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Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing - Updates & Discussions

Amnesty published pictures extent of Myanmar genocide against Rohingya.



all mass killings by Myanmar and evidence are documented, genocidal charge will be brought against Myanmar regime and Suu Kyi. In such case none of Myanmar regime will able to travel outside, perhaps except China, india and Russia. If Myanmar think it can develop its economy, that is thrown out of the window now.
Actually BD has 3 times population and 3.5 times GDP of Myanmar.
Certainly BD has a much larger population so there will be no problem having men of fighting age available. Only issue is do Bangladeshis have the will and fight?
How can Bangladesh fight Myanmar? Both India and China support Myanmar and India will put a stop to any aggressive action from Bangladesh.
Sadly most of muslim countries are like that. Smaller countries, smaller economy, and almost no power. I see no way to get out from this bad condition in near future!
But Shia sunni alliance can bring good result. But they are busy screwing each other.
Look at Saudi Arabia and Iran.

@ They had been screwing them self for centuries together and will remain so.
Unfortunately Bangladeshi population only have big mouth.they will not take such action. They only can do heated debate in forums and Facebook.
It is unfortunate how some sections of Bangladeshi society wish only to curse, abuse and mock Pakistanis. On Many online forums, Bangladeshis show their great hatred for Pakistan. The spend too much time spewing online abuse towards Pakistan rather then condemning their own government.
It is unfortunate how some sections of Bangladeshi society wish only to curse, abuse and mock Pakistanis. On Many online forums, Bangladeshis show their great hatred for Pakistan. The spend too much time spewing online abuse towards Pakistan rather then condemning their own government.
The main problem is most of our peoples are led by hype. They read some fabricated history from text books written by some pseudo intellectuals, and easily believe them.
On the other hand most of them have deep hatred to those intellectuals too.
So that means they read fabricated history and believe them because they don't know who are the writers, or even if knows they don't pay attention.
Contradiction became the habbit of bangladeshi peoples.
And also shouting against Pakistan give them an option to prove themselves pattriot, but they don't know or don't want to know that Pakistan was mainly founded by their forefathers sacrifice.
Congress urges government to take all parties into confidence on Rohingyas:

The Congress today urged the government to take all parties into confidence and not have a "blanket approach" on the issue of the Rohingyas.

Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said the matter was "very sensitive" and the government must act responsibly while maintaining a balance between internal security and international obligations while taking a call on the issue.

"It is incumbent and obligatory on the government to take every part of the political spectrum into confidence in a collective sense on this very important and sensitive matter," he told reporters in New Delhi.

The Congress leader said such collective consultations would help the government decipher genuine national security problems.

"A blanket approach is never helpful. We beseech the government not to use blanket approaches. We are given to understand that in the affidavit given to the Supreme Court the government has suggested that it is not bound by any international treaty," he said.

Singhvi said whether it was a technical point or a blanket approach, "you should be very guarded" because the government ultimately changes, parties and time change, but the country and the affidavit in the Supreme Court are permanent.

On the Centre's plea that the Rohingyas were involved in anti-national activities, Singhvi said this was a sensitive matter and "all have to be restrained and responsible about this".

The Centre told the Supreme Court today Rohingya Muslims were illegal immigrants in India and their continued stay had "serious national security ramifications".
How can Bangladesh fight Myanmar? Both India and China support Myanmar and India will put a stop to any aggressive action from Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is aggressive if we try to stop a genocide? And Myanmar is pacifist! India will not try to stop the genocide of rohingya by Burma but will stop Bangladesh from trying to save rohingya ,the world is upside down
Congress urges government to take all parties into confidence on Rohingyas:

The Congress today urged the government to take all parties into confidence and not have a "blanket approach" on the issue of the Rohingyas.

Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi said the matter was "very sensitive" and the government must act responsibly while maintaining a balance between internal security and international obligations while taking a call on the issue.

"It is incumbent and obligatory on the government to take every part of the political spectrum into confidence in a collective sense on this very important and sensitive matter," he told reporters in New Delhi.

The Congress leader said such collective consultations would help the government decipher genuine national security problems.

"A blanket approach is never helpful. We beseech the government not to use blanket approaches. We are given to understand that in the affidavit given to the Supreme Court the government has suggested that it is not bound by any international treaty," he said.

Singhvi said whether it was a technical point or a blanket approach, "you should be very guarded" because the government ultimately changes, parties and time change, but the country and the affidavit in the Supreme Court are permanent.

On the Centre's plea that the Rohingyas were involved in anti-national activities, Singhvi said this was a sensitive matter and "all have to be restrained and responsible about this".

The Centre told the Supreme Court today Rohingya Muslims were illegal immigrants in India and their continued stay had "serious national security ramifications".

Who cares what congress thinks. Put Indian news in Indian section... is that too much to ask.
Amnesty International releases satellite images of burnt Rohingya villages in Rakhine







6 images

Sep 18, 2017, 9:11 am SGT
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DHAKA (REUTERS) - Amnesty International has released fresh satellite images of burnt villages in Rakhine state, alleging that Myanmar's security forces have led "systematic" clearances of Rohingya Muslim settlements over the last three weeks.

At least 26 villages had been hit by arson attacks in the Rohingya-majority region, the rights group said last Friday (Sept 15), with patches of grey ash picked up in photos marking the spots where homes had once stood.

Backing up the pictures, Amnesty International said fire sensors deployed on satellites had detected 80 large-scale blazes across northern Rakhine state since Aug 25, when the army launched "clearance operations".

"Rakhine state is on fire" in a "clear campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Myanmar security forces", said Amnesty researcher Olof Blomqvist.

The group quoted Rohingya witnesses who described security officers and vigilantes using petrol or shoulder-fired rocket launchers to set homes alight, before firing on villagers as they fled.

"It's very difficult to conclude that it is anything other than a deliberate effort by the Myanmar military to drive Rohingya out of their own country by any means necessary," Blomqvist added.

The latest round of violence in Rakhine state started on Aug 25, when deadly attacks by Rohingya militants on police posts and an army camp prompted a ferocious response from Myanmar's security forces.

At least 430,000 Rohingya have since fled into neighbouring Bangladesh to evade what the United Nations has called a "textbook example of ethnic cleansing".


That bill of $14.6 Million (and any subsequent ones) needs to be sent to Myanmar Govt., since this happened under their direct involvement (and probably under their long-term deliberate planning).

Should be loose change for them because they reportedly spent $17 Billion on their Military in 2016 alone which is 25% of their GDP.

I wonder what was our military budget? $1.7 Billion or so?


No that is wrong.

For the current fiscal it is 2 billion US dollars which is 3% of GDP.

In contrast BD is spending 3.2 billion US dollars which is 1.25% of GDP.
not only invoice for cost but also conviction judgement for committing genocide need to be sent against entire Myanmar leadership.

September 19, 2017 1:19 pm JST (Updated September 19, 2017 3:35 pm JST)
Myanmar ready to begin refugee verification process: Suu Kyi
State counselor condemns all human rights abuses, violence in Rakhine

YUICHI NITTA, Nikkei staff writer


Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi speaks during a televised national address in Naypyitaw on Sep. 19 (Photo by Shinya Sawai)

NAYPYITAW -- Myanmar's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday condemned all human rights violations in the state of Rakhine in the west of the country, adding that the government is ready to begin a national verification process of refugees who have fled to neighboring Bangladesh in order to facilitate their return.

Over the past month, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Suu Kyi has come in for widespread international criticism for not speaking out more forcefully as more than 400,000 Rohingya Muslims escaped the Buddhist-majority country into Bangladesh.

"It is not the intention of the Myanmar government to apportion blame or to abdicate responsibility," Suu Kyi said during a highly anticipated televised national address in the capital, where some 500 diplomats and members of the media were gathered.


A member of Myanmar's security forces escorts media on an organized visit to conflict areas in northern Rakhine State on Aug. 30. (Photo by Thurein Hla Htway)

"We condemn all human rights violations and unlawful violence. We are committed to the restoration of peace and stability and rule of law throughout the state," Suu Kyi said. The address marks the first time Suu Kyi has spoken about the recent crisis.

The exodus of refugees was triggered by the military's response to attacks by Muslim militants in Rakhine state on Aug. 25. The military offensive reportedly included acts of arson, killings and torture, and was described by the United Nations as "a textbook example of ethnic cleansing."

During the 30-minute address, Suu Kyi did not touch upon the allegations but said security forces "have been instructed to adhere strictly to the code of conduct in carrying out security operations, exercise all due restraint and to take full measures to avoid collateral damage and the harming of innocent civilians."

There had been "no armed clashes" and "no clearance operations" against the insurgents since Sep. 5., she said.

On reports that Rohingya villages have been burned down by security forces, Suu Kyi said: "There are allegations and counter-allegations and we have to listen to all of them. And we have to make sure these allegations are based on solid evidence before we take action."


A Rohingya woman and children come ashore after boating across a narrow stretch of the Bay of Bengal that separates Bangladesh and Myanmar on Sept. 5. © Reuters

Meanwhile, pointing to a report issued by an advisory commission on Rakhine state headed by former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, Suu Kyi said the Myanmar government will move forward with the verification process for refugees who have fled the country.

The commission, appointed last year by Suu Kyi, asked for freedom of movement for the refugees as well as recommending the government revise the country's citizen rights law, which does not recognize the Rohingya as one of the country's ethnic groups and denies them citizenship.

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