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RSS-backed body wants Ayurveda, Siddha in "integrated" medicine curriculum

Vaidya brahmins (or) Nayee brahmin (or) Dhanvantari brahmins were regarded as the highest Hindu caste along with Brahmins in India..

The term Dhanvantari Nayeebrahmin (or) Vaidya brahmin is used for traditional Purohit Aryans otherwise known as Brahmans, which means "noble". Vaidyanayeebrahmin who were part of the Vedic priesthood Hindu community in Andhrapradesh. They are known by different names in different parts of India . in other regions they are known as Purohithan / Purohit/vaidhyar/vadhya. In earlier times, these brahmins were known as Vadhyar or Vadhyayar or Purohit or Acharya or Pandit or Upadhyaya. They are traditionally Vaishnavas, They did yagna in early days in India. They were also experts in ayurvedic and traditional medicine, and treated patients according to the traditional ayurveda phisicions. Vaiththy- is the correct usage.The origin of Vaiththy is from Thamilnadu (Old Madras state).Vaiththys are migrated to Kerala as Vaidhyas( belonging to Purohitha- Bhramins of Madras) of Thamil solders.

Brahmin vadhyar/purohit/pandit caste name changed into Nayeebrahmin/isaivellar/maruthavar/maran/devadiga/ganaka/ezhava/Ezhavathy/Kavutheeya/komaram/Nai ect.. Vadhyar/pandit/purohit means one who know four vedas(rig,yajur,sama &atharva) Now vadhyar/purohit/pandit in India is known as Nayeebrahmin/isaivellar/maruthavar/maran/devadiga/ezhava/Ezhavathy/Kavutheeya/komaram/Nai etc.

In Atharv vrda one yagna/pooja starts with cutting hair and shaving .These experience lead them barber jobs.. The word Nayee stems from the Sanskrit root 'Nay'- which means to lead - stands for leadership.

The British indirectly dimmed the Siddha and Ayurvedic medical practices to be vanished away for their economical gains. The British set brought the hair cutting practices and people in general also started trimming their hairs in the name of fashion.

What a load of rubbish. :lol:

I am sorry to say, but Barber was from an uneducated class and hence a Shudra varna. Not a brahmin.

A Siddha or Vaidya was always from the educated class and hence a brahmin or a Vishya.
What a load of rubbish. :lol:

I am sorry to say, but Barber was from an uneducated class and hence a Shudra varna. Not a brahmin.

A Siddha or Vaidya was always from the educated class and hence a brahmin or a Vishya.

Not really , Before the British came , it was mainly Vaidya Brahmins or Hakeem's who use to be deployed along with the troops.

And they use to even carry out religious services .
Not really , Before the British came , it was mainly Vaidya Brahmins or Hakeem's who use to be deployed along with the troops.

And they use to even carry out religious services .

lol....Vaidya is not equal to a barber. In which parallel universe is a Doctor equal to a Barber ?

No vaidya does religious service of any sort. Most would not know where to start and what to say. You clearly have scant understanding of Hinduism.
While I would urge that it be kept out of aleopathic medicine. It is important to institutionalise and protect knowledge from homeopath and ayurvedic sources. Both of them have cure unlike aloepathy which has treatment.
I know of more than one person whose entire sinusitis was cured by a street hawking vedh
Why don't we keep them different from one to another?

I prefer Homeopathic medicine because of sweet pills..
Ayurveda is the mother of medicine. Its foolish to ignore it and move ahead in the false belief that its no more useful.

Consider how we study and understand physics.

In Einstein's Theory of Relativity, he stated that gravity is a distortion of SpaceTime which is felt as Gravity. This clearly proves Newtonian physic wrong.

Yet we continue to study Newtonian physics which claims that bodies "attract" each other and that is called "gravity".

But the fact is Newtonian physic however wrong it may be, makes it easier for us to build a rocket that can reach the moon. We do not need to use Quantum physic even though that is the most accurate way to doing it.

SO to treat a human being, we do not necessarily need the most accurate methodology and facts. Most times we just need to understand the problem and solve it using "older versions of medicine", however "non accurate" they may be.

Now if you want to do Neurosurgery then its better to go with "quantum physic" level of accuracy. But to treat a common cold or a back ache or a acne, its much better to use "Newtonian physics" i.e. Ayurveda.
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lol....Vaidya is not equal to a barber. In which parallel universe is a Doctor equal to a Barber ?

No vaidya does religious service of any sort. Most would not know where to start and what to say. You clearly have scant understanding of Hinduism.

I dont think you know much about Indian nation. If you go to Tirupati and the surrounding areas then you can know much about Vaidya Brahmins . I do know some of them personally and this is the reason i am trying to explain you.
Ayurveda is the mother of medicine. Its foolish to ignore it and move ahead in the false belief that its no more useful.

Consider how we study and understand physics.

In Einstein's Theory of Relativity, he stated that gravity is a distortion of SpaceTime which is felt as Gravity. This clearly proves Newtonian physic wrong.

Yet we continue to study Newtonian physics which claims that bodies "attract" each other and that is called "gravity".

But the fact is Newtonian physic however wrong it may be, makes it easier for us to build a rocket that can reach the moon. We do not need to use Quantum physic even though that is the most accurate way to doing it.

SO to treat a human being, we do not necessarily need the most accurate methodology and facts. Most times we just need to understand the problem and solve it using "older versions of medicine", however "non accurate" they may be.

Now if you want to do Neurosurgery then its better to go with "quantum physic" level of accuracy. But to treat a common cold or a back ache or a acne, its much better to use "Newtonian physics" i.e. Ayurveda.

I disagree with your analogy. Surgery in itself is a separate field of medicine. Just as Aleopathy(or general medicine), Homeopathy and Ayurvedh, Chinese Herbal/alternative treatment etc etc

Human's have been finding ways to treat illnesses since mankind has existed; and the earth contains everything we need to survive and be healthy.
I disagree with your analogy. Surgery in itself is a separate field of medicine. Just as Aleopathy(or general medicine), Homeopathy and Ayurvedh, Chinese Herbal/alternative treatment etc etc

Human's have been finding ways to treat illnesses since mankind has existed; and the earth contains everything we need to survive and be healthy.

Surgery is just an extension of allopathy. The same way allopathy is just an extension of Ayurveda and other older forms of medicine.

Everything new is built on the foundation of the old. Nothing exist in vacuum.

I dont think you know much about Indian nation. If you go to Tirupati and the surrounding areas then you can know much about Vaidya Brahmins . I do know some of them personally and this is the reason i am trying to explain you.

Personal anecdotes mean nothing. I know the queen of England too.

I did not dispute Vaidya Brahmins exist. They are just not barbers. :lol:
Personal anecdotes mean nothing. I know the queen of England too.

I did not dispute Vaidya Brahmins exist. They are just not barbers. :lol:

In olden days they were the doctors for the commoners and advisors for the Kings. They followed mostly Siddhar, ayurveda, and siddha to treat patients. That time, people were not used to cut their hair, rather they grow. When they got wounds, the "Vaidyas" removed hairs in the wounded area because “Barber Profession Part of Medicine”. Before they would do expertise in siddha or ayurvedic medicines. So apart from helping patients, people got their hairs cut as well.

I disagree with your analogy. Surgery in itself is a separate field of medicine. Just as Aleopathy(or general medicine), Homeopathy and Ayurvedh, Chinese Herbal/alternative treatment etc etc

Human's have been finding ways to treat illnesses since mankind has existed; and the earth contains everything we need to survive and be healthy.
old thread but as somebody else has pointed out, there is evidence based medicine and there are those based on ancient wishdom, religious dogma or plain stupidity/placebo effect...
ayurveda is mother of medicine in indian subcontinent but there has been immense improvement in our knowledge of the natural world in last 200 years, most claims by ayurvedic practitioners are not proved in rigorous tests... if some still wants to use it, upto them but ffs dont add it to curriculum of MBBS. Just because something is ancient practice does not make it better or correct....
the less said about homeopathy, the better... :)
old thread but as somebody else has pointed out, there is evidence based medicine and there are those based on ancient wishdom, religious dogma or plain stupidity/placebo effect...
ayurveda is mother of medicine in indian subcontinent but there has been immense improvement in our knowledge of the natural world in last 200 years, most claims by ayurvedic practitioners are not proved in rigorous tests... if some still wants to use it, upto them but ffs dont add it to curriculum of MBBS. Just because something is ancient practice does not make it better or correct....
the less said about homeopathy, the better... :)

On homeopathy I would be interested in knowing your views.

On homeopathy I would be interested in knowing your views.

well that was a joke about homeopathy... not a good one it seems lol...
according to homeopathy(some german in 18th century made it up, many Indians think its some ancient alternative medicine)... like cures like.. and dilution of a substance keeps the property intact while removing the harmful effect.
It has never been proved to be effective, makes zero logical sense anyway. you can have personal story about homeopathic medicine reducing pain(myself included, I had back-pain reduced by homeopathy) for example but it does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.
In other words its quackery.
old thread but as somebody else has pointed out, there is evidence based medicine and there are those based on ancient wishdom, religious dogma or plain stupidity/placebo effect...
ayurveda is mother of medicine in indian subcontinent but there has been immense improvement in our knowledge of the natural world in last 200 years, most claims by ayurvedic practitioners are not proved in rigorous tests... if some still wants to use it, upto them but ffs dont add it to curriculum of MBBS. Just because something is ancient practice does not make it better or correct....
the less said about homeopathy, the better... :)
Nope, all of these are separate fields entirely. Again, claims depend on usage and practice.
For e.g. Menthol leaves are undisputed; whether used by a Vedh in his concoction or by Vicks.
well that was a joke about homeopathy... not a good one it seems lol...
according to homeopathy(some german in 18th century made it up, many Indians think its some ancient alternative medicine)... like cures like.. and dilution of a substance keeps the property intact while removing the harmful effect.
It has never been proved to be effective, makes zero logical sense anyway. you can have personal story about homeopathic medicine reducing pain(myself included, I had back-pain reduced by homeopathy) for example but it does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.
In other words its quackery.

This was the official view of our Govt. till a few years back, and it was banned. Now it is allowed.

I have never used it, but two cases came to my notice, which had surprisingly good results. One was of a a friend who had a very bad dust allergy.

The second was of a colleague who was Diabetic. He was Type 2, and he went from medicines to insulin injections. Then he started using a medicine called "Insulinum 1M" and he went back to Homepathy + elopethic pils, whose qty reduced over time, to the extent that he could eat sweets. Last when he retired, he had come down only to Homeopathic medicine. The only issue with that was he had to get it from Pakistan, and wasn't available here at that time.

These two cases, were really an eye opener for me. I don't understand homeopathic medicine at all, hence the question to you.
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