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Rogue Communist Party of China Sells Helicopter Gunships to UWSA


Nov 10, 2012
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Rogue Communist Party of China Sells Helicopter Gunships to UWSA
China having problems with all its neighbors. The world should supply Chinese democracy dissidents with weapons.


China has allegedly sold helicopter gunships to ethnic Wa rebels who occupy areas of Shan State in eastern Burma, intelligence monitor Jane’s Information Group reported on Monday.
The report claimed China “delivered several Mil Mi-17 ‘Hip’ medium- transport helicopters armed with TY-90 air-to-air missiles to the Wa in late February and early March, according to both Myanmar ethnic minority and Myanmar government sources.”
Bertil Lintner, an expert on Burma and author of Great Game East: India, China and the Struggle for Asia’s Most Volatile Frontier, confirmed the accuracy of the Jane’s report.
Lintner said the Burmese government was moving to gain control of the Shan State Army-North’s mountainous bases on the western bank of the Salween River, for an eventual offensive against the Wa rebels.

“Since the Burmese government signed a ceasefire with the Shan, they haven’t withdrawn any troops, but rather they have reinforced their troops,” said Aung Kyaw Zaw, an analyst based on the China-Burma border. “That is not a good sign. So, the Wa wants to prepare [for a possible war].”
The purchase of the gunships is part of Wa moves to make the Wa region more like an independent state, able to project force if necessary.

The United Wa State Army is the largest ethnic armed group in Burma, with an estimated 20,000 well-equipped fighters, and advanced weaponry including surface-to-air missiles.
The Burmese government has carried out an offensive against the SSA-North and Kachin rebels in northern Shan State since mid-April, calling up troops from as far away as Karenni State to back up their forces in Shan State, according to Aung Kyaw Zaw.

Quoting a Wa rebel source, the Jane’s report said “the Mi-17s reached the Wa-administered area by flying across the Mekong River from Lao rather than direct from China.”
Jane’s said five helicopters had been bought, but the Burmese government, which confirmed the deal, said only two aircraft had so far been delivered.

The UWSA headquarters is in Panghsang, northeastern Shan State on the China border, but it has a secondary stronghold in southern Shan State on the border with Thailand.
Burma and the United States have long said the UWSA funds its activities through heroin and methamphetamine production, earning large sums of money through illegal activities.
If the government launches an attack on the Wa, it would be a big war, according to analysts. There have been unconfirmed reports in recent weeks that the Wa have been digging in for a protracted ground war, hollowing out tunnels and constructing fortified positions, according to the sources.
The Burmese government recently bought a number of Mi-24P ‘Hind’ gunships from Russia. The reported sale of the Mi-17s to the Wa, armed with TY-90 short-range air-to-air missiles, would provide a strong deterrent to Naypyidaw moving against the Wa.
Asian Defence News: Rogue Communist Party of China Sells Helicopter Gunships to UWSA
Rogue Communist Party of China Sells Helicopter Gunships to UWSA
China having problems with all its neighbors. The world should supply Chinese democracy dissidents with weapons.




Last time I checked, China settled all land dispute with all its 14 neighbors except India, whereas India hasn't settled any land dispute with any its neighbors since India's independence. India has only 6 land neighbors by the way.

Who's rogue country?

back to the topic.

If India needs these choppers, China can also sell you I believe. Money talks...
ethnic Wa rebels who occupy areas of Shan State in eastern Burma,


Wa State of Myanmar to China is like Ossetia of Georgia to Russia

the Wa people want to be independent, China in behind discourage them, rather encourage the Wa stay in Myanmar union
If China is willing to accept Wa region to joint China, the Wa people would be happy to say yes instantly.

the case is similar to Ossetia of Georgia to Russia

Ossetia declare independence from Georgia, but no country in the world recognize it, including Russia.
Russia didn't recognize it, probably Russia has its own reason. Ossetia wants to joint Russia doesn't take it either.

the Wa people in that area had been live there for generations, they don't occupy , they are the native people. they are culturally closer to china than to Myanmar.
The Wa ethnic group in Myanmar (numbered 800,000) are the same as the Va people 佤族 (numbered 400,000) in China. The Va are one of a transnational border group in China around this area.
This can only mean one thing, in future there are Chinese plans to take over the area - directly or indirectly.

Of course assuming the news is true. However there has been more news about this in the past too - china's help to these rebels.
first of all, any article that begins by calling the Chinese government, a member of the UNSC p5, WTO, APEC, G-20, WHO, and a long list of other international organizations, a government of 1.3 billion people enjoying high approval ratings, largest trading nation on earth, second largest economy on earth, operating the second largest number of embassies/consulates on earth, a "rogue" government clearly has no idea what its talking about, that or its heavily bias from the start.

second of all, its very common for great powers to give arms to others whether you like it or not, the biggest examples of this includes the US and USSR.

Last time I checked, China settled all land dispute with all its 14 neighbors except India, whereas India hasn't settled any land dispute with any its neighbors since India's independence. India has only 6 land neighbors by the way.

Who's rogue country?

back to the topic.

If India needs these choppers, China can also sell you I believe. Money talks...

when congress wants to settle the land dispute with Bangladesh, few days ago BGP sent notice to congress saying the the settlement agreement is illegal, so again wait for another 42 years to settle land dispute :rolleyes:

Last time I checked, China settled all land dispute with all its 14 neighbors except India, whereas India hasn't settled any land dispute with any its neighbors since India's independence. India has only 6 land neighbors by the way.

Who's rogue country?

back to the topic.

If India needs these choppers, China can also sell you I believe. Money talks...

with whom she settled? Japan, Vietnam,Philippine etc? she did with none.... but an agreement with Russia do not provoke Russia and get banged back until 75years...
China has not yet met a genocidal dictator it does not actively support- so why does helping terrorist groups comes as a surprise?
The title is apt, Chinese make deals with anybody for money and lands. they also support most heinous dictators and also oppressive regimes.
China has not yet met a genocidal dictator it does not actively support- so why does helping terrorist groups comes as a surprise?

It's a 'dictator' according to your daddy. They are peaceful countries seeking their independence from the white man according to us.

The title is apt, Chinese make deals with anybody for money and lands. they also support most heinous dictators and also oppressive regimes.

Until we support India, we haven't supported any heinous dictators (Gandhi) and oppressive regimes (ask the Sikhs, Tamils and Muslims).
It's a 'dictator' according to your daddy. They are peaceful countries seeking their independence from the white man according to us..

Only to a brainwashed Chinese like you- are they are not dictators- Sudan 450,000 killed, N Korea, Syria etc etc
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