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Robert Fulford: Iran's evil is spreading. Who's still to accept this?

Yeah run like you always do. Pahdi tendue :D

Got no option....... pahad mujhe miss kartey hain. Kya karein!

On topic. The place is filled with idiots now. Trump followers. Put up a citation .. pat comes #FAKE. Put up an argument, pat comes rape, etc etc.

Impossible to have a discussion

follow your own advice and ignore
Yeah run like you always do. Pahdi tendue :D

For you @Sam.


Having fun somewhere in LC
you can find plenty of people into botox and plastic surgery. Its a fad........however, if you are like miss sakra (aka wahabbi wannabe hendi).......you ain't got a snowballs chance in hell......lol

Tokhme khar baba, I don't usually take part in such silly racist quarrels but how about some artificial irani women ??

@Sam. @Śakra @GHALIB @hellfire

There is a serious problem with some Irani women who undertake plastic surgery to the extreme.

But I appreciate Iran's support to the Syrian government.
This is the same response from black people. If you post pictures of black people, and bust their chops, then they say the same thing as you!

And god forbid if you posted a picture of a gorilla or an ape, then you are labelled as a klansman.....lol

@waz since when is racism allowed on this site?
This is the same response from black people. If you post pictures of black people, and bust their chops, then they say the same thing as you!

Oh great, now you’re against Africans too. Don’t you ever get sick of hating?
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