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Row over ‘Western values’

Bussard Ramjet

Nov 10, 2014
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Minister’s ideology criticism sparks discussion
Remarks made by China's education minister in which he encouraged universities to "never let textbooks promoting Western values appear in our classes" have aroused discussion among the public, with many people criticizing his comments.

Education Minister Yuan Guiren made the remarks on Thursday at a forum in Beijing on improving ideological work in universities and colleges, urging universities to reinforce their ideological management, especially when it relates to textbooks, teaching materials and class lectures.

He told university officials to strengthen their management of the use of textbooks and materials directly imported from Western countries.

Also, the minister said remarks that slander the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), smear socialism or violate the country's Constitution and laws must never be promoted in college classrooms.

Many Chinese netizens have criticized Yuan's remarks while some observers claimed that such criticism was generated by confusion and misunderstanding of the meaning of the phrase "Western values."

"The 'Western values' in Yuan's speech refer to Western political values and ideologies which were introduced into the country after China's opening-up but cannot fit the country's reality," Yin Yungong, an expert on the socialist system at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

Yin added that China needs to learn advanced technologies and other useful ideas from Western countries. But some values and ideologies, such as "universal values" should be excluded from classes as they may jeopardize China's political system and cause instability, Yin argued.

Teachers should never be allowed to vent their personal grudges or discontent while teaching or passing "negative ideas" onto their students, Yuan said. Yuan called on universities to give students positive guidance through intensified ideological work. He also told teachers to stand firm and hold the "political, legal and moral bottom line." Yuan's speech was in line with guidelines on ideological work in colleges which were issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on January 19. The guidelines note that ideology-based instruction in colleges is "a strategic project that can consolidate the foundation [of values] and shape the spirit."

It is not unusual for teachers to promote Western values or censure the Party, some political instructors and professors told the Global Times.

"To speak highly of 'Western values' while belittling the Party may help some teachers to attract students' attention," a political instructor, surnamed Wu, from a university in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, told the Global Times.

Wu said that students could become "extreme" and turn into a destabilizing factor if they receive such education.

A report by the Liaoning Daily published in November 2014 said that many college teachers mocked Marxism, praised Western values and questioned the central government's major policies. The report said that 80 percent of college students have encountered such teachers.

Row over ‘Western values’ - Global Times

What is this happening? Isn't communism and socialism itself "western"? I am telling you CCP acts like a dictator. If you are right, why not let people discuss it freely?
You have to separate "values" from "tools". The conflation of values and tools is something used by propagandists all the time.

For instance, financial markets are not a part of "western culture" or even capitalism - the Soviet Union in the 1970's played the global food futures market so well that they were able to buy 25% of the global grain market without prices going up; only after the sales were announced did the prices increase.

the “Great Grain Robbery” of 1972 | Market Skeptics

Financial markets are a tool for anyone to use in order to trade either commodities or securities on commodities.
Isn't Communist a Western values too?

Isn't a lot of ideas in Communism share similar ideas with Democracy?

Basically this will add more confusion over the issue.

Talking about Communism, is talking about Democracy as well.

The only solution for this, is to embrace Confucianism.

Even thou, Confucianism share similar view with Communism and Democracy as Confucianism is the father of both of them. People-centric, socialism, etc.

But the good thing about Confucianism, it's ours.

There's no traitorous danger talking about people-centric, socialism, etc under Confucianism banner, because we talk about our culture, not Western value (like Communism and Democracy).

We talk the same subjects, but there's no danger of whoring ourselves to the Westerners like HK traitorous protesters.

We talk about Confucianism.

Both KMT and CCP worshipers are a bunch of traitorous Western worshiper idiots!

Isn't Communist a Western values too?

Isn't a lot of ideas in Communism share similar ideas with Democracy?

Basically this will add more confusion over the issue.

Talking about Communism, is talking about Democracy as well.

The only solution for this, is to embrace Confucianism.

Even thou, Confucianism share similar view with Communism and Democracy as Confucianism is the father of both of them. People-centric, socialism, etc.

But the good thing about Confucianism, it's ours.

There's no traitorous danger talking about people-centric, socialism, etc under Confucianism banner, because we talk about our culture, not Western value (like Communism and Democracy).

We talk the same subjects, but there's no danger of whoring ourselves to the Westerners like HK traitorous protesters.

We talk about Confucianism.

Both KMT and CCP worshipers are a bunch of traitorous Western worshiper idiots!


And never forget in the modern history of China, the most damage done ever to Chinese psyche and morale, was done by the Cultural Revolution, by the CCP. Chinese must never forget this. Japs came and went, other powers came, destroyed, but they were never able to effect the mind, while the communists went on a ravaging spree to destroy the ancient culture of China, the glory of China.

This whole madness was put to stop by the greatest modern leader of China, the true patriot -- Deng Xiaoping. He put a stop to the madness. He brought back China. Put reforms. Not only that, he also wanted to open up politically as well. There are many memoirs of his by others where his only desire was to see a safe, powerful, happy, dignified China. Jiang and Hu followed him to most extent. He made China. Today's leaders are just piggy banking on his contributions. For Mao, his class struggle was more important than anything. For Xi, it appears that the continuation of the legacy of the communist revolution is everything.

Till now Xi hasn't done fundamentally anything that can deserve credit. Yes, he has reduced corruption, and that is the only thing he has done. I'm not sure how long it will last, because there don't seem to be any systemic structural changes. While on the other hand, he has went retrograde on the dignity of Chinese people, and often acts like an Emperor. He should not be fooled in believing that this is his dynasty.
Minister’s ideology criticism sparks discussion
Remarks made by China's education minister in which he encouraged universities to "never let textbooks promoting Western values appear in our classes" have aroused discussion among the public, with many people criticizing his comments.

Education Minister Yuan Guiren made the remarks on Thursday at a forum in Beijing on improving ideological work in universities and colleges, urging universities to reinforce their ideological management, especially when it relates to textbooks, teaching materials and class lectures.

He told university officials to strengthen their management of the use of textbooks and materials directly imported from Western countries.

Also, the minister said remarks that slander the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), smear socialism or violate the country's Constitution and laws must never be promoted in college classrooms.

Many Chinese netizens have criticized Yuan's remarks while some observers claimed that such criticism was generated by confusion and misunderstanding of the meaning of the phrase "Western values."

"The 'Western values' in Yuan's speech refer to Western political values and ideologies which were introduced into the country after China's opening-up but cannot fit the country's reality," Yin Yungong, an expert on the socialist system at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times.

Yin added that China needs to learn advanced technologies and other useful ideas from Western countries. But some values and ideologies, such as "universal values" should be excluded from classes as they may jeopardize China's political system and cause instability, Yin argued.

Teachers should never be allowed to vent their personal grudges or discontent while teaching or passing "negative ideas" onto their students, Yuan said. Yuan called on universities to give students positive guidance through intensified ideological work. He also told teachers to stand firm and hold the "political, legal and moral bottom line." Yuan's speech was in line with guidelines on ideological work in colleges which were issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on January 19. The guidelines note that ideology-based instruction in colleges is "a strategic project that can consolidate the foundation [of values] and shape the spirit."

It is not unusual for teachers to promote Western values or censure the Party, some political instructors and professors told the Global Times.

"To speak highly of 'Western values' while belittling the Party may help some teachers to attract students' attention," a political instructor, surnamed Wu, from a university in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, told the Global Times.

Wu said that students could become "extreme" and turn into a destabilizing factor if they receive such education.

A report by the Liaoning Daily published in November 2014 said that many college teachers mocked Marxism, praised Western values and questioned the central government's major policies. The report said that 80 percent of college students have encountered such teachers.

Row over ‘Western values’ - Global Times

What is this happening? Isn't communism and socialism itself "western"? I am telling you CCP acts like a dictator. If you are right, why not let people discuss it freely?
Communism is initial by Chinese. Taiping rebel in the 19th century is consider as first socialist system.
Communism is initial by Chinese. Taiping rebel in the 19th century is consider as first socialist system.

Com'on dude!
The whole system of Communism and Socialism was devised in west. The first communist revolution was in Russia. For a long time, the Communist Party quoted Marx as ideological guru. Marx is taught in ideological school. If Marx can be taught, why not Voltaire or Jeffersonian Democracy?

Also, I'm totally against this western vs non-western things. Remember, humans are the same fundamentally. There are differences, but they fade in front of the obvious similarities in between humans. Also, I'm not saying that you must blindly transplant the whole western system, but good aspects of it must indeed be done.

Actually, if you look at it, the Communist Party at the time of Mao, even hated capitalist measures. They even hated Chinese culture as bourgeoise. Deng after Cultural Revolution took a U turn.

I don't think most of the things in the "western" system are "western", they are just "modern." China was asleep two centuries back, and didn't discover it, else they would have also come to some similar things. Like say aeroplanes, or guns. There is nothing "western" about them, but only "modern." Hence, you must always be willing to adopt any good thing, and not show the kind of disdain that you are showing for things that are "western."

Ok, tell me what is wrong with freedom of speech? Why do you block and censor speech?
Com'on dude!
The whole system of Communism and Socialism was devised in west. The first communist revolution was in Russia. For a long time, the Communist Party quoted Marx as ideological guru.

Actually, if you look at it, the Communist Party at the time of Mao, even hated capitalist measures. They even hated Chinese culture as bourgeoise. Deng after Cultural Revolution took a U turn.

Ok, tell me what is wrong with freedom of speech? Why do you block and censor speech?

Taiping rebellion is not taken so seriously as communist becos it was a short lived system but concept is the same. Goggle it and you can see many explanation by scholar.

Maos cultural revolution period is a stage of chaos and power grappling. It can be used as a way to gauge China look of communist.

Truth freedom of speech is highly encourage but slandering , insult and propaganda are not. Internet is a double edge sword. Look at how ISIS recruit its member by misled Muslim with twisted Quran. Does that called freedom of speech?

China is only protecting its citizen from twisted report trying to wear down China progress and poison the mind of its citizen.

Freedom of speech and lies are two big different things which sometimes most ordinary citizen cannot differential.
Isn't Communist a Western values too?

Isn't a lot of ideas in Communism share similar ideas with Democracy?

Basically this will add more confusion over the issue.

Talking about Communism, is talking about Democracy as well.

The only solution for this, is to embrace Confucianism.

Even thou, Confucianism share similar view with Communism and Democracy as Confucianism is the father of both of them. People-centric, socialism, etc.

But the good thing about Confucianism, it's ours.

There's no traitorous danger talking about people-centric, socialism, etc under Confucianism banner, because we talk about our culture, not Western value (like Communism and Democracy).

We talk the same subjects, but there's no danger of whoring ourselves to the Westerners like HK traitorous protesters.

We talk about Confucianism.

Both KMT and CCP worshipers are a bunch of traitorous Western worshiper idiots!


Ahahahah... Yes its true communism is a western value/came from west. In fact karl Marx the creator of communism is not Chinese last time I checked.:lol: Dont know why the CCP is blabbing about western values' or whatever that means. Lool I will say they are hypocrites, but then again to be honest all political parties in the world are hypocrites/liars. So its not just confined to the CCP.

They say they are against western values , but their leaders the first to send their kids to the best 'evil' western schools/universities (Xi jinping himself send his only daughter to study in the evil western U.S) I'm sure their kids will also be brainwashed' by western values once they finish their studies in our universities:rofl:. Lool. What type of example are they setting yo their citizens by doing this?. Then they have the audacity to talk of not wanting 'western values'. :rofl: If I was Chinese myself I will not even mind these stupid politicians and i willl also sendnd my kids to the best western universities as well.:D:enjoy:

In Short never listen to politicians they are big liars/hypocrites. When I see citizens defending their politicians to death(because of 'patriotic reasons'.lol) i just .........:omghaha:
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communism had its root in the west but isnt that showing the hypocrisy of the west? Treating it somehow like a sub asian ideology?

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