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Rs 198 million is released to enhance the security of prisons in KP

The ones that escaped from Bannu jail were local and minor criminals, with a few TTP personnel.

That is besides the point, they escaped.. just like the AEW systems that were lost, just like the P-3s were lost, Just like GHQ was hit and so on and on and on. We are reactionary fools who will probably realize that their country broke in half two weeks ago and then try to launch a movement to unite it.
The previous govt also released money, what is important is to track this moneu so that it doesn't go into personal pockets.
The real problem is not the money but the morale of our law enforcement institutions. Wonder why policemen decided to hide than fight the militants? its because they know that nobody is going to support their families once they go down for the protection of the public. Ironically, the provincial police ASI gets around 20-25K whereas the ASI posted in Islamabad police enjoys 52K salary. There is no insurance benefits for police. Once the militants get caught, they are relased because no-body speaks against them, the lives of sons, daughters, brothers/sisters and parents are constantly threatened once they move against the militants. Unless we dont provide them with assurance that their family will stay safe and will be looked after properly, we can always expect them to be hiding and saving their own lives.
The real problem is not the money but the morale of our law enforcement institutions. Wonder why policemen decided to hide than fight the militants? its because they know that nobody is going to support their families once they go down for the protection of the public. Ironically, the provincial police ASI gets around 20-25K whereas the ASI posted in Islamabad police enjoys 52K salary. There is no insurance benefits for police. Once the militants get caught, they are relased because no-body speaks against them, the lives of sons, daughters, brothers/sisters and parents are constantly threatened once they move against the militants. Unless we dont provide them with assurance that their family will stay safe and will be looked after properly, we can always expect them to be hiding and saving their own lives.

That is why we need to radically change our policing system.

There is a limit to what the Army can do. Clearing the FATA of militants, doing bomb runs on Tirah only does so much...in the last few years, ever since the Army got successes against the militants in FATA, the militants have been relocating to urban areas, Karachi, Jhang, Tarnol, Peshawar, Quetta, Khuzdar, Hyderabad, Muzaffargarh etc.

The Army can't operate in these areas unless you declare all out war, the Police does ops in these areas. And when the police is so lackluster, without equipment, low morale etc, a HUGE void is there for the militants to exploit, no Army, no police and you give an open door to the militants.

In these urban areas, intelligence and police take the lead role, not the Army. And by intelligence, I don't mean only the ISI. IB< FIA, SB, CID all need to roll up their sleeves. IB and FIA especially have been used as a political tool for long, there is a need to restructure them.

Ch Nisar was talking a lot about this, but then looks like he has gone in aitekaf. (Don't take this statement as a PML vs PTI thing). Suddenly, all the folks have gone silent. The strategy of N league has visibly taken a drastic U-turn (the ISI briefing did it's thing).

Similarly, PTI's stance has also changed, except for the stance on drones. That's because they are not in federal government.

I do believe that the terror policy (if there is one) of all the political parties is pathetic and deeply flawed. N and PTI both used the peace thing before the elections to act as a safeguard to TTP attacks on them.

The new form of terrorism is sectarian terrorism. This is something which the Army can do absolutely nothing about, since these guys do not operate from FATA at all, unlike the Taliban etc.
Nobody can anymore taunt Indians for not building enough sewers, after all there's a reason for it.

I do believe that the terror policy (if there is one) of all the political parties is pathetic and deeply flawed. N and PTI both used the peace thing before the elections to act as a safeguard to TTP attacks on them.
The flaws have more to do with the lack of coordination and political harmony. National security is just like a jigsaw puzzle, as long as all the parts are not coherently connected, the puzzle will remain unresolved. Pakistan is facing multifaceted violence in various geographies. However, the sources of the violence are connected with each other. Talibans, LeJ,AQ, Political militancy and Baluch insurgents are connected with each other in one way or another. Thus it is utmost essential that a consensus be developed where all the units of the federation and the federation would be on the same page. A major cause of failure in WoT has also been the absence of political ownership of military actions. Thus its high time that at least the CMs of all the provinces and PM should develop a consensus and draft a security doctrine to counter not only the militancy but also the sources of militancy. Further, they should repeatedly meet to discuss the progress and fine tune the policy in the light of encountered constraints. Despite this, there is no assurance that the militancy will be dealt over a shorter span of time. Its a mess of three decades, that will take its due time.
What an Idiotic CHANGE .. what prompted them to pump more money into the security did they bothered investigating WHY this happened ? WTF :hitwall:

Why you so worried and care, you dont really belong to this land and never you shall, our home our problem, we will sort it in our own way.

He is a Pakistani and this allows him to poke his nose .. you should be ashamed of your attitude
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