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Rise in Asian women trafficked into China: Report

I thought China being a Asian country is conservative in its societal norms. The first time I went to Shanghai, I was surprised. It is as western as you can get. Sex is very easily available. China, at least in sexual matters, is much more liberal than we think. Or am I basing my judgement from my experience in Shanghai? After all Shanghai is not the real China

Tens of thousands of women are bought and sold in China each year. The most popular areas for abducting women are the poor areas of Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou. (Human Rights in China organization report, Sophia Woodman, Stephanie Ho, "Trafficking of Women in China," Voice of America, 27 September 1995)

China is a destination of trafficked women from Ukraine and Russia. (Global Survival Network, Vladmir Isachenkov, "Soviet Women Slavery Flourishes," Associated Press, 6 November 1997) Traffickers are increasingly transporting Burmese and Chinese girls for prostitution, partially due to a decrease in the availability of northern Thai girls. "Their pleasant character, white skin and beauty were similar to northern girls." (Prof Kusol Sunthorntada, Researcher, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, ("More foreign workers join sex industry as fewer Thai girls enter flesh trade," Poona Antaseeda. Bangkok Post, 24 November 1997) Girls from China, aged 12-18, are in more demand for the sex industry in Thailand since fewer girls from Northern Thailand are being lured by traffickers. (Wanchai Boonphacra, Centre for the Protection of Children's Rights, "More foreign workers join sex industry as fewer Thai girls enter flesh trade," Poona Antaseeda. Bangkok Post, 24 November 1997)

Women are also being trafficked for sale as wives to husbands who often resell them. (CATW - Asia Pacific, Trafficking in Women and Prostitution in the Asia Pacific)

Chinese girls from provinces in Yunan state are trafficked via Chiang Tung in Burma and then into Thailand at Mae Sai in Chiang Rai. ("More foreign workers join sex industry as fewer Thai girls enter flesh trade," Poona Antaseeda. Bangkok Post, 24 November 1997)

Traffickers force Chinese immigrants into indentured servitude, women into prostitution and men into the restaurant business. In September 1998, 153 men and 21 women, including 35 juveniles, arrived in San Diego, California from China via Mexico, after paying smugglers $30,000. In 1997, 69 and in 1993, 650 Chinese immigrants were intercepted in the same area. If caught by immigration (INS) officials, most will be sent back to China, unless they receive political asylum. The smugglers may face jail time in the United States. (Paula Story, "Chinese Immigrant Boat Reaches US," Associated Press Online, 19 September 1998)

Thousands of girls from China's southern are trafficked into Thailand's sex industry; some go on to Malaysia or Singapore. The economic crisis has no impact on this segment of the sex industry. More affluent Chinese businessmen from mainland China or Taiwan who do business in Thailand purchase sex from these Chinese girls. (Supalak Ganjanakhundee, "Migrant workers booming as Asian economy declines," Kyodo News, 23 September 1998)


This article is probably right answer to OP.
OP wanted to show that how southeast asia is poor and so prostitution happens in one way only from vietnam to china.
But the article shows it is not the only way.
And most important trafficking is always bad.

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 PM ----------

It's pathetic how people are scoring cheap points at the expense of poor, unfortunate women being abused by criminals.

The thread starter is to be blamed to score cheap points on trafficking

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 PM ----------

It's pathetic how people are scoring cheap points at the expense of poor, unfortunate women being abused by criminals.

The thread starter is to be blamed to score cheap points on trafficking
Don't let china become another brazil .That will ruin us.Our GDP percapita will stuck at 10k$ .
In Vietnam we say from ancient time for mixing marriage with chinese in any case: "Thằng Ngô, con đĩ". In English it means : Idiot Chinese and prostitute.

To tell the truth, you are not even human beings in our eyes, I am not trolling, I just tell the truth.The words we use to describ u like蛮,狄 are alway related to worms and animals.
I thought China being a Asian country is conservative in its societal norms. The first time I went to Shanghai, I was surprised. It is as western as you can get. Sex is very easily available. China, at least in sexual matters, is much more liberal than we think. Or am I basing my judgement from my experience in Shanghai? After all Shanghai is not the real China
You are right, societal norms do not work as strictly as in China under Mao or before its opening up. Shanghai is the real China, but it is just one side of China. From a materialistic perspective, prostitution is the easiest way of making money.
China cannot be a dumpster for anybody who wants to join us. We must set rigorous standards. It's not about what you add, or how big you are. It is about what you exclude, or how pure you are.

If the SE brides have good genes, fair skin, etc. they can come. Otherwise, we cannot dilute our Yellow River Han gene pool with SE Asians anymore. If I hear anymore BS about Vietnamese being "related to" Chinese or even they are actually Chinese, I'm gonna puke. People from North Korea might be okay though.

BEIJING - The number of Chinese women trafficked overseas and forced into prostitution has risen amid an increasing presence of international crime groups, a senior police officer said.

The women, mostly from poor rural areas, were trafficked mainly for forced marriage or forced prostitution, Chen Shiqu, director of the anti-human trafficking office under the Ministry of Public Security, said.

Forced marriages in poor areas of Southwest China's Yunnan and Guizhou provinces were behind most of the trafficking, he said.

"But there has been a growing trend for organized transnational human trafficking crime groups to target Chinese women for forced prostitution in foreign countries," Chen told China Daily.
A majority of the targeted women were from poor rural areas in China and were trafficked to Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa, Chen said but declined to provide specific figures.

But he cited statistics from Malaysian police as saying a total of 5,453 Chinese women suspected of engaging in prostitution were detained by the end of November.

Chinese police have cracked 9,165 trafficking cases and rescued 17,746 women since April 2009 when the Ministry of Public Security launched a special campaign, according to statistics from Chen's office.

Huge profits for organized crime groups allied to poor awareness among rural Chinese women about the dangers of human trafficking contributed to a growing number of international cases.

"Many of the trafficked women were cheated by criminal suspects under the guise of overseas study or high-paid jobs and then forced into prostitution," he said.

There is an increasing need for more international cooperation as trafficking in other countries can involve various organized crime groups, he said.

China has signed the Mekong River Sub-regional Cooperation Anti-trafficking Memo with Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia and set up an annual senior-official meeting mechanism to help curb international trafficking.

Beijing has also established eight border offices with neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos, to combat trafficking, Chen said.

Chinese police have also cooperated with their Russian, British, Australian and Malaysian counterparts in intelligence exchange and investigation.

Police in China, with the help of foreign counterparts, have carried out a number of successful rescue operations, Chen said.

Last November, police rescued 15 women who had been trafficked from Sichuan province to Africa for prostitution. The operation began following a tip-off in May that the women had been trafficked to Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The ministry dispatched a special investigation team there and detained two Chinese suspects, surnamed Zhuang and Yao, on Nov 26, 2010.

Dai Peng, head of the investigation department of the Chinese People's Public Security University, said lack of financial and manpower resources are hindering police efforts to fight international trafficking.

He Yunxiao, a national project coordinator from the UN Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking, told China Daily that international cooperation is vital, as it leads to greater intelligence sharing and the extradition of suspects.

Cao Yin contributed to this story.
To tell the truth, you are not even human beings in our eyes, I am not trolling, I just tell the truth.The words we use to describ u like蛮,狄 are alway related to worms and animals.
No, it is not. 蛮 literally means barbaric or uncivilized.
Guys, please dont spread racism in PDF.
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