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RSS-backed body wants Ayurveda, Siddha in "integrated" medicine curriculum

Nope, all of these are separate fields entirely. Again, claims depend on usage and practice.
For e.g. Menthol leaves are undisputed; whether used by a Vedh in his concoction or by Vicks.
you can have different fields but you need to have evidence to back up.... as of now, its missing from most alternative medicines... am not saying they are all lies, but as evidence emerges, mainstream allopathic practitioners will start endorsing them too.
without controlled trials, how do you know your medicine/therapy is curing you.. and effect is beyond random chance/probability?

This was the official view of our Govt. till a few years back, and it was banned. Now it is allowed.

I have never used it, but two cases came to my notice, which had surprisingly good results. One was of a a friend who had a very bad dust allergy.

The second was of a colleague who was Diabetic. He was Type 2, and he went from medicines to insulin injections. Then he started using a medicine called "Insulinum 1M" and he went back to Homepathy + elopethic pils, whose qty reduced over time, to the extent that he could eat sweets. Last when he retired, he had come down only to Homeopathic medicine. The only issue with that was he had to get it from Pakistan, and wasn't available here at that time.

These two cases, were really an eye opener for me. I don't understand homeopathic medicine at all, hence the question to you.
like I said, there are anecdotal evidence but not enough to suggest that they are effective. Controlled clinical trials that generate statistical evidence of efficacy of an medicine is a must... we are rational people here and we should trust logic and reason more than what our own sensory organs or personal experience leads us to believe...
let homeopathy go through double blind, placebo controlled trials...
There is increasing pressure on british govt to stop funding homeopathic treatment.. here is the page on homeopathy on NHS website...
you can have different fields but you need to have evidence to back up.... as of now, its missing from most alternative medicines... am not saying they are all lies, but as evidence emerges, mainstream allopathic practitioners will start endorsing them too.
without controlled trials, how do you know your medicine/therapy is curing you.. and effect is beyond random chance/probability?

like I said, there are anecdotal evidence but not enough to suggest that they are effective. Controlled clinical trials that generate statistical evidence of efficacy of an medicine is a must... we are rational people here and we should trust logic and reason more than what our own sensory organs or personal experience leads us to believe...
let homeopathy go through double blind, placebo controlled trials...

Well, controlled trials means investment in the industry. And while homeopathy is a growing industry, it is still not even close to the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical corporations. Homeopathy simply cannot be popular just because of urban myths in this day and age of technology; and enough personal experiences exist across a multitude of social strata to corroborate that for whatever chemistry involved; it has cured people rather than the plain treatment alleopathy offers.

Again, I do not doubt the human mind's capacity to control its own health and the placebo effect is undoubtedly powerful; I refuse to accept that we are not regenerative in most if not all aspects. But just as certain animals have natural instincts to consume plants or substances to treat certain common issues that they otherwise would not eat as regular parts of their diet; so do we.
Well, controlled trials means investment in the industry. And while homeopathy is a growing industry, it is still not even close to the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical corporations. Homeopathy simply cannot be popular just because of urban myths in this day and age of technology; and enough personal experiences exist across a multitude of social strata to corroborate that for whatever chemistry involved; it has cured people rather than the plain treatment alleopathy offers.

Again, I do not doubt the human mind's capacity to control its own health and the placebo effect is undoubtedly powerful; I refuse to accept that we are not regenerative in most if not all aspects. But just as certain animals have natural instincts to consume plants or substances to treat certain common issues that they otherwise would not eat as regular parts of their diet; so do we.
two fundamental principles of homeopathy are like cures like and you can get effective medicine that causes no ill effect on your body by diluting it(and homeopathy dilutes it to a point that you got a few molecures left in the sugar goli). Its makes as much sense as saturn causing trouble in my stomach now.
Come on, clinical trials does not cost millions, finding new molecules does. All the homeopathy dudes need to do is to prove existing cures, surely thats not really expensive? It has been here since 18th century, and no homeopathic company got enough money?

Here is how homeopathic practice works in India. The guys are not very bright, smart lot go to MBBS. These guys cant even finish a decent degree. So what do they do. Read up a thick book, open a clinic(anybody can do, the older you look the better). When a person walks in(usually a gullible simpleton), ask lot of personal question in the name of giving 'holistic treatment'.... give sugar pill which is pretty cheap... you are happy.. patient is happy because he got personal attention.
It works fine for certain 'non life threatening condition' but I cannot forgive people who take their children to these quacks for serious illness....
It works fine for certain 'non life threatening condition' but I cannot forgive people who take their children to these quacks for serious illness....
Like liver sirosis?
Because I have family that came back from MBBS saying "liver transplant is unavoidable" with advanced cirrhosis to MBBS saying "miraculous recovery". There are people whose daily So either it was a miracle or medicine; what is your pick?
Like liver sirosis?
Because I have family that came back from MBBS saying "liver transplant is unavoidable" with advanced cirrhosis to MBBS saying "miraculous recovery". There are people whose daily So either it was a miracle or medicine; what is your pick?
if you have been written off by allopathy and have nothing to lose, go to homeopathy.. pir fakir of your locality.. tie pic of mother teresa on your belly(she did cure cancer in at least in one instance)..... but please for god's sake dont go there first... and definitely not take your kids there... you are a criminal in my mind if you do so.
if you have been written off by allopathy and have nothing to lose, go to homeopathy.. pir fakir of your locality.. tie pic of mother teresa on your belly(she did cure cancer in at least in one instance)..... but please for god's sake dont go there first... and definitely not take your kids there... you are a criminal in my mind if you do so.

Yes you do have a point i.e. everything should be documented. I have seen similar cases where cancer was treated, CT scans before and after prove it. And all done by a spiritual healer. Maybe he is effective because he does it for free?

@Oscar Sir, What do you say?
Yes you do have a point i.e. everything should be documented. I have seen similar cases where cancer was treated, CT scans before and after prove it. And all done by a spiritual healer. Maybe he is effective because he does it for free?

@Oscar Sir, What do you say?
bro, for a medicine to become available it goes through many trials.. not one guy or two.. you need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it works... what if the spiritual healer could not heal 9 cancer patients and could heal 1.
Thats 10 percent... which is impressive if no alternative exists... otherwise its absurdly low.
That is why you need stats and documentation.
Here is double blind test... to reduce human bias
bro, for a medicine to become available it goes through many trials.. not one guy or two.. you need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it works... what if the spiritual healer could not heal 9 cancer patients and could heal 1.
Thats 10 percent... which is impressive if no alternative exists... otherwise its absurdly low.
That is why you need stats and documentation.
Here is double blind test... to reduce human bias
Exactly!! I agree with you. Thats whats mystifying about the guy. IF, he takes on a case, then his record is above 90%.

Anyways on homeopathy I think you are a bit harsh. People finding cure in it is no coincidence, I don't know how it's done in India, but on my last trip to Germany, I found a lot of people happy with it.

Lastly, to patients in my circle, that I have recommended have definitely seen a difference in their lives. I wouldn't be so quick to write it off.
Exactly!! I agree with you. Thats whats mystifying about the guy. IF, he takes on a case, then his record is above 90%.

Anyways on homeopathy I think you are a bit harsh. People finding cure in it is no coincidence, I don't know how it's done in India, but on my last trip to Germany, I found a lot of people happy with it.

Lastly, to patients in my circle, that I have recommended have definitely seen a difference in their lives. I wouldn't be so quick to write it off.
its largely due to placebo effect... pain reduction is among the primary benefit of such effect and it works no matter what type of 'medicine' you take, whether white sugar pill or capsules that looks real or even injection.

I would be very surprised if placebo effect works against dangerous pathogens... like rabies virus.... or even poison from snake bites.. since tricking our brains is going to be of no use in these instances.
I am particularly harsh because I am from a lower middle class family in India... and the life choices we people make is sometimes difference between life and death. If I could drink my own urine for a few days as self medication and then airlifted to NHS hospital, I would also think such alternative medicine 'cute' that does not work for me, but 'may be' its working for others? Am sure steve jobs is agreeing with me from other side... :)
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In olden days they were the doctors for the commoners and advisors for the Kings. They followed mostly Siddhar, ayurveda, and siddha to treat patients. That time, people were not used to cut their hair, rather they grow. When they got wounds, the "Vaidyas" removed hairs in the wounded area because “Barber Profession Part of Medicine”. Before they would do expertise in siddha or ayurvedic medicines. So apart from helping patients, people got their hairs cut as well.


LOL again. :lol:

We still call a doctor as Vaidya in Malayalam. So you really do not have to pretend to teach me my own mother tongue.

A barber is called Kasuragan in malayalam. He is called Kasuri or kṣaurikaḥ in sanaskrit. The word "Churi" for knife comes from this.

Nothing to do with Vaithiya.

No doctor was an adviser to the king unless his advice was for health care. One of the nav ratna in Vikramaditya court was the physician Dhanvantri who wrote the book "Ayurveda".

Even when the vaidya had to remove hair, he would ask his apprentices and helps to do so. They were most certainly not trained as barbers since barber was a specific profession mentioned even in the Manu Smriti.
LOL again. :lol:

We still call a doctor as Vaidya in Malayalam. So you really do not have to pretend to teach me my own mother tongue.

A barber is called Kasuragan in malayalam. He is called Kasuri or kṣaurikaḥ in sanaskrit. The word "Churi" for knife comes from this.

Nothing to do with Vaithiya.

No doctor was an adviser to the king unless his advice was for health care. One of the nav ratna in Vikramaditya court was the physician Dhanvantri who wrote the book "Ayurveda".

Even when the vaidya had to remove hair, he would ask his apprentices and helps to do so. They were most certainly not trained as barbers since barber was a specific profession mentioned even in the Manu Smriti.

You can laugh as much as you want . But soon you will see the reality. ISRO :rofl::rofl:
18-November, 2016 18:00 IST
Government is taking all measures to improve quality of education in AYUSH System of medicine: Shri Shripad Naik

A total of 297 Ayurveda, 19 Naturopathy & Yoga, 46 Unani, 09 Siddha and 197 Homoeopathy colleges are imparting medical education at Under-graduate and/or Post-graduate levels in AYUSH. 123 Ayurveda, 12 Unani, 03 Siddha and 43 Homoeopathy colleges are imparting medical education at Post-graduate levels. Research in the form of Post-graduate thesis work is also undertaken by PG scholars. The courses offered by these institutes cover aspects across various disciplines.

Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani institutions are regulated by a Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) constituted under the Indian Medicine Central Council (IMCC) Act, 1970. Similarly, Homoeopathy institutes are regulated by a Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) constituted under the Homoeopathy Central Council (HCC) Act, 1973. There is no Central body to regulate Naturopathy & Yoga institutes.

The number of students taking up education in AYUSH institutes at Under-graduate level is 34541 (17202 Ayurveda, 940 Naturopathy & Yoga, 2321 Unani, 420 Siddha and 13658 Homoeopathy) and Post-graduate level is 4923 (3646 Ayurveda, 45 Naturopathy & Yoga, 174 Unani, 140 Siddha and 918 Homoeopathy). Provisions for increase the intake of students are already defined in the regulations namely “The Establishment of New Medical College, Opening of New or Higher Course of Study or Training and Increase of Admission Capacity by a Medical College Regulations, 2003 read with amendment Regulations of 2013 (for ASU)” & “The Establishment of New Medical College (Opening of New or Higher Course of Study or Training and Increase of Admission Capacity by a Medical College) Regulations, 2011 (for Homoeopathy)” under which institutes are applying every year and after examining the recommendation/report of the CCIM/CCH, the Central Government granting Letter of Intent and Letter of Permission to the institutes. The Central Government is also making awareness among students and encouraging them through general IEC activities like Arogya Mela, exhibitions, campaign etc. The Central Government has taken steps to promote education on AYUSH system in the country by approving the regulations for the colleges and notified by the Central Council of Indian Medicine and Central Council of Homoeopathy.

The Ministry of AYUSH has established two new institutes viz. All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi for Post-graduate education and North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong for Under-graduate education in Ayurveda & Homoeopathy. Furthermore, the Ministry has granted permission to start Post-graduate course in two research institutes of Unani namely “Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine (RRIUM), Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir” and “Central Research Institute of Unani Medicine (CRIUM), Hyderabad, Telangana”. The assistance given by the Government of India under the component of Development of AYUSH Institutions of National AYUSH Mission (NAM) is facilitating improvement in infrastructure in AYUSH Colleges and attached Hospitals and thereby improving quality of existing educational Institutions.

To promote higher education in the AYUSH systems, the Central Sector Scheme of International Cooperation has a component under which International Scholarship/fellowships in the field of AYUSH courses are offered in premier Institutes/colleges in India.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.


18-November, 2016 17:17 IST
National Institute of Sowa Rigpa being set up at Leh (J & K): Shri Shripad Naik

The Tibetan Medicine system is known as Sowa Rigpa (Amchi). The System of Sowa Rigpa is practiced in many parts of India, including Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir); Sikkim; Darjeeling, Kalimpong (West Bengal); Mon Tawang and West Kameng regions of Arunachal Pradesh; Lahaul, Spiti, Kangra and Kinnaur regions of Himachal Pradesh. Sowa Rigpa has been recognized by Government of India by amending the Indian Medicine Central Council (IMCC) Act, 2010. The Government has approved the establishment of National Institute of Sowa Rigpa at Leh (Jammu & Kashmir) in this regard.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri ShripadYesso Naik in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

25-November, 2016 14:39 IST
Research about the Benefits of Medicines Made from Cow Urine in Chronic Diseases

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) through its constituent laboratories has conducted research studies in collaboration with Go Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, Nagpur on cow urine distillate for its antioxidant and bio-enhancing properties on anti- infective and anti-cancer agents and nutrients. Four US Patents have been secured since 2002 and one pharmaceutical product containing cow urine distillate with anti-oxidant property is available in the market.

Panchagavya is a classic collective name of five products obtained from cow viz milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung. Cow urine is ingredient of several Ayurvedic formulations and also used as adjuvant with medicinal formulations and for pharmaceutical processing called Shodhana (Purification) and Bhavana (Triturition) of medicinal materials.

Panchagavya and its ingredients are part of the course curricula of Ayurvedic studies at degree and post-graduation levels. Opportunities of postgraduate and postdoctoral research as well as extramural research on Panchagavya are available to the interested scholars and scientists.

Medicines made from Cow’s products falling within the purview of Section 3(a) and Section (h) of drugs and Cosmetic Act, 1940 are regulated as in the case of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani medicines. The licensing and quality control provisions for such medicines are prescribed in the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules, 1945 and the standards are given in the Pharmacopeia. Details of cow shelter houses and other agencies engaged in the activities related to cow’s products are not maintained by the Ministry of AYUSH since the enforcement of the relevant legal provisions is done by the state authorities.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri ShripadYesso Naik in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.


25-November, 2016 14:36 IST
Government following international quality control & quality certification practices to boost export of Ayurveda products: Shri Shripad Naik

Central Government issued directions in September, 2007 to the State Governments under Section 33-P of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 to streamline the system for licensing of patent & proprietary Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Products under Rule 154 and 154-A of the Drugs & Cosmetics Rules, 1945 by constituting an Expert Committee under the chairmanship of Commissioner/Director (Indian Systems of Medicine) of the State as per the provisions of the Rule 154(2) for advising the State Licensing Authority before any patent & proprietary Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani Medicine is licensed for production by any manufacturing unit.

There is no grading system for AYUSH products except categorization as classical formulations and patent & proprietary medicines as defined in Section 3(a) and (h) of the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940. Homeopathic medicines have different potencies depending upon the extent of dilution of mother tincture.

Quality standards of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathic drugs are prescribed in respective pharmacopoeias published by the Government. Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia contains 645 monographs of single drugs and 202 monographs of compound formulations; Unani Pharmacopoeia contains 298 monographs of single drugs and 150 monographs of compound formulations; Siddha pharmacopoeia contains 139 monographs of single drugs and Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia has 1117 monographs. Provisions for quality control of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathic drugs are provided in Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules thereunder.

For enhancing export of the Ayurvedic products, compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices has been made mandatory for the manufacturers and quality certification system as per WHO guidelines is administered by Central Drugs Standard Control Organization and similarly AYUSH Standard Mark and AYUSH Premium Mark certification system is implemented by Quality Council of India. Through the Central Scheme of International Cooperation implemented by the Ministry of AYUSH, financial support is provided for preparation of product dossier, registration of products in foreign countries and for participation of AYUSH drugs manufacturers in the International Trade Fairs, Exhibitions and Road shows.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri ShripadYesso Naik in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.



25-November, 2016 14:34 IST
Government is formulating AYUSH drugs for prevention and management of vector borne diseases: Shri Shripad Naik

The Central Government has set up four Research Councils, namely Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS) and Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) which are involved in research activities, inter-alia including development/formulation of new drugs. CCRAS has formulated Ayush 64, a poly herbal, anti malarial drug.

(i) CCRAS has recently developed AYUSH SL, a new Ayurvedic drug for filarisis; and AYUSH PJ7 for dengue. Pre-clinical studies for AYUSH SL has been completed. Pre-clinical studies for AYUSH PJ7 has been completed.

(ii) CCRAS has further made deliberations for conducting clinical studies with Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) to counter diseases like dengue.

(iii) Further, CCRUM has made observational studies on the efficacy of some Unani drugs in the vector borne diseases, viz., Malaria, filarisis and Kala Azar which has showed significant therapeutic effects in subsiding different signs and symptoms in these conditions.

(iv) CCRH has conducted preventive studies on dengue and chikungunya. Clinical management studies on dengue, Japanese encephalitis and acute lymphadenitis due to filariasis have already been conducted by CCRH.

(v) The Central Research Councils have developed guidelines for management and prevention of dengue, chickungunya with their respective system of medicine to counter dengue and chickungunya. Wide publicity through prominent newspapers have been carried by these councils during July, 2016 to October, 2016. CCRH has also developed guidelines for prevention and management in the case of Japanese encephalitis.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri ShripadYesso Naik in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

29-November, 2016 16:16 IST
CCRAS has Completed Clinical Research in 94 Projects of Ayurveda: Shri Shripad Naik

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) has undertaken clinical study of 17 formulations for reproductive and child health care and 8 formulations under drug development are in progress. CCRAS has completed clinical research in 94 projects. Clinical research in 14 cases is on-going and in 28 cases Clinical Research is to be initiated.

Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs are sold under license given by the State Licensing Authorities. Rule 158 B of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 prescribes regulatory requirements including submission of proof of safety and effectiveness for licensing of Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani drugs. Enforcement of these provisions is under purview of the State Licensing Authorities appointed by the State Governments. Directive is issued to all state Licensing Authorities, Research Councils, National Institutes, Health Universities and Ayurvedic, Siddha or Unani Drugs manufacturers Associations to ensure registration of the clinical trials of AYUSH in the Clinical Trials Registry of India (CTRI).

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.


The President further said there is a phenomenal shortage of about 2.4 million nurses in our country and there is a decrease in the number of nurses from about 1.65 million in 2009 to about 1.56 million last year.

"This indicates a worry-some trend. At the same time, our infrastructure also comprises of just 1.53 lakh health sub-centres, 85,000 PHCs and about 5000 Community Health Centres in a nation of 130 crore people living in more than 5000 towns and 6.4 lakh villages," Mukherjee said and stressed that it is essential to look for models where in all stake-holders participate rather than the government alone.
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