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Robert Fulford: Iran's evil is spreading. Who's still to accept this?


Jul 18, 2016
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Nikki Haley, the outgoing American representative at the United Nations, once defined her problem with Iran. She said that everywhere there’s trouble, you find Iran at work.

The Iranians shouldn’t be annoyed by that comment. In fact, it sounds like an accurate account of their strategy. They believe, with religious faith, in steadily expanding the range of their influence, showing their power in any conflict on the horizon. You can’t keep up with them. They put money into Lebanon long ago but who knew until recently that they were in Yemen? Now they are in Gaza.

Everywhere there's trouble, you find Iran at work

Bassam Tawil, a Palestinian Muslim writer with a cool view of Iran, clearly believes that the Iranians will fight to the last Palestinian. In a recent article he paraphrases the message that Iran sends to Palestinian families: “If you want money and a good life, send your children to die on the border with Israel.”

For the Iranians and their proxies, he argues, Islamic unity is necessary to advancing the ultimate goal of removing the “cancerous tumour” (one of the Iranian terms for Israel) from the face of the Earth. Iran has been doing whatever it can to achieve this goal.


A Yemeni woman and children are seen at a camp for displaced people in the western province of Hodeidah on Dec. 11, 2018. Many Yemeni families have been displaced by the conflict between the government, backed by a Saudi-led military coalition, and Iran-aligned Huthi rebels.
Were it not for Iranian support, he believes, the Lebanese Shiite terrorist organization, Hezbollah, would not be aiming thousands of rockets and missiles at Israel. Were it not for Iranian military and financial backing, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups would not have been able to fire more than 500 projectiles at Israel in 24 hours, as they did recently.

Some estimates of Iran’s aid are as high as $200 million a year. Hezbollah, seen in capitalist terms, is an owned and operated subsidiary of Iran. It is also a peculiar sort of terror army: it plays a role in the Lebanon government. Its political arm holds seats in Parliament and two places in the cabinet.

Hezbollah, seen in capitalist terms, is an owned and operated subsidiary of Iran

Tawil might also have mentioned the tunnels built between Lebanon and Israel, at a cost to Iran of several million dollars. They are clearly designed for a Hezbollah surprise attack in which gunmen could suddenly emerge into nearby Israeli towns, kidnapping or murdering civilians. The tunnels have been discovered and are now being exhibited to UN officials. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls Hezbollah’s tunnel-digging an “act of war.”

Aside from foreign countries, Iran also deals harshly with its own citizens. Recently Irwin Cotler and the Montreal-based Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights asked the Canadian government to sanction 19 high-ranking Iranians who can be identified as “architects of oppression” against the Iranian people.


Israeli soldiers stand around the opening of a hole that leads to a tunnel the army says crosses from Lebanon to Israel, near Metula, on Dec. 19, 2018. Sebastian Scheiner/AP
Executions in Iran have included the execution of child offenders, including at least nine in the past two years. Capital punishment is ordered against individuals on vaguely worded offences, such as “enmity against God.” In August 2016, authorities hanged 25 Sunni men, of whom 22 were from Iran’s Kurdish minority and three were Iraqi nationals, all on charges of enmity against God. Journalists, lawyers, human rights defenders, political activists, student activists, artists and bloggers are persecuted for exercising what most countries consider their rights.

In 1979 a revolution defeated a cruel shah and replaced him with the Islamic Republic, promising freedom. But many citizens found a clerical dictatorship harder to live with than a royal regime. Last week the UN General Assembly called to account Iran’s human rights record by a vote of 84 to 30, another step down for the reputation of the mullahs.

If this Zionist clown Robert takes issue with Iran having a presence in Syria and Lebanon, wait until he finds out how many countries the US has a military presence in.

The Middle East and Persian Gulf is Iran's domain; what is the US doing here? They milk KSA in exchange for protection, even Trump said KSA wouldn't survive a week without the US' protection, but the KSA slaves carry on licking the White Man's Arse :D
Mr Sakra from India is questioning our presence in Syria Iraq and Lebanon, where we were invited by the sovereign governments of those nations to help them fight terrorism and establish security.

What about the illegal presence of US in a 100 countries?



You goin answer this mr sakra?
Nikki Haley, the outgoing American representative at the United Nations, once defined her problem with Iran. She said that everywhere there’s trouble, you find Iran at work.

The Iranians shouldn’t be annoyed by that comment. In fact, it sounds like an accurate account of their strategy. They believe, with religious faith, in steadily expanding the range of their influence, showing their power in any conflict on the horizon. You can’t keep up with them. They put money into Lebanon long ago but who knew until recently that they were in Yemen? Now they are in Gaza.

Everywhere there's trouble, you find Iran at work

Bassam Tawil, a Palestinian Muslim writer with a cool view of Iran, clearly believes that the Iranians will fight to the last Palestinian. In a recent article he paraphrases the message that Iran sends to Palestinian families: “If you want money and a good life, send your children to die on the border with Israel.”

For the Iranians and their proxies, he argues, Islamic unity is necessary to advancing the ultimate goal of removing the “cancerous tumour” (one of the Iranian terms for Israel) from the face of the Earth. Iran has been doing whatever it can to achieve this goal.


A Yemeni woman and children are seen at a camp for displaced people in the western province of Hodeidah on Dec. 11, 2018. Many Yemeni families have been displaced by the conflict between the government, backed by a Saudi-led military coalition, and Iran-aligned Huthi rebels.
Were it not for Iranian support, he believes, the Lebanese Shiite terrorist organization, Hezbollah, would not be aiming thousands of rockets and missiles at Israel. Were it not for Iranian military and financial backing, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups would not have been able to fire more than 500 projectiles at Israel in 24 hours, as they did recently.

Some estimates of Iran’s aid are as high as $200 million a year. Hezbollah, seen in capitalist terms, is an owned and operated subsidiary of Iran. It is also a peculiar sort of terror army: it plays a role in the Lebanon government. Its political arm holds seats in Parliament and two places in the cabinet.

Hezbollah, seen in capitalist terms, is an owned and operated subsidiary of Iran

Tawil might also have mentioned the tunnels built between Lebanon and Israel, at a cost to Iran of several million dollars. They are clearly designed for a Hezbollah surprise attack in which gunmen could suddenly emerge into nearby Israeli towns, kidnapping or murdering civilians. The tunnels have been discovered and are now being exhibited to UN officials. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls Hezbollah’s tunnel-digging an “act of war.”

Aside from foreign countries, Iran also deals harshly with its own citizens. Recently Irwin Cotler and the Montreal-based Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights asked the Canadian government to sanction 19 high-ranking Iranians who can be identified as “architects of oppression” against the Iranian people.


Israeli soldiers stand around the opening of a hole that leads to a tunnel the army says crosses from Lebanon to Israel, near Metula, on Dec. 19, 2018. Sebastian Scheiner/AP
Executions in Iran have included the execution of child offenders, including at least nine in the past two years. Capital punishment is ordered against individuals on vaguely worded offences, such as “enmity against God.” In August 2016, authorities hanged 25 Sunni men, of whom 22 were from Iran’s Kurdish minority and three were Iraqi nationals, all on charges of enmity against God. Journalists, lawyers, human rights defenders, political activists, student activists, artists and bloggers are persecuted for exercising what most countries consider their rights.

In 1979 a revolution defeated a cruel shah and replaced him with the Islamic Republic, promising freedom. But many citizens found a clerical dictatorship harder to live with than a royal regime. Last week the UN General Assembly called to account Iran’s human rights record by a vote of 84 to 30, another step down for the reputation of the mullahs.


aren't indians supposed to be trying to make friends with Iran?? u ruining it for indians.
If it wasn't for Israel there would no 500 projectiles fired in 24 hours. "Were it not for Iranian military and financial backing, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups would not have been able to fire more than 500 projectiles at Israel in 24 hours, as they did recently."

Pakistan must provide the Palestinians the weapons to defend themselves. If Israel can help India in Kashmir then we can help the Palestinians in Gaza.

@Arabi have you seen this video? No wonder why they're running scared of Arabia now!
Nikki Hailey basically upset that Iran is mucking around with Israel.

Not a peep from that b*tch about Iran's support of Bashar. No surprise.

BTW, this article hardly vilifies Iran in a world where Israel is being viewed as an aggressor (which it is).

Even Donald Trump is telling them to stop with the settler bullshit:

Thank you @Śakra the false flagger for opening my eyes or i would have thought Iran as brotherly nation. :D
@Nilgiri @hellfire @jamahir enjoy guys your brotherly nation.

Not a false-flagger I am 1000000% desi, check out all my previous posts too see how patriotic I am. These comments are the true face of farsis, they hate everyone and everything that isn't Western. Go onto the other thread and see how much racism they have for Arabs.

Also, our country is a mother. Don't use Islamic terms like """""brotherly country""""
Thank you @Śakra the false flagger for opening my eyes or i would have thought Iran as brotherly nation. :D
@Nilgiri @hellfire @jamahir enjoy guys your brotherly nation.

No country in the world is brother for us buddy (permanent interests rather than permanent friends etc) ...and neither do 1 or 2 random ppl speak for their entire nation...esp when they are obv in trolling/counter-trolling mode.

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