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Rio Olympics 2016: Team China News and Images

And when non-Western athletes try to improve and win in Western dominated sports (swimming, track & field, cycling, rowing), the West try to smear the athlete and the country.

These Olympics are set up for the West to maintain their monopoly and let the others fight for crumbs.

Remember in 2008 it was about the 'underage' of Chinese women's gymnastics team.

In 2012 it was about Ye Shiwen 'doping' allegations because she improved her PB (American Kate Ledecky improved her PB far more than Ye Shiwen but not a peep from these Western media racists).

Now it's about Russia alleged 'doping' and Sun Yang.

China needs to put pressure on these global sporting bodies like IOC, WADA, and individual sporting bodies like IAAF, etc to have more non-Westerners included in the decision making process.

Currently it's like the IMF and World Bank where European leads IMF and American leads World Bank. It's the same situation in sporting organizations.

That's why it was a well coordinated attack on Russia to get them banned from the Olympics.

It's a constant struggle for non-Westerners to have fair and equal treatment in this world.
There should be much more Asian-style sports in the Olympics since this is a global competition. Otherwise, it is rigged.

Unbelieveble, 8 medals to USA for swimming alone. 2/3 or a majority of USA's total medals so far. I think it is a cheating sport for us Americans. lol
There should be much more Asian-style sports in the Olympics since this is a global competition. Otherwise, it is rigged.

Unbelieveble, 8 medals to USA for swimming alone. 2/3 or a majority of USA's total medals so far. I think it is a cheating sport for us Americans. lol
There were talks about adding martial arts with 16 events. This will take China to the top.

That was over 8 years ago. Now there's no news. Looks like it's not going to happen.
I think China should not go to the Olympics, but than again, China bid for winter games 2022. Victory for the Hanjian in Beijing

Fk the Olympics, I am totally careless about this boring event since 2012.

I am waiting for our first quantum satellite. This thing worth more than zillion of Olympics gold medals.
If you look at the sports that are dominated by non-western countries, there are only a few events.

Example Ping Pong only have 4 events (Men and women).
Badminton only have 5 events (Men and Women and mix)
Archery only have 4 events
Taekwondo only have 8 events
Diving only have 10 events

In sports where the west dominate like swimming there are 34 events.
Not to mention track and field.

Then they even want to get rid of Ping Pong with some stupid rule.

Worst of all is the stupid sport called Equestrian. A sport only rich developed Western countries can afford.


  • Basketball only cough up 2 medal.
  • Road cycling only cough up 2 medal
  • Rugby only cough up 2 medal
  • Golf only 2
  • Soccer Only 2
  • Field Hockey again 2 Medal only.
  • As with Triathlon, Hand ball, and Volleyball.

And your point is?

Athletic event are weighted on a scale of its intensity and popularity, even popular sport like Softball and Baseball were not included in the schedule anymore.

Everyone can be a part of any sport, and no-one, East or West are born to be good with the sport, any sport, you work to be the best, no-one put any limitation on Chinese athlete to be the best in Track and Field or so called "non-Asian sport", if you want to get into event only you are good at, maybe you should not watch the Olympic Game at all, You should just go ask China to withdraw from the game and start a gam themselves called Chinese Game and have only event that the Chinese are good at. But judging from what you say, you are not sporty as I think you are, maybe time to get out more.

If you like "Asian" sport so much, maybe you should motion the IOC and put mathematics as one of the sporting event.
Fk the Olympics, I am totally careless about this boring event since 2012.

I am waiting for our first quantum satellite. This thing worth more than zillion of Olympics gold medals.

Me too.

After the crap the West pulled in 2012, my interest for watching Olympic events has significantly diminished. Before I used to watch everything, but now that Olympics has been politicised to a ridiculous level, even sports can't escape politics.
Me too.

After the crap the West pulled in 2012, my interest for watching Olympic events has significantly diminished. Before I used to watch everything, but now that Olympics has been politicised to a ridiculous level, even sports can't escape politics.

Without the sportsmanship, any sporting event will turn into crap.

China will get its quantum satellite, one small step for China but a giant step for the humanity, while the US can remain boastful about how many gold medals they can bag in this rigged sporting event.
what about this one? world's only one so far !!!

Know your place, Latino !!!






Without the sportsmanship, any sporting event will turn into crap.

China will get its quantum satellite, one small step for China but a giant step for the humanity, while the US can remain boastful about how many gold medals they can bag in this rigged sporting event.


When it comes down to it, sports just give you bragging rights for about 1 month after the Olympics and people forget about it for the next 4 years.

Technological achievements actually contribute to the advancement of society.
For all members above, pls stop discussing politically though we understand Olympics is deeply intertwined with politics. Thanks.

Actually, I am quite interested in the formation of American team.
I will make a table of how many medals each main racial group (white, african americans and hispanic) gets after Rio ends, in regard to the population proportion. Anyway, this is not the topic of this thread.


After Day 2, there comes the medal tally.

屏幕快照 2016-08-08 20.46.51.png
屏幕快照 2016-08-08 20.46.40.png

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For all members above, pls stop discussing politically though we understand Olympics is deeply intertwined with politics. Thanks.

Actually, I am quite interested in the formation of American team.
I will make a table of how many medals each main racial group (white, african americans and hispanic) gets after Rio ends, in regard to the population proportion. Anyway, this is not the topic of this thread.


After Day 2, there comes the medal tally.

View attachment 324211 View attachment 324210

I agree my friends, please keep politics out of this. Concentrate on your athletes, they are making China proud.
Me too.

After the crap the West pulled in 2012, my interest for watching Olympic events has significantly diminished. Before I used to watch everything, but now that Olympics has been politicised to a ridiculous level, even sports can't escape politics.
The only word I could use to describe west is shamless.
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