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Rosie Gabrielle, A Canadian Biker Visiting Pakistan


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
There’s nothing random in life. No encounter or meeting is by chance and nothing that happens is by coincidence. It was Divine synchronicity that brought me to the steps of this woman’s door. I was greeted by a group of smiling children running towards my bike and later, a beautiful woman. Luckily she spoke Urdu, as most people in Balochistan speak Balochi- which I didn’t know any words. She insisted I come to her home to have chai and food. Nestled amongst the most detailed etched mountains, was her small little hut where she lived with her two beautiful little girls. Persana was her name. She was a talented stitcher and made stunning traditional Baloch dresses to support her family. She wanted me to stay overnight in her home but I had a lot of ground to cover on route to Gwadar. But I promised her- on the way back, I will stay. I always keep my promise. When I returned back 2 weeks later, she was overjoyed! Staying with Persana and her family was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. She touched my heart and made an imprint in my soul. I knew her situation was tough there, and she was doing everything she could to support her little family. Before I left, I gave her some money and promised to help her. She immediately burst into tears and embraced me, saying “ I Love you, You are more than a sister to me. You are my Angel”. I was there in March, and the temperature was so hot and uncomfortable, with no escape from the heat. In summer months it can reach well over 50 celsius. I asked her what could I help her with. With hesitation she said they could really use some electricity and fans. Yesterday I ran a fundraiser to raise enough to get a good solar panel installed and purchase some fans and have leftovers for Eid celebrations. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone and happy to announce I made my goal, and enough to put aside for further help for the family. This is only just the beginning of what I want to do, for this family and others. I’m so blessed and grateful to have this platform to be able to bless others. Thank you to everyone who donated, you have just helped make a huge difference to the quality of this family's life.

Courtesy : Rosie Gabrielle


Something NO FOREIGNER has done in Pakistan before I’m sure !

So, what was the highlight of my experience at the Cholistan jeep Rally ? Aside from battling my way through deep sand on a massive bike for hours ending in me crashing it !

After returning back to the main grounds and getting bandaged up by the great team at the first aid hut, we headed straight for all the action in the open square. There were stunt riders, cars doing wild donuts, and tons of people out to enjoy the unique display of testosterone. I’m pretty sure I was the ONLY female, judging by the crowd I attracted. Surely the only one who pulled up on a big red bike.

And then- there was tractors. Big multi colored decorated top to bottom local tractors! I could NOT resist! So, what does one do when they see these brightly colored beasts? At first I wanted just a photo with it, but then I thought to ask..... could I drive it? SURE why not ! As the young lad gleefully sat beside me in the drivers seat, he went over how exactly to maneuver this piece of machinery. It can’t be that hard right.... right? Looks can be deceiving and those things go quicker than I originally thought. Full speed ahead!

As if that wasn’t enough, after I finished my joy ride, I decided to hop on the back to have a different kind of experience. So this is what they do for fun in Pakistan as we roared across the parkway, we had an entourage of bikes parading behind us. With the clouds of dust, face masks and garnished large vehicles, I felt like I was straight out of a scene in Mad Max ! truly a unique and fun experience this was, and all the kids had such a laugh. As I’m sure, they had never seen quite the sight before.

Who is interested in seeing this crazy video- comment below! @ Cholistan Jeep Rally



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