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Rise in Asian women trafficked into China: Report

Some people believe that we Han Chinese are pure blood,that's the biggest joke of all time,how can any people in their sane mind believe that one fifth of the humanity are pure blood?if that is the case ,then very few people left as not pure blood groups in the wold.check the Chinese history and see how many ethnic groups merged together to form today's Han Chinese,no less than hundreds.Chinese is more of a common culture acceptance than a ethnic concept.we people living in North China look different from those living in the South,but it doesnt matter at all,cause we are all Chinese,we all accept Chinese culture.Chinese culture are very open and comprehensive and very friendly ,is always ready to accept anyone who likes to embrace it,that's why we have this uninterrupted thousands years civilization and one fifth of the humanity.and keep that in your mind,China also has 55 minorities and they are just like my brothers and sisters,we have many many ethnic minority friends when I grew up.
racist dogs should be banned and kicked out of this forum.
You know very very little about China. China is not a multiethnic country except for the 55 minority groups. Han Chinese is one ethnicity, not a combine of many ethnicities (like india). What you're suggesting is BS.

Have you heard of the book of traditional Chinese familes / clans 百家姓?
you are the one know nothing about Chinese history,you know minorities converted to Chinese dynasties and be given Chinese names by Chinese emperors?many people with family name 李 are actaully Huns,匈奴人。and 契丹 people were totally absorbed into Han Chinese and this once powerful people who ruled most part of China disappeared in Chinese history,so many of similiar cases happened in the process of forming we Han Chinese in our thousands year history.Do some study before spewing hate nonsense here.
you are the one know nothing about Chinese history,you know minorities converted to Chinese dynasties and be given Chinese names by Chinese emperors?many people with family name 李 are actaully Huns,匈奴人。and 契丹 people were totally absorbed into Han Chinese and this once powerful people who ruled most part of China disappeared in Chinese history,so many of similiar cases happened in the process of forming we Han Chinese in our thousands year history.Do some study before spewing hate nonsense here.
Nomadic tribes in Manchuria and Mongolia are offshoots of Yellow River Han Chinese civilization, as is -- possibly -- Japanese and Koreans. They are assimilable. Polynesian descended people of SE Asia are too different from us, as are indians, to allow intermarriage.
And of course,han Chinese is pure,as pure as Japanese,Korean.far far far more pure than the whites.
We should definitely crack down any form of illegal activity, but this one should be an exception. ;)

As long as they are not smuggling our women to the foreign nations. :lol:

China the worst for human trafficking

China, Romania, the Philippines and Moldova are the four worst offenders in international human trafficking into Canada, according to the first official statistics on the extent of the problem released yesterday.

China, Romania, the Philippines and Moldova are the four worst offenders in international human trafficking into Canada, according to the first official statistics on the extent of the problem released yesterday.

There were 31 foreign nationals -- four of them minor children -- recognized by Canadian immigration officials as being victims of human trafficking during the period of May 2006 to May 2008.

Those numbers, considered by experts to be a tiny fraction of the real total, are the first official statistics on international human trafficking released since Citizenship and Immigration Canada began flagging such cases in its databases in May 2006. At that time, Canada began introducing measures to protect trafficking victims.

"This is the tip of the trafficking iceberg," said University of B.C. law professor Benjamin Perrin, who served as senior policy adviser to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and is a leading expert on human trafficking.

"Trafficking victims remain a hidden population in Canada," said Perrin, noting that the RCMP is working on identifying foreign victims but still has been unable to bring any of the traffickers to justice.

"These transnational criminals continue to operate with impunity," said Perrin.

Threats, violence and coercion prevent a great number of victims from coming forward.

Perrin got the statistics under the Access to Information Act and will present his findings at a national conference on human trafficking that begins today in Vancouver, hosted by the B.C. Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons.

B.C. Solicitor-General Rich Coleman will respond to the federal statistics at the conference this evening.

China contributed the most victims to Canada, with a total of 11 confirmed trafficking cases, while four came from Romania, three from the Philippines and three from Moldova, an eastern-bloc country known for organized crime.

Most of the 31 cases were women and children trafficked into the sex trade or forced labour, said Perrin.

Perrin added that the federal figures don't include the growing number of Canadian women and girls who are trafficked into the sex trade, as flagged by the U.S. State Department in a report which slammed Canada earlier this year.

The U.S. report said Canada is also a transit point for up to 2,000 people trafficked to the U.S. each year.

We should definitely crack down any form of illegal activity, but this one should be an exception. ;)

As long as they are not smuggling our women to the foreign nations. :lol:

So according to your assumption, a woman trafficker is so moral and so loyal towards his country that he he will lap up a chance to send abducted women from across the world inside China but he won't smuggle a Chinese woman?

Nanjing Road in Shanghai is full of pimps, and 'trade' is conducted very openly in the name of 'massage'. The pimps follow and harsh the tourists. Police turn a blind eye. After 10 PM, even the hotel lobbies are full prostitutes soliciting clients.
We should definitely crack down any form of illegal activity, but this one should be an exception. ;)

As long as they are not smuggling our women to the foreign nations. :lol:


Tens of thousands of women are bought and sold in China each year. The most popular areas for abducting women are the poor areas of Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou. (Human Rights in China organization report, Sophia Woodman, Stephanie Ho, "Trafficking of Women in China," Voice of America, 27 September 1995)

China is a destination of trafficked women from Ukraine and Russia. (Global Survival Network, Vladmir Isachenkov, "Soviet Women Slavery Flourishes," Associated Press, 6 November 1997) Traffickers are increasingly transporting Burmese and Chinese girls for prostitution, partially due to a decrease in the availability of northern Thai girls. "Their pleasant character, white skin and beauty were similar to northern girls." (Prof Kusol Sunthorntada, Researcher, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, ("More foreign workers join sex industry as fewer Thai girls enter flesh trade," Poona Antaseeda. Bangkok Post, 24 November 1997) Girls from China, aged 12-18, are in more demand for the sex industry in Thailand since fewer girls from Northern Thailand are being lured by traffickers. (Wanchai Boonphacra, Centre for the Protection of Children's Rights, "More foreign workers join sex industry as fewer Thai girls enter flesh trade," Poona Antaseeda. Bangkok Post, 24 November 1997)

Women are also being trafficked for sale as wives to husbands who often resell them. (CATW - Asia Pacific, Trafficking in Women and Prostitution in the Asia Pacific)

Chinese girls from provinces in Yunan state are trafficked via Chiang Tung in Burma and then into Thailand at Mae Sai in Chiang Rai. ("More foreign workers join sex industry as fewer Thai girls enter flesh trade," Poona Antaseeda. Bangkok Post, 24 November 1997)

Traffickers force Chinese immigrants into indentured servitude, women into prostitution and men into the restaurant business. In September 1998, 153 men and 21 women, including 35 juveniles, arrived in San Diego, California from China via Mexico, after paying smugglers $30,000. In 1997, 69 and in 1993, 650 Chinese immigrants were intercepted in the same area. If caught by immigration (INS) officials, most will be sent back to China, unless they receive political asylum. The smugglers may face jail time in the United States. (Paula Story, "Chinese Immigrant Boat Reaches US," Associated Press Online, 19 September 1998)

Thousands of girls from China's southern are trafficked into Thailand's sex industry; some go on to Malaysia or Singapore. The economic crisis has no impact on this segment of the sex industry. More affluent Chinese businessmen from mainland China or Taiwan who do business in Thailand purchase sex from these Chinese girls. (Supalak Ganjanakhundee, "Migrant workers booming as Asian economy declines," Kyodo News, 23 September 1998)

Nomadic tribes in Manchuria and Mongolia are offshoots of Yellow River Han Chinese civilization, as is -- possibly -- Japanese and Koreans. They are assimilable. Polynesian descended people of SE Asia are too different from us, as are indians, to allow intermarriage.

This is ignorant, how can Manchuria and Mongolia be offshoots of Han Chinese ancestors, any reference? Go read your middle school history textbook please.
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