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Rise of al-Qaeda backfired on the United States, Putin says


Nov 24, 2011
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Rise of al-Qaeda backfired on the United States, Putin says

President Vladimir Putin spoke frankly about the quandary the U.S. finds itself in Syria. Responding to a specific question about the controversial policy of some Western nations for their sponsorship of terrorism and certain terrorist groups in Syria, Putin had this to say:

“You know when someone aspires to attain an end they see as optimal any means will do. As a rule they will try and do that by hook or by crook and hardly even think of the consequences. That was the case during the war in Afghanistan , when the Soviet Union invaded in 1997. At that time our present partners supported a rebel movement there and it basically gave rise to al-Qaeda – which later back fired on the United States itself", he said (see video link in article: Putin Suggests West Uses Al Qaeda to Bring Down Assad Putin Suggests West Uses Al Qaeda to Bring Down Assad | Atlantic Sentinel ).

Applying that same example to the current situation in Syria Putin said: “Today someone want to use militants from al-Qaeda or some other organization with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in Syria. This policy is dangerous and very short sighted. In that case, one should unlock Guantanamo, arm all the inmates and bring them to Syria to do the fighting. They are practically the same kind of people. But what we should bear in mind is that one day these people will get back at their former captors. On the other hand, these same people should bear in mind that they would eventually end up in a new prison, very much like the ones off the Cuban shore.”

The Guantanamo Bay detention camp is a controversial detainment and interrogation facility of the United States military located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba.

The interview ended with Putin warning those nations that support al-Qaeda of “dire consequences” for their short sighted policy in this regard.

Russian president Vladimir Putin speaking on RT television, September 6, 2012.

Rise of al-Qaeda backfired on the United States, Putin says - Wichita Military Affairs | Examiner.com
even a kid knows that Western Efforts to establish 'Democracy' on any place refers to establishing a puppet government in that country who would then serve for US/West. like have a look on Democratic India, US/West wants to buy every politicians/diplomat/bureaucrat etc to have a true follower government for US/West. they want to do something the same, what they have done in case of Pakistan to an extent where even their rulers keep their family in Britain and finally run to Britain after doing full corruption in Pakistan. they want to make India a country whose every politician/diplomat/bureaucrat /professional/businessmen would only dream to go to Britain/US/Canada/Australia and in return of being defended in these countries, these people would do what they are ordered from US/West. something the same which they have done in Pakistan to an extent............

US/West simply dont recognize territory of other countries and want to have a follower governments in these countries and we dont want that. we dont want that type of "World Government" who will be of the purpose to serve White/Christian/Western dominance and hence to force all the states of world to come under this 'Rule' which is mainly intended to colonize India type developing countries, to maintain constant flow of money to US+EU in either way, to maintain luxury life/food supply for Western People in either way. and we want a resistance to this intention of Western rulers. establishing Democracy in Syria is meant same as Iraq, to have a puppet government who would always be ready to serve US/West, whenever ordered.......

look on the arms on on the back these terrorists, armed by CIA by help of Turkish officials, and funded by other Arab countries. is there any way to handle these terrorists equipped with high tech arms by CIA, other than just shoot them on site?


Members of the Free Syrian Army walk as they carry RPGs at Bab Al Hawa in outskirts of Idlib, near the Syrian-Turkey border (Reuters / Str)

American secret service operatives are distributing illegal assault rifles, anti-tank rocket launchers and other ammunition to Syrian opposition, the New York Times reports. But due to some rebels’ links to Al Qaeda, the CIA’s task is precarious.

**The paper reports that for weeks now, officers based in southeast Turkey have supervised the flow of illegal arms to numerous opposition factions ready to fight the regime of President Bashar Assad. The only problem is some of the rebel groups have links with terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, so the CIA mission must be careful not to arm proven terrorists by mistake.

Arms and ammunition are being brought into Syria mainly over the Turkish border with the help of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood network and other groups, the report says. Expenses are being shared by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The NYT source, an unnamed Arab intelligence official, revealed that American officers are also collecting information on Syrian opposition groups and recruiting informants among their ranks. The source said the Obama administration is considering sharing its intelligence data, such as satellite images and detailed information on the location and maneuvers of Syrian troops.

According to the source, CIA operatives might be helping the rebels with organizing a rudimentary intelligence organization. The CIA agents have reportedly not set foot on Syrian soil, however.

While, it seems, supplying Syrian opposition with arms, the US would like to see Syria’s allies, Russia in the first place, stop supplying weapons to the regime of President Bashar Assad. Washington has expressed concern with Russia performing maintenance of Syrian Mi-25 assault helicopters.

Moscow has consistently denied supplying to Damascus any types of assault weapons that can be used against armed rebels. Russia’s Foreign Ministry says the country has only supplied Syria with defensive capabilities such as anti-air missile systems.

Russia is not violating any international sanctions against Syria, and Moscow has declared it will not cease military cooperation with Damascus.

Prior to the report about CIA officers operating on the Turkish-Syrian border, the Obama administration’s declared policy on the conflict in Syria centered on diplomacy and humanitarian aid. The State Department has reportedly allocated $15 million in medical supplies and communication equipment for armed opposition groups in Syria.

In the meantime it seems the Pentagon is considering various options for interference in the Syrian conflict, including establishing no-fly zones over the country, as was done in Libya a year ago.

American and Israeli generals are also concerned with securing alleged stockpiles of Syrian chemical weapons, the very existence of which has never been proven.

Revealed: CIA secretly operates on Syrian border, supplies arms to rebels — RT
Russia is desperately trying to prevent the fall of its puppets in Syria, that is all. It will likely not succeed. Al-Qaeda has no central role to play in that tussle.
Today someone want to use militants from al-Qaeda or some other organization with equally radical views to accomplish their goals in Syria. This policy is dangerous and very short sighted. In that case, one should unlock Guantanamo, arm all the inmates and bring them to Syria to do the fighting.

Straight to the point. West and Arabs not only sends armed terrorists to Syria, they do it wholesale - like recent deal with CIA hiring 5000 Al Qaeda members in Yemen, and transporting them to Syria.

Then sometime later US and alies will use the very same Al Qaeda as a pretext to invade other countries, like they did before. Never ending cycle of terrorism, endorsed by the biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism - US.
Russia is desperately trying to prevent the fall of its puppets in Syria, that is all. It will likely not succeed. Al-Qaeda has no central role to play in that tussle.

sir, dont justify a wrong just because Syria is in group of Russia. have a look on India, China, Vietnam etc, all are close friends of Russia and they get whatever technology Russia has. every type of support to have higher growth, Russia gives to its 'friends'. is there any reason why Russia support growing Super Power status of China and even supported nuclear holding of India because of its non-signatory of NPT, while the same US wants the whole world to accept P5s as Police of the world?????? Russia support multi-polar world/equality in world, while US try to colonize rest of the world under their White/Christian/Western belief to maintain flow of money in either way to maintain good life of Western people in either way :wave:

today I was talking that US/UK are the countries who have hands in terrorism of every part of the world and after terrorising those places, they then attack on those places on the name of 'Human Rights' to establish 'Democracy' in those places.......

see one more news as below. I wonder, was there any place in this world where terrorism was not supported by US/West, or in Afghan where they want to kill those terrorists who dont want to work for US/NATO, while the Al Qaeda terrorists employed in Syria are working for NATO's allies? :hang2:

'Washington backed jihadist elements in Kosovo, now in Syria'
08 July, 2012, 07:38

The Western media's coverage of the Syrian conflict has drawn comparisons to how it covered conflicts in the past, most notably the series of brutal wars that accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

*James Jatras, the director of the American Council on Kosovo, believes the similarities between the two conflicts run deep.

“There are similarities on three crucial levels when we look at Syria,” Jatras told RT. “One has to do with the international system, the rule of law, the role of the Security Council. Another has to do with the status of sovereign states, and how you treat a sovereign state that has an insurgency within its borders.”

The third level involves taking a complex situation involving atrocities and violence committed on both sides of the conflict, and attributing them only to one side.

“What you do is come up with a concept, and you fit the facts into the concept. You don’t take a step back in good faith, look at what’s really going on, look at the suffering of people on both sides,” Jatras noted.

Jatras believes that the West has essentially been pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire, using words like “genocide,” and only wants victory for one side and utter destruction for the other. :meeting:

He also took note of the similar fates of the Christian population in both the Kosovo and the Syrian conflict.

“Why is it that in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy, the United States always seems to find itself on the side of jihadist elements engaging in terrorism with predictable results for the Christian population, as we saw in Kosovo when half of the Orthodox Serb population had to flee the province, and thousands of them were killed by the ‘liberators,’ – the Kosovo Liberation Army?" :sniper:

Jatras told RT that there are several reasons why the United States may be willing to support Islamic fundamentalists. Most importantly, it is America’s cozy relationship with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, and hence its desire to show it has its friends' backs when it comes to facilitating an environment for international commerce.

'Washington backed jihadist elements in Kosovo, now in Syria' — RT
Russia is desperately trying to prevent the fall of its puppets in Syria, that is all. It will likely not succeed. Al-Qaeda has no central role to play in that tussle.

Are you sure about that? Don't underestimate their resolve.

But then again, the Al-Qaeda presence in Syria are at best rumors for now.
Straight to the point. West and Arabs not only sends armed terrorists to Syria, they do it wholesale - like recent deal with CIA hiring 5000 Al Qaeda members in Yemen, and transporting them to Syria.

Then sometime later US and alies will use the very same Al Qaeda as a pretext to invade other countries, like they did before. :meeting: Never ending cycle of terrorism, endorsed by the biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism - US.

thats the main point you said. its written in more than 1000s articles of different sources of media that US always has someone on their gun point and others in waiting list. their different wars will never end until they establish a proper 'Rule' in world, and till then they will keep targeting different countries one by one. just have a look on last 60 years since WW2. whether its 'Neo-Colonization' efforts by West to impose NPT, Veto power Rules on poor countries, at the same times different wars with Vietnam, in Africa, different economic wars in South Amercia and Asia, including Cold War with SU while its the SU which has "No First Use policy"???? then Iraq, Afghan, different political wars in almost every part of the world? efforts to buy politicians of developing countries, including their all the corrupts. just have a look on last 3-4 years only, first Libya was attacked and till then there was nothing in Syria and now Syria????? different wars of US/West will never end until they 'colonize' the whole world and you will only have to resist their intentions..... :meeting:

I always advice Indians to learn from Chinese success who achieved so high success while being an enemy of US/West, while US/UK are found more enemies and less friends of India, who always try to break down India by buying different corrupts of India. thats why my every post on this forum advice Indians to always remain anti-US/West and learn from China, how they had so high success on this stand. I always give example of Philippines also and say, "how a religious colony like Philippines is so poor while per capita income of other countries of the same region is twice to them, like of Thailand/ China." I always advice, regardless our regional politics among India-China-Pakistan, we would always have a combined resistance to US/West. and many times I took side with China on my this stand, whenever I had to chose one of China and US.

like as below, China and Thailand have Buddhist background and but are more than twice richer than Philippines which gets heavy support from the western nations because of having Christian religious background. Philippines, which is of the size of Pakistan/Thailand have more migrants in US/Australia/Canada, more migrants than 10 times bigger countries like China and India also, then whats the reason behind it? and even if they full support on the side of technology also but still they are so poor than China/Thailand/Singapore/Korea/Japan type different religious background countries, but of similar race, then whats the reason?


Neocolonialism (also Neo-colonialism) is the geopolitical practice of using capitalism, business globalization, and cultural imperialism to control a country, in lieu of either direct military control or indirect political control, i.e. imperialism and hegemony.

Are you sure about that? Don't underestimate their resolve.

But then again, the Al-Qaeda presence in Syria are at best rumors for now.

It is only a matter of time before the Syrian regime falls, whether Al-Qaeda is involved by rumor or not, is immaterial.
Still mad about what happened to the Russians in Afghanistan.
Puttin talking about blowback, fanboys don't get it.

There will be thousands of these guys with automatic weopons. amos and what not.
Thesd guys wont turn in weopons even after Assad is gone.

Yup its a sure recipe for more trouble.

I see a bad moon rising....
You are forgetting what is happening with you.. You shouldnt.
2000 in 10 years oh no....our enemies are so useless in the field they can only pull of occasional suicide attacks....or shoot their own women.;)
Are you sure about that? Don't underestimate their resolve.

But then again, the Al-Qaeda presence in Syria are at best rumors for now.

Al-qaeda has no presence in syria its just those scums like Putin trying to convince the world in order to prevent the fall of Assad as that has a huge impacts on the russian interest
2000 in 10 years oh no....our enemies are so useless in the field they can only pull of occasional suicide attacks....or shoot their own women.;)

You still have to reply to my post on the other thread:


@ Deaert Fox....how many damned times do you people have to be reminded that the Mujahdin and Taliban aren't the same thing? The Taliban didn't come about til mid 90's...Reagan was already dead. Ask Ahmad Shah Massoud if the Taliban are the same as those who fought the Soviets...oh...that's right...they killed him. The Taliban FOUGHT those who beat the Soviets (by this time...fighting amongst themselves). I'll tell you what...you pretend that the Taliban are the same as those who fought the Soviets...I'll pretend the Pakistani army is the British army (they're both armies...both in the same place...the same and only arguement that the Talibs are the same as those who fought the Soviets...oh...and the American army is an Apache warband...)

I dismiss this excuse. This is just another one of those lame excuses used by some Americans and Westerners who want to justify the support of the very same people whom they now call "terrorists, extremists, women beaters, oppressors, acid throwing, tribal cave men, bearded mullahs, 7th century mentality people"etc..

Tell me, do you also use the same excuse to justify supporting, training, and funding of Al-Qaeda by NATO in Libya and now Syria?

In Afghanistan Al-Qaeda is evil and are the same people who are responsible for 9/11 (which, they BTW, are responsible for), but in Libya and Syria they've become "revolutionaries" and "rebels" who have gained the sympathy and support of NATO and so called "Western Democracies"? ?

You people act as if the Afghans of the 1980's who fought the Soviets were no "wife beating, acid throwing, 7th century mentality, bearded, tribal cave men", and that all of a sudden they disappeared into thin air, and now in 2001, just when America and allies decided to invade Afghanistan, out of nowhere these new Afghans appeared, they seem to have fallen out of the sky and became "wife beating, acid throwing, 7th century mentality, bearded, tribal cave men" who are evil because they are resisting foreign occupation, now in the form of NATO.

Now, coming to your analogy(ies), they are not correct, rather completely incorrect. Tell me, was Mullah Omar born after the Afghan-Soviet War? Was Jallaludin Haqqani also born after the Afghan-Soviet war? Hekmatyar, was he too born after the Afghan-Soviet war??

Read a little about these above mentioned names and learn some history about Afghanistan.

Secondly, now coming to Ahmed Shah Masoud, he was not assassinated by the Taliban, rather he was assassinated by a Arab of Al-Qaeda, the very same Al-Qaeda with whom our gov.t's are in
bed with in Syria and Libya.

I posted this image before in my previous post, and i'll post it again, this time take heed to what i write next:


Now, its is a documented fact, that one of those bearded men sitting with Reagan is Jallaludin Haqqani, the founder of the group whom the State Department just blacklisted.

So i'm guessing Haqqani is just like George Washington (i didn't say that, Good o'l Reagan did).
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