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Ross Kemp - India Child Sex Trafficking

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Mar 28, 2012
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Just finished watching this show and I have to admit I was in tears, and filled with disgust at what is going on in India when it comes to women and child sex trafficking. Some stats from the show say that 100 million people are involved in sex trafficking in India, and a lot of politicians are involved at the top. I can't find the documentary online, I just recorded it last night and finished watching it just now.

It is disgusting that babies as young as 2 months old are being trafficked for sex, yet Indians love to pretend that nothing like this is happening.

"While filming in India, Kemp was left horrified after meeting a serial child killer involved in the sex trafficking of girls.

He told the Mirror: “Interviewing a guy who admits to killing 400 to 500 kids but doesn’t know exactly how many – that did make me cry."

Ross Kemp reduced to tears by horror of human trafficking - Mirror Online

That is actually in the documentary and I couldn't believe that this guy who has said he killed 400 - 500 women is still walking around, he showed no guilt or remorse, and this is but one case. I hope someone on here can post the whole documentary on here, it is disgraceful and I hope Indian posters don;t start trying to divert attention like they usually do, Indians do love to live in denial.

Here is another link, but I can't find the TV show online, maybe someone on here can post it.

Inside the Indian sex trafficking gangs who take girls as young as NINE | Mail Online
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I applaud you for feeling for Indian children being trafficked. But I hope you would go do something about your children being trafficked...

That is if you are genuine about your " tears" and not what we all know- that you use these topics for taking shots at India

Perhaps you can petition your government, where unlike India, it actually creates laws to protect predators.

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage
I applaud you for feeling for Indian children being trafficked. But I hope you would go do something about your children being trafficked...

That is if you are genuine about your " tears" and not what we all know- that you use these topics for taking shots at India

Perhaps you can petition your government, where unlike India, it actually creates laws to protect predators.

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage

Yep keep diverting the topic, China is bad as well, but first look into your disgraceful country instead of trying to keep diverting the topic, to everything else but India.
I applaud you for feeling for Indian children being trafficked. But I hope you would go do something about your children being trafficked...

That is if you are genuine about your " tears" and not what we all know- that you use these topics for taking shots at India

Perhaps you can petition your government, where unlike India, it actually creates laws to protect predators.

China's 'Child Rape Isn't Rape' Law Is Sparking Outrage
Why you drag Pakistan and China in irrelevant threads.
Yep keep diverting the topic, China is bad as well, but first look into your disgraceful country instead of trying to keep diverting the topic, to everything else but India.

He is not diverting , he is just showing your ugly face in mirror. Its you trolling not showing sympathy. If you would be sympathetic then you would call to an NGO and extend you help for children rather making a thread and being a shit loud mouth.
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Why Kemp doesnt tell us the name of the murderer??
Yep keep diverting the topic, China is bad as well, but first look into your disgraceful country instead of trying to keep diverting the topic, to everything else but India.

Not diverting, rather you said that you cried after seeing the report. I presumed you did because of the heinous act and not because you wanted to take a pot shot at India..

That is why I recommended you to petition your government , where you could do more then shed a " tear"--- because in China , unlike India , the government has laws to protect predators . You see, there are horrible criminals in every country, but there are not many countries I know that has government, like in China, that had laws on books to protect predators

So Indians are top bachaybaaz yet like to sublet it to Pakistan.

LOL, I do believe there is google search record, an infamous one, you need to check as to who is the top bachaybaaz of the world

Internet trends are one thing, but If you feel they are the end all of survey, then you are mistaken my bharti friend. Your nation proudly marries girls to dogs.

Also it is ignorant of you to assume ground realities without ever visiting Pakistan or India.

You ABCD's can only ever imagine.

And before you start licking western nuts, you should realize that child trafficking happens the most where?

Internet trends are one thing, but If you feel they are the end all of survey, then you are mistaken my bharti friend. Your nation proudly marries girls to dogs.

Also it is ignorant of you to assume ground realities without ever visiting Pakistan or India.

You ABCD's can only ever imagine.

And before you start licking western nuts, you should realize that child trafficking happens the most where?


what could be greater example of licking than you ---- your tax dollars go to attack your people :lol: It is not an internet trend when you hold it for multiple years and going...
Just finished watching this show and I have to admit I was in tears, and filled with disgust at what is going on in India when it comes to women and child sex trafficking. Some stats from the show say that 100 million people are involved in sex trafficking in India, and a lot of politicians are involved at the top. I can't find the documentary online, I just recorded it last night and finished watching it just now.

It is disgusting that babies as young as 2 months old are being trafficked for sex, yet Indians love to pretend that nothing like this is happening.

"While filming in India, Kemp was left horrified after meeting a serial child killer involved in the sex trafficking of girls.

He told the Mirror: “Interviewing a guy who admits to killing 400 to 500 kids but doesn’t know exactly how many – that did make me cry."

Ross Kemp reduced to tears by horror of human trafficking - Mirror Online

That is actually in the documentary and I couldn't believe that this guy who has said he killed 400 - 500 women is still walking around, he showed no guilt or remorse, and this is but one case. I hope someone on here can post the whole documentary on here, it is disgraceful and I hope Indian posters don;t start trying to divert attention like they usually do, Indians do love to live in denial.

Here is another link, but I can't find the TV show online, maybe someone on here can post it.

Inside the Indian sex trafficking gangs who take girls as young as NINE | Mail Online

No where in the article does it say the 100 million people are involved. stop falsifying data
No where in the article does it say the 100 million people are involved. stop falsifying data

Watch the documentary and then comment, and if you read my post I said that he says it in the documentary.
Watch the documentary and then comment, and if you read my post I said that he says it in the documentary.
Look !!!! I live in India. not to mention i am in a political party and have my ear quiet close to the ground. but if you are trying to tell me that almost 9 % of our population is involved with human trafficking , i would have no option but to call that person a liar and an ***.
what ever your reasons for posting this thread (i do not question them ) please dont try BS us with false numbers.
PS: i you want to see what human trafficking is then come down i will give you the full tour.
Yep keep diverting the topic, China is bad as well, but first look into your disgraceful country instead of trying to keep diverting the topic, to everything else but India.
So much for the crocodile tears. :angel:
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