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Rohingyas attempting anew for intrusion into Bangladesh

But why are the muslims being killed all of a sudden ? :undecided:

Earlier they also targeted Hindus and expelled them. Christians are also targeted by them. But no one suffered as bad as the rohingiyas. At one hand their citizenship was taken away and many of their right also not provided. As they are stateless they can not go any where else also.

The main reason of the recent attack are rakin state has become really important for geo politics. There is oil and gas in the region. In the town where recent violence erupted there china is building gas pipeline to take the oil and gas from bay of Bengal. This is also important industrial town. 35 acre of Muslim residence area has been burnt to ashes. Only reason they do not want Muslims in the region along with their apartheid nature to target minorities.

If you read the article, you would know that it was because these Rohingyas raped some Buddhist girl and killed her or something...

Idiot this is new incident not old one. But even in the last case for raping no law permit to kill other innocent people intentionally.

In this case the targeted Muslims are not even rohingiyas also.
Earlier they also targeted Hindus and expelled them. Christians are also targeted by them. But no one suffered as bad as the rohingiyas. At one hand their citizenship was taken away and many of their right also not provided. As they are stateless they can not go any where else also.

In this case the targeted Muslims are not even rohingiyas also.

but never heard, small incident mean not they attacked Hindu and christens.

I am sure there must be bad somewhere side of Muslims , even in china they create problems.

If you read the article, you would know that it was because these Rohingyas raped some Buddhist girl and killed her or something...

yes , its true , It's recent reason.

Muslim should behave like minorities It's Myanmar Not India,they won't excuse extremist islam
but never heard, small incident mean not they attacked Hindu and christens.

I am sure there must be bad somewhere side of Muslims , even in china they create problems.

yes , its true , It's recent reason.

Muslim should behave like minorities It's Myanmar Not India,they won't excuse extremist islam

Dalit Bombay dude go and google... N I am not interested to waste my time on a low caste aachyuit Hindu by writing long history how they treated the Hindus and dealing with the Christians.

But ban time of your id has arrived.
Let the rohingas in.... Push the the budhist out
If you read the article, you would know that it was because these Rohingyas raped some Buddhist girl and killed her or something...

This is not the new one, the same incident that caused many rohingya deaths few months ago. # criminal raped a girl, and they killed 9 muslims in another city. Only indians can justify it and i am not surprised, GO TO HELL, ISLAMOPHOBES
হোম শেষের পাতা**তুরস্কের সাংসদসহ ১৭ বিদেশি নাগরিক আটক
উখিয়ায় রোহিঙ্গাদের মধ্যে গরুর মাংস বিতরণ
তুরস্কের সাংসদসহ ১৭ বিদেশি নাগরিক আটক

???????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? - ????? ???

নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক, কক্সবাজার |

কক্সবাজারে উখিয়ায় মিয়ানমার থেকে অনুপ্রবেশকারী রোহিঙ্গাদের মধ্যে আজ শনিবার গরুর মাংস বিতরণকালে তুরস্কের এক সাংসদসহ ১৭ বিদেশি নাগরিককে আটক করেছে পুলিশ। সাত দিন আগে তাঁরা পর্যটক ভিসা নিয়ে বাংলাদেশ আসেন এবং সরকারের অনুমতি ছাড়া রোহিঙ্গাদের মধ্যে মাংস বিতরণ করছিলেন বলে পুলিশ জানিয়েছে।
কক্সবাজারের পুলিশ সুপার (এসপি) সেলিম মো. জাহাঙ্গীর ‘প্রথম আলো’কে বলেন, তুরস্কের সাংসদ সুকিও গাজলসহ ৫০ জনের একটি দল দুই দিন আগে ভ্রমণের জন্য কক্সবাজার আসে। তারা সৈকতের পাশে একটি হোটেলে ওঠে। শনিবার সকাল নয়টার দিকে রোহিঙ্গাদের মধ্যে গরুর মাংস বিতরণকালে পুলিশ তাদের আটক করে। পরে তাদের জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করে দুপুরে ঢাকার উদ্দেশে পাঠানো হয়েছে।
এসপি বলেন, কক্সবাজারের বিভিন্ন স্থানে বসবাসকারী মিয়ানমারের কয়েক লাখ অনুপ্রবেশকারী রোহিঙ্গার গতিবিধি নজরদারি এবং তাদের অবাধ বিচরণ বন্ধ করতে পুলিশকে সতর্কাবস্থায় রাখা হয়েছে। সড়কপথে রোহিঙ্গারা যেন কক্সবাজার, চট্টগ্রাম ও ঢাকায় যেতে না পারে, সে জন্য উখিয়া, টেকনাফ ও ইনানী সৈকতে একাধিক চেকপোস্ট বসানো হয়েছে।
উখিয়া থানার ভারপ্রাপ্ত কর্মকর্তা (ওসি) অপ্পেলা রাজু নাহা ‘প্রথম আলো’কে বলেন, সকাল নয়টার দিকে তুরস্কের সাংসদ সুকিও গাজলের নেতৃত্বে প্রায় ২০ জনের একটি দল কক্সবাজার শহর থেকে উখিয়ায় আসে। এরপর কুতুপালং এলাকায় গিয়ে মিয়ানমারের রোহিঙ্গাদের মধ্যে গরুর মাংস বিতরণ শুরু করে। এ সময় পুলিশ সাংসদ গাজলসহ ১৭ বিদেশিকে আটক করে। এর মধ্যে ব্রিটেন ও হল্যান্ডের দুজন ছাড়া বাকিরা সবাই তুরস্কের নাগরিক।
ওসি বলেন, আরও কয়েকজন বিদেশি পালিয়ে গেছেন। তাঁদের খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে।
এসপি সেলিম জাহাঙ্গীর জানান, সেন্ট মার্টিনের অদূরে বঙ্গোপসাগরে ৪২টি ট্রলারে যেসব রোহিঙ্গা বাংলাদেশ অনুপ্রবেশের চেষ্টা করছিল, তারা মিয়ানমারে ফিরে গেছে। সেন্ট মার্টিন দ্বীপ এলাকায় অনুপ্রবেশ ঠেকাতে নৌবাহিনী ও কোস্টগার্ড এবং টেকনাফ সীমান্তে বর্ডার গার্ড বাংলাদেশ (বিজিবি) ও পুলিশকে সতর্কাবস্থায় রাখা হয়েছে।
Bangladesh authority arrested Turkish MP only for distributing beef to the Rohingyas :angry: Does not the Rohingyas have any right on beef?? Is it Bangladesh or any other country. If they were distributing beef to non registered Rohingyas what government have done to these Rohingyas after the Turkish MP arrest!!! Did they deport them to Myanmar????
Dalit Bombay dude go and google... N I am not interested to waste my time on a low caste aachyuit Hindu by writing long history how they treated the Hindus and dealing with the Christians.

But ban time of your id has arrived.

You should be banned first for Bringing caste based accusitions to any thread
Why are you ashamed??? He is indeed Dalit and his family adopted family name sharma to hide this shame.

You are accusing him of being a Dalit??

Same as when East Pakistanis called you short,dark skinned,:lol:Fish eating

You also called me that..when I proved Indian cities are more developed than Dhaka.........:lol:
Seems like some Indian trolls are here to show,how much Fahrenheit trolling they can do! If there was really a rape case, the possible result would be grasping those Criminals,not a Religious Riot. Rohingya Muslims are peace loving and they didn't even show any kind of retaliation yet! But the situation will never remain the same. The fact is a rape incident can't be a reason for a religious riot. What Reuters correspondent said that initial information of casualties with was 100+ was reduced to just 60+ on the basis of "Clerical Mistakes ". The funny thing is when Burma is trying to pressurize Bangladesh with so called Push ins, India is also pushing the same incident with arresting 85+ Hindus during a get together of Two Bangla on a Puja Celebration! They put them on 16 day custody.

India is trying to get involved in those inferior Burmise Incidents! By the way, Bangladesh and Burma should launch a high level meeting,if possible along with a third party possibly Thailand( Both will be happy), Malaysia, China, Iran.

As first step,Bangladesh need to push for an UN intervene,even though UN is trying but it seems like have no de facto power to impose on those Burmise.

Then, I would prefer an OIC step on Rohingya case and also a possible China authorized solution. For long time, there were Bangladesh-China & China-Burma political trades' existence.
A possible China intervene will not only bring Chinese Might against India,it will organize a Mighty Chinese-Burma-Bangladesh relation,which will actually make India's Eastern "Mao" parts to be quaked. It will also keep the West away, what was our all national Parties agree on.
In the same way we used to call West ***** - "Punjabis", which is yet a popular trade to "remark"
(abusive) Punjab origin people in India. India is also known for small dik nation by WHO (data can be found in several websites), Cowpiss, In Da *** nation by Pakistanis and for us "Malaun".

Nepalis call you "Nation without pride ". Thank you. I'm not laughing.
Bangladesh authority arrested Turkish MP only for distributing beef to the Rohingyas :angry: Does not the Rohingyas have any right on beef?? Is it Bangladesh or any other country. If they were distributing beef to non registered Rohingyas what government have done to these Rohingyas after the Turkish MP arrest!!! Did they deport them to Myanmar????

turkey should give a harsh reply- there is a saying - Jemon kukur temon Mugur.

You are accusing him of being a Dalit??

Same as when East Pakistanis called you short,dark skinned,:lol:Fish eating

You also called me that..when I proved Indian cities are more developed than Dhaka.........:lol:
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