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Reminds one of how fast UN moved in on East Timor.

In 1991 they also moved first to bosnia and gave bosnian muslims to the sarbian military by the name of peace treaty. And sarbiyan military killed thousands of thousands muslims.
Reminds one of how fast UN moved in on East Timor.

Apples and Oranges.. East Timor was a separate political entity till the Indonesians amalgamated it by military force in the 60's, While the Arakhan state is a undisputed territory of the sovereign nation of Myanmar
It is nationalism concept prob too . that u r truk i am bangladeshi , if we thought we are one body then no one will get the chance to touch a single body of a muslim.
Very true Sir.
I know I am a Nationalist , I still care for all people, no matter what their race, faith, creed.
Tanvir Chowdhury shared AJ+'s video.
52 mins ·


11 hrs ·
"Military killed my husband, set fire to our house.” Rohingya refugees are fleeing violence in Myanmar.
After the first Anglo-Burmese War in 1826, the British annexed Arakan and encouraged migrations from Bengal to work as farm laborers. The became the Rohingyas.

After the First World War in 1914-1918, the British controlled Palestine and encouraged migrations by Jews to work as farm laborers. These became the Israelis.

I would not be surprised if many Rohingya supporters view the Jew immigration to Palestine as illegal.

Assuming Palestinians suddenly would rise to power in Israel, would the Jews
be treated better, same or worse by Muslims than how Rohingyas are treated today?

How are Christians treated by Muslims in Syria/Iraq compared to Rohingyas?
After the first Anglo-Burmese War in 1826, the British annexed Arakan and encouraged migrations from Bengal to work as farm laborers. The became the Rohingyas.

After the First World War in 1914-1918, the British controlled Palestine and encouraged migrations by Jews to work as farm laborers. These became the Israelis.

I would not be surprised if many Rohingya supporters view the Jew immigration to Palestine as illegal.

Assuming Palestinians suddenly would rise to power in Israel, would the Jews
be treated better, same or worse by Muslims than how Rohingyas are treated today?

How are Christians treated by Muslims in Syria/Iraq compared to Rohingyas?

You can add Tamils bought in by the Dutch and British in the 15th and 20th centuries as indentured labour from South India to the North East and Central highlands of Sri Lanka have now become Eelamist separatists to that list..

So what? That gives the Burmese the right to kick them out after a 100+ years!?:lol:

No it doesn't but there more than what meets the eye here, These people never assimilated with the rest of Myanmar or the Arakanese, Leading to the current state.. It's the prerogative of the sovereign nation of Myanmar to grant these people citizenship
You can add Tamils bought in by the Dutch and British in the 15th and 20th centuries as indentured labour from South India to the North East and Central highlands of Sri Lanka have now become Eelamist separatists to that list..

No it doesn't but there more than what meets the eye here, These people never assimilated with the rest of Myanmar or the Arakanese, Leading to the current state.. It's the prerogative of the sovereign nation of Myanmar to grant these people citizenship
See, the fault is with the Burmese for losing to the British, they need to blame themselves first, the Rohingyas don't cause trouble, do they?
I still need to do more research on this though.
See, the fault is with the Burmese for losing to the British, they need to blame themselves first, the Rohingyas don't cause trouble, do they?
I still need to do more research on this though.

Actually they do.. There are a wealth of info online from veritable sources not just partial ones about this conflict, Remember there is no fire without smoke, There is two sides to this story.. The Rohingya's themselves are not the sole victims
Actually they do.. There are a wealth of info online from veritable sources not just partial ones about this conflict, Remember there is no fire without smoke, There is two sides to this story.. The Rohingya's themselves are not the sole victims
They do? I just read they're not even allowed kitchen knives !!! :lol:
Will look into it a bit more though.


শক্তিশালী ভূমিকম্পে ধসে পড়েছে মিয়ানমারের একাধিক মন্দির – শেয়ার করে সবাইকে জানিয়ে দিন
শক্তিশালী ভূমিকম্পে মিয়ানমারে একাধিক মন্দির ধসে পড়েছে। রিখটার স্কেলে ৬ দশমিক ৮ মাত্রার ভূকম্পন অনুভূত হয় দেশটিতে। তবে এখন পর্যন্ত কোনো হতাহতের খবর পাওয়া যায়নি। বুধবার মিয়ানমারের স্থানীয় সময় বিকেল ৫ টার দিকে ওই কম্পন অনুভূত হয়েছে। বাংলাদেশ, ভারত ও মিয়ানমার ছাড়াও চীন, লাওস এবং থাইল্যান্ডেও ভূমিকম্প আঘাত হেনেছে।

মার্কিন ভূতাত্ত্বিক জরিপসংস্থা ইউএসজিএস বলছে, রিখটার স্কেলে ৬ দশমিক ৮ মাত্রার ওই ভূমিকম্প মিয়ানমারের চক শহরের ২৫ কিলোমিটার পশ্চিমে ৮৪ দশমিক ১ কিলোমিটার (৫২ মাইল) গভীরে উৎপত্তি হয়েছে।

চীনের রাষ্ট্রীয় সংবাদমাধ্যম সিসিটিভির এক প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে, মিয়ানমারের মান্দালয়, নাইপিদো ও ইয়াঙ্গুনে কম্পন অনুভূত হয়েছে। তবে দেশটির বিগান শহরে একাধিক মন্দির ধসে পড়েছে।
ভারতের কলকাতা, আসাম, বিহার ও ঝাড়খণ্ডেও কম্পন অনুভূত হয়েছে। ইউএসজিএস বলছে, দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার ৪ কোটি ১০ লাখ মানুষ বুধবারের এই কম্পনে আক্রান্ত হয়েছে। তবে এখন পর্যন্ত কোনো হতাহতের খবর পাওয়া যায়নি। এনডিটিভি এক প্রতিবেদনে বলছে, কলকাতায় ১০ সেকেন্ড স্থায়ী কম্পনের সময় অফিস ও স্কুল-কলেজ থেকে কর্মকর্তা ও শিক্ষার্থীরা রাস্তায় নেমে আসেন।
If the UN tries to intervene on behalf of every single illegal squatters in sovereign nations there would be no end to it.. EElamist Tamil terrorists separatists tried invain for decades in Sri Lanka to no avail..

With this kind of attitude from the majority I dont blame Tamils for raising arms.

After the first Anglo-Burmese War in 1826, the British annexed Arakan and encouraged migrations from Bengal to work as farm laborers. The became the Rohingyas.
Arakan was an independent kingdom for thousands of year which extended up to current Chittagong division. There were movement of people all throughout history. That is the reason we have sizable burmese and rakhine people living in Bangladesh. Its is not only the Rohingyas who found shelters in Bangladesh but entire race of Chakmas were driven out from Buram who now call Chittagong Hill Tracts as their home. Same happend to Rakhine and they settled as far as Barishal in Bangladesh. This is a contiguous land and the more you go south the less Rohingyas you will find in Arakan.

After the First World War in 1914-1918, the British controlled Palestine and encouraged migrations by Jews to work as farm laborers. These became the Israelis.
You can write good poetry.

I would not be surprised if many Rohingya supporters view the Jew immigration to Palestine as illegal.
It was more to do kicking out Palestininas from their own home and take away their belongings and property. Legal?

Assuming Palestinians suddenly would rise to power in Israel, would the Jews
be treated better, same or worse by Muslims than how Rohingyas are treated today?
Jews were treated fairly after the defeat of the crusaders. Why will it be any different now?
How are Christians treated by Muslims in Syria/Iraq compared to Rohingyas?

In a war ravaged country nobody is treated fairly.
With this kind of attitude from the majority I dont blame Tamils for raising arms.

I'm a minority myself.. So you're barking up the wrong tree mate

Legitimate grievances are one thing and unfair separatist demands based on flimsy grounds due to colonial misadventures is another, Two seperate things

If sections of the population refuse to assimilate with the wider society of a nation, While keeping thier own identity intact, They dont belong to that nation
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