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Romney vows to fight a currency war against China if elected president

That's a post-GOP Convention bounce, dated Sept 11, before Gaffe-o-matic Romney's latest bungle about 47% of American voters.

Today is Sept. 27th.

Romney will try to redeem himself in the debates, but Obama is far too accomplished a politician to give him any freebies.
Bounces are called that for the reason: Down.

What Romney said about the 47% is true and the independents are not as stupid as you hope they are. You support Obama because he is a naive fool and would love to have such a person as US President for as long as possible. If Romney is elected, and despite that so called 'gaff' where the race is still within statistical margins of errors, we will see a dramatic shift in everything from economy to foreign policies that will terrify YOU. :lol:
If Obama is reelected, I will be paying for your government dole. What a dignified life that will be, eh?

Hehe, only aid I ever signed up for was FAFSA. I can't be bothered wasting time for other forms of aid.
What Romney said about the 47% is true and the independents are not as stupid as you hope they are.

Elections are all about perceptions. Republicans have this millstone around their neck of being the party for the rich. Romney's remarks undid all the careful work of the strategists to fight that image. Now, every time Romney proposes tax cuts for the rich or spending cuts for the rest, his words will come back to haunt him.

You support Obama because he is a naive fool and would love to have such a person as US President for as long as possible.

Whatever gave you the idea that I support Obama? I just enjoy the horse race.

If Romney is elected, and despite that so called 'gaff' where the race is still within statistical margins of errors, we will see a dramatic shift in everything from economy to foreign policies that will terrify YOU. :lol:

Doubt it.

Whether it's Pakistan or Australia, it will make no difference which of the two gets in. As for America itself, I haven't paid attention to their domestic proposals to form an opinion either way.
The flip-flopper makes grand statements. But I highly doubt he will do anything brave if he gets into office. He contradicts with his past self on nearly every single issue.

Not someone with integrity.
Elections are all about perceptions. Republicans have this millstone around their neck of being the party for the rich. Romney's remarks undid all the careful work of the strategists to fight that image. Now, every time Romney proposes tax cuts for the rich or spending cuts for the rest, his words will come back to haunt him.

Whatever gave you the idea that I support Obama? I just enjoy the horse race.

Doubt it.

Whether it's Pakistan or Australia, it will make no difference which of the two gets in. As for America itself, I haven't paid attention to their domestic proposals to form an opinion either way.
Sure you have. The highlighted shows the contradictions. In any political two-man race, focused criticism on one pretty much mean you tacitly support the other, but only too chickensh1t to come out and say it. :lol:

Obama has proven to be a shallow leader, more concerned with his own celebrityship than with the issues of the country. If he is reelected, it will be because of uncertainty of Romney, not because of Obama's record of governance.
Sure you have. The highlighted shows the contradictions. In any political two-man race, focused criticism on one pretty much mean you tacitly support the other, but only too chickensh1t to come out and say it. :lol:

Obama has proven to be a shallow leader, more concerned with his own celebrityship than with the issues of the country. If he is reelected, it will be because of uncertainty of Romney, not because of Obama's record of governance.

Obama or Romney, it doesn't matter.

The bottom line is America is finished and in terminal decline.
No one can reverse the decline.
It will eventually collapse once the debt reaches a critical point and the economy will blow up.
The laws of economics applies to every country, no exceptions.

No amount of denial will solve American problems.
Nice try Romey :lol: That guy wont move a finger against China are you kiddin me? He is a management consultant, not president material.

If you leave it up to him, he will ship all the jobs to China and make money :lol:

BTW, Romney and the rest of the republicans uggghhh...racist scumbags. They like only white people :lol:

Obama is the lesser of both evils.
If Obama is reelected, I will be paying for your government dole. What a dignified life that will be, eh?

Pretty sure the tax payers pay YOUR welfare.

You clearly have no job since you're on here 24/7, your entire life is PDF having delusional dreams.

Go get a job dude, you're a frustrated old man.
It is still to close to call but unless something happens it does look like Obama will get a majority of the independent voters who will decide this election. The economy has been improving slightly which gives the incumbent a big boost. Anything can happen between now and November though.

What do you think how many chances are there for Obama's victory in this election?
Sure you have. The highlighted shows the contradictions. In any political two-man race, focused criticism on one pretty much mean you tacitly support the other, but only too chickensh1t to come out and say it. :lol:

Obama has proven to be a shallow leader, more concerned with his own celebrityship than with the issues of the country. If he is reelected, it will be because of uncertainty of Romney, not because of Obama's record of governance.

I have criticized Obama plenty for using foreign policy to deflect attention from his domestic failures. Wag the dog.

Face it, despite Obama's abject failure on domestic issues and widespread frustration at the economy, Romney failed to capitalize and blew it.

Don't get mad at the messenger.
US political leaderships from both parties are afraid to tell real economic situation to people. Just to keep financial systems aflot, FED just announced buying bond debt ($40 billion/month) to infinity. US is not in position to pick currency fight not unless a major war imposed on China to overwhelm. That is whay Obama is instigating trouble using japan and Vietnam under the banner of Asian pivot. But overall things are not looking up for US as China is challenging US position elsewhere. If China can keep its economic growth going then US currency and/or military war effort will be isolated.
USA is only good at printing $ and raising their debt ceiling. Doesn't matter who their next president will be.
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