if gifted by india just because ur nana love pakistan and marry his daughters 2 pakistani men :lol:. he shud have packed and moved 2 pakistan then like my forefathers do. we cant reward 1 indian because he marry his daughters 2 pakistanis. our only claim against hindustan is 2 kashmir. all other muslim in india is indian. if they love pakistan they must pack and move 2 pakistan not sit in india and make hulla hulwa with hindus and say in quite how much they love pakistan. in short u r making a mockery of our claim 2 kashmir with ur silly arguments about lucknow
u talk like a dumb indian. in every revolutionary society must be 1 or 2 sellout 2 cause. same was with free india campaign against britishers. same is in kashmir with some peoples selling soul 2 devil 2 get few pounds. most kashmir peoples want 2 join pakistan
yo easy on the name calling man :) u certainly wont like it if I decide to stoop to ur level :-)
learn to engage people in a civilized manner if u want a proper response, anyways have a nice day, u are not worth my time :tup:

The reason why my parents and other relatives were provided refuge and accepted in Karachi. It is a safe haven for all people around the world. To realize this is not a flaw but a strength as by recognizing it we recognize the character of Pakistan-a place where Joginder nath mandal and Zafarullah Khan came despite having a different religion.
lmao :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I litteraly farted while rolling on the floor laughing at this
u stay with blinkers and blind dreams of taking a hindu majority state in2 pakistan as if pakistan not having enough problems of her own. we dont need 2 have a problem state same like another bangladesh/east pakistan sitting cosy in india's lap 2 have india cause more problems 4 pakistan just because ur family cant decide if they r indian or pakistani. if ur nana stayed in lucknow he is indian and pakistan cant accept lucknow as its territory even if gifted by india just because ur nana love pakistan and marry his daughters 2 pakistani men :lol:. he shud have packed and moved 2 pakistan then like my forefathers do. we cant reward 1 indian because he marry his daughters 2 pakistanis. our only claim against hindustan is 2 kashmir. all other muslim in india is indian. if they love pakistan they must pack and move 2 pakistan not sit in india and make hulla hulwa with hindus and say in quite how much they love pakistan. in short u r making a mockery of our claim 2 kashmir with ur silly arguments about lucknow
You have no ability to grasp what loyalty to Pakistan is actually about and how the idea of Pakistan remains embedded in the minds of many people in parts now occupied by said state. It is a na insafi that my nana supported Pakistan and the other idiots like you broke his heart.

I believe this will be the biggest problem for Pakistan when the time for its growth arrives. Mullah types worried about an increasing non muslim population and the ethnic nationalists locked in their hatred for other ethnic groups not wanting a new region to merge with Pakistan.

Bangladesh was an example of India using our people against us. The game is not over. Lucknow in my eyes is my region-our region-Pakistan's region. It should go to Pakistan. If you don't agree then no point proselytizing your useless ideas on me. Lucknowis and Pakistanis are one body and we will free our land. Muslims of the subcontinent completely belong to Pakistan.
That has to do with the nature of us Lucknowi muslims. We are more into education and fighting with the pen or our words. Even according to me that is the biggest service-convincing those loyalists who have caused damage to the independent cause to give up their pointless love for India and join our ranks. And many have joined us-none of us want to fight unless the situation is so severe that it demands us to.

But the moment we are forced to choose to fight the problems of India have been magnified 10 fold. Also we do not count ourselves as Indian-we are Lucknowi, Hyderabadi or other muslims. Not Indian.

So I will have to convert to Hinduism first?

It is pitty that you could not keep your country in order and it divided vertically into 2. You have independence movement going in each of the state of your country. Those who migrated in Pakistan in 47 are still known as outsider Mujahirs, You have to use army to suppress the movement and citizen of your own country and you are expecting that Indian Muslims will help you. They are not brain dead. Your Intelligence agency agent like Batkal tried to recruit Indian Muslim youth but could not recruit even a single Muslim. But your imagination and dream have no end. You can think and wish anything. You guys have not learned anything from past. You are doing the same mistake expecting different result every time. Good luck.
It is pitty that you could not keep your country in order and it divided vertically into 2. You have independence movement going in each of the state of your country. Those who migrated in Pakistan in 47 are still known as outsider Mujahirs, You have to use army to suppress the movement and citizen of your own country and you are expecting that Indian Muslims will help you. They are not brain dead. Your Intelligence agency agent like Batkal tried to recruit Indian Muslim youth but could not recruit even a single Muslim. But your imagination and dream have no end. You can think and wish anything. You guys have not learned anything from past. You are doing the same mistake expecting different result every time. Good luck.
Regardless the seeds have been sown by none other than Hindutvas themselves. Voting in a communal figure blamed for severe, extreme levels of violence has been elected and Muslims know what this means for them. Our vote 14% does not even count when even half of the 80% Hindus vote for Modi it means that Modi has won. So we have no voice in a united India. We and our allies think rationally about the benefits of merger with Pakistan or independence.

We are immune to the forced identity imposed on us of Hindustani or Indian. Therefore we work hard for Pakistan and its future. My views on how stupid we muhajirs are is clear. I have expressed them many times. Locked in ethnic conflict with other ethnic groups and supporting a terrorist like Altaf rather than uniting with our loved ones in Lucknow.
I have contacts in many places and our family is not only divided in one nation but many nations too. So yes I have relatives in Agra. My ancestral place from one side is Barabanki. Won't share more.
Where does your relatives in Agra lives. I am born in Agra and living here. And what is this Lucknavi Muslim, they all are Indian Muslim.

I strongly believe in Lucknows merger with Pakistan. You clearly don't so please mind your own business. If you do not agree we can respectfully disagree. Don't proselytize what other Pakistanis should or should not do. This is a democracy and freedom of speech is our basic right.

And how is it possible Sir, not physically, are you planning to through all Hindus outside for the sake of your vision

Sir, we are actually discussing about the RSS Muslim wing removing wrong perspective of the RSS among Muslims which was used by our congress, for invoking fear among the muslims for its vote bank.
Where does your relatives in Agra lives. I am born in Agra and living here. And what is this Lucknavi Muslim, they all are Indian Muslim.

And how is it possible Sir, not physically, are you planning to through all Hindus outside for the sake of your vision

Sir, we are actually discussing about the RSS Muslim wing removing wrong perspective of the RSS among Muslims which was used by our congress, for invoking fear among the muslims for its vote bank.

his thinking lucknow is a state in india where all the muslims including his cousins and all the hindus will want 2 join pakistan :lol:

this man must b a raw agent trying 2 trap pakistan again and thinking we pakistanis so stupid 2 fall 4 his antics. :lol:

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