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Riots expose high-handedness of the British police, West hypocrisy

British people a peaceful demonstration, the bloody suppression by the British police

Local time on August 6, a north London at the British people for democracy and freedom of peaceful demonstrations, six British military police were on the evening of the bloody military crackdown. Up to 9, hundreds of British people have been shot dead British soldiers and police brutality. While thousands of innocent people by police and wounded, the British police have arrested hundreds of peaceful demonstrators in the general population. British military police in the bloody and brutal repression, hundreds of thousands of British people fought against the British government put the bloody acts of force, they burned a police car in the night, tanks and armored vehicles, cut traffic, occupied the highway, trying to stop the British Army police to enter, but the British government from the protesters actually inhuman direct pressure over the body, hundreds of thousands of protesters failed to stop the entry of the British police, at present, the British government crackdown is continuing, if not the event terminated, there will be more and more ordinary British people would be killed.

The incident: As dissatisfaction with the government's "fake democracy" and "false freedom", in order to fight for true freedom and democracy. British pro-democracy movement led by Mark Dugan thousands of British people were peaceful demonstrations. But the British Government openly pro-democracy movement who shot and killed Mark Dugan, and then sparked a rebound in more British people. More and more British people to participate in the demonstrations, as of 9 May, the demonstrations have spread to three major cities in the UK, millions of people. But the anger is this: the British government finally himself, police mobilized tens of thousands of people, tanks, armored vehicles and other heavy weapons, live ammunition on peaceful demonstrations to force the British people bloody and brutal repression. Already caused hundreds of British people were killed and thousands injured, the other British government has arrested hundreds of activists.

British Government spokesman said: events have resulted in at least one person dead and hundreds injured, 400 arrested. But some adventurous escape from the UK, reaching the families of foreign victims claimed that the data is greatly diminished, and definitely not accurate. He said the British police killing, killing countless innocent civilians, government troops massacred at least 300 people died, thousands injured and thousands arrested. While dozens of children in the bloody police force has also been brutally murdered.

Here we urge the British government: stop the bloody suppression of democracy and freedom by force of peaceful demonstrations, unconditional release of all peaceful demonstrators, the implementation of the peace dialogue and negotiations.

Also suggested the UN Security Council by the British Government a bloody and brutal force to conduct a peaceful demonstration in emergency consultations. And British economic sanctions and military blockade, the establishment of no-fly zones and safe areas. Also sent peacekeeping troops to stop the British government's bloody suppression of acts of force. Arrest those responsible, while Cameron arrest for crimes against humanity.

We strongly support the British people for justice, democracy and freedom of action!

Today we will witness the hypocrisy of Western democracy, on the inside and outside the two-sided nature of the authority of the falling value of the myth of the collapse.

We strongly support the British people just act! To be free! To democracy! To the truth!

London Olympics boycott

PS: (This is an imitation of Western media coverage of China's usual way) Today we will witness the hypocrisy of Western democracy, on the inside and outside the two-sided nature of the authority of the falling value of the myth of the collapse. Western media collective silence, completely explains the hypocrisy of Western democracy. Why Western media conspiracy of silence? If a similar thing occurred in China, the Western media reports, is certainly not a "violent" incident.













Bahaha this is the worst fake news story i have ever seen.

Theres no such thing as "British military police" and the British police on the streets don't carry guns so 100's of people have not been shot dead.

What a crappy fake chinese news story aimed at spreading misinformation.

The people rioting are poor black people looking to steal. It's got nothing to do with democracy or protesting.
I love how all the anti western chinese and pakistani members on this forum are using these riots as propaganda. Spreading false information that these thugs are "protesting" and "standing up for democracy" when in reality they are just looting and stealing for the hell of it.

They aren't protesting against anything.
I love how all the anti western chinese and pakistani members on this forum are using these riots as propaganda. Spreading false information that these thugs are "protesting" and "standing up for democracy" when in reality they are just looting and stealing for the hell of it.

They aren't protesting against anything.

Obviously they are protesting against bad management of society and unjust economy that benefits the few and the rich but at the cost of the majority and the poor which the BBC and CNN choose not to report.
Obviously they are protesting against bad management of society and unjust economy that benefits the few and the rich but at the cost of the majority and the poor which the BBC and CNN choose not to report.

They aren't protesting. This is what anti western people choose to ignore.

These are poor immigrants looting stores and burning down buildings for "fun". They aren't protesting anything.
You are the one to see people through colored lenses. But you made the point that the immigrants are poor. Why they are poor? Sense we all know that most immigrants work far more harder than local people but why still they are in no good economic conditions.

That is the western choose to ignore and that is what the people are protesting against.
British people a peaceful demonstration, the bloody suppression by the British police

Local time on August 6, a north London at the British people for democracy and freedom of peaceful demonstrations, six British military police were on the evening of the bloody military crackdown. Up to 9, hundreds of British people have been shot dead British soldiers and police brutality. While thousands of innocent people by police and wounded, the British police have arrested hundreds of peaceful demonstrators in the general population. British military police in the bloody and brutal repression, hundreds of thousands of British people fought against the British government put the bloody acts of force, they burned a police car in the night, tanks and armored vehicles, cut traffic, occupied the highway, trying to stop the British Army police to enter, but the British government from the protesters actually inhuman direct pressure over the body, hundreds of thousands of protesters failed to stop the entry of the British police, at present, the British government crackdown is continuing, if not the event terminated, there will be more and more ordinary British people would be killed.

The incident: As dissatisfaction with the government's "fake democracy" and "false freedom", in order to fight for true freedom and democracy. British pro-democracy movement led by Mark Dugan thousands of British people were peaceful demonstrations. But the British Government openly pro-democracy movement who shot and killed Mark Dugan, and then sparked a rebound in more British people. More and more British people to participate in the demonstrations, as of 9 May, the demonstrations have spread to three major cities in the UK, millions of people. But the anger is this: the British government finally himself, police mobilized tens of thousands of people, tanks, armored vehicles and other heavy weapons, live ammunition on peaceful demonstrations to force the British people bloody and brutal repression. Already caused hundreds of British people were killed and thousands injured, the other British government has arrested hundreds of activists.

British Government spokesman said: events have resulted in at least one person dead and hundreds injured, 400 arrested. But some adventurous escape from the UK, reaching the families of foreign victims claimed that the data is greatly diminished, and definitely not accurate. He said the British police killing, killing countless innocent civilians, government troops massacred at least 300 people died, thousands injured and thousands arrested. While dozens of children in the bloody police force has also been brutally murdered.

Here we urge the British government: stop the bloody suppression of democracy and freedom by force of peaceful demonstrations, unconditional release of all peaceful demonstrators, the implementation of the peace dialogue and negotiations.

Also suggested the UN Security Council by the British Government a bloody and brutal force to conduct a peaceful demonstration in emergency consultations. And British economic sanctions and military blockade, the establishment of no-fly zones and safe areas. Also sent peacekeeping troops to stop the British government's bloody suppression of acts of force. Arrest those responsible, while Cameron arrest for crimes against humanity.

We strongly support the British people for justice, democracy and freedom of action!

Today we will witness the hypocrisy of Western democracy, on the inside and outside the two-sided nature of the authority of the falling value of the myth of the collapse.

We strongly support the British people just act! To be free! To democracy! To the truth!

London Olympics boycott

PS: (This is an imitation of Western media coverage of China's usual way) Today we will witness the hypocrisy of Western democracy, on the inside and outside the two-sided nature of the authority of the falling value of the myth of the collapse. Western media collective silence, completely explains the hypocrisy of Western democracy. Why Western media conspiracy of silence? If a similar thing occurred in China, the Western media reports, is certainly not a "violent" incident.













Typical Western media reporting way. Where is the "human right group"???
You are the one to see people through colored lenses. But you made the point that the immigrants are poor. Why they are poor? Sense we all know that most immigrants work far more harder than local people but why still they are in no good economic conditions.

That is the western choose to ignore and that is what the people are protesting against.

No one is protesting against anything. Looting stores and burning down buildings is not protesting.
Even one or two stores were reported "stolen", you just can not saying that no one is protesting against the unfair fates. This is an overly aggressive assertion based on your ideological standpoint instead of simple basic fact.
You are the one to see people through colored lenses. But you made the point that the immigrants are poor. Why they are poor? Sense we all know that most immigrants work far more harder than local people but why still they are in no good economic conditions.

That is the western choose to ignore and that is what the people are protesting against.

That is not simply not true. Immigrants who really do work, are quite well off in western countries.

Its the immigrants who live on government hand outs are the trouble makers. These people don't have any sense of wealth, they have never worked for money, so they don't think twice before burning up other peoples property and livelihood. Government should stop giving them social benefits and make them work. With no food in their stomach all their rioting will stop. This misuse of welfare state needs to stop.
They aren't protesting. This is what anti western people choose to ignore.

These are poor immigrants looting stores and burning down buildings for "fun". They aren't protesting anything.

Absolute BS! The rioters are mainly ethnic white English people who are rioting, looting, and flaming the cities. I'm sure some minorities are joining in however you are trying to pin the blame on immigrants typical mediocre western mind...
^ @roy

Don't get me wrong, all the vile scum are joining in the rioting, looting, and chaos, no matter what their color but that particular member was stating the rioting was primarily done by immigrant groups, which is not exactly the case a lot of the rioting is also done by ethnic white English people. Take a look at the many videos on YT, news reports, etc... You will see.

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