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Rio Olympics 2016: Team China News and Images

The only word I could use to describe west is shamless.

As Participants in Olympic games, you accept to play Western style competition.

  • Basketball only cough up 2 medal.
  • Road cycling only cough up 2 medal
  • Rugby only cough up 2 medal
  • Golf only 2
  • Soccer Only 2
  • Field Hockey again 2 Medal only.
  • As with Triathlon, Hand ball, and Volleyball.

And your point is?

Athletic event are weighted on a scale of its intensity and popularity, even popular sport like Softball and Baseball were not included in the schedule anymore.

Everyone can be a part of any sport, and no-one, East or West are born to be good with the sport, any sport, you work to be the best, no-one put any limitation on Chinese athlete to be the best in Track and Field or so called "non-Asian sport", if you want to get into event only you are good at, maybe you should not watch the Olympic Game at all, You should just go ask China to withdraw from the game and start a gam themselves called Chinese Game and have only event that the Chinese are good at. But judging from what you say, you are not sporty as I think you are, maybe time to get out more.

If you like "Asian" sport so much, maybe you should motion the IOC and put mathematics as one of the sporting event.
You totally missed my point.
You totally missed my point.

And you totally missed mine.

The game is the game, there are no "West Dominant" or "Non-West Dominant" sport.

The winner of any sport depends on the training they receive, the effort they made, not because of west or non-west.

If you make twice the effort Team USA make in Basketball, Basketball can be your sport too.
There should be much more Asian-style sports in the Olympics since this is a global competition. Otherwise, it is rigged.

Unbelieveble, 8 medals to USA for swimming alone. 2/3 or a majority of USA's total medals so far. I think it is a cheating sport for us Americans. lol
This is a stupid criticism/argument.

Here is a list of the Summer Olympics games...


Here is something you guys missed: The original competition sports or events were military related.

Wrestling, javelin, or archery are obvious enough. Hurdling, running and jumping over obstacles, came from military messengers/runners. Equestrian events (horses) came from which military units ? Care to guess which Chinese or Asian military units have horses ?

Some of these events involves physical acts that have been distilled out of its military origin. The high jump is one of them. If you look at the high jump, it is purely physical, do whatever you can with your body to get over a certain height. There is nothing 'Western' about it.

Some, such as synchronized swimming, could be argued as 'Western', but then the physical aspects of the sport is not unique to Europeans. Are you saying Chinese do not know how to swim ?

There is not a single Olympic event that the Chinese man/woman cannot physically perform. Quit yer racialist bitching. :mad:
The only word I could use to describe west is shamless.
You totally missed my point.
Pls leave them alone.

When Rio is over, I will make some threads about medal court of America's three main racial groups, black, hispanic and non-hispanic whites....and the relation between sport, crime rate, birth rate, life expectancy, income....Most importantly, their lessons for China to avoid, especially the expected demographic disaster to come in 2050 there, which will have significant impacts on the world....But now, we should focus on Team China, Please.

@waz Thanks a lot about merging two threads.....And pls review this thread, to clear some American, Viet and Hispanic members' unrelated trolling.
And you totally missed mine.

The game is the game, there are no "West Dominant" or "Non-West Dominant" sport.

The winner of any sport depends on the training they receive, the effort they made, not because of west or non-west.

If you make twice the effort Team USA make in Basketball, Basketball can be your sport too.
OK. Let me explain.
First of all its nothing to do with Asian or non-Asian sport.
It is not wrong to say that a particular country is dominant in a particular sport. Ping Pong is not originally a Chinese sport but Chinese are dominant in it.
Example - nothing wrong with saying Japanese are dominant in the car market.
I believe it is a matter of time that Asian will be good at swimming and track and field. Now, more and more East Asians are winning medals in Swimming.

What I am saying is that the Olympic is using laws to restrict sports where certain country are dominant in to reduce their medal count so as to preserve the medal counts of certain countries.
It is mixing politic with sports which is what I am highlighting.

Adding baseball with 2 events will not make any different but adding Wushu with 16 events will.

Korea have their Taekundo
Japan have their Judo
China yet to have anything. So why Wushu still not included.

Besides Wushu is cheap and popular all around the world. It truly meets the Olympic spirit.

This 31-year-old has helped promote a traditional Chinese Therapy for the efficacious treatment of sports fatique and recovery
Encountered some setbacks at pommel horse.
Team event still going on ... at the moment Japan 1st Russia 2nd China 3rd
Maybe China will end up with bronze, anyway let's see
Wow,good comeback to bronze,congratulations.
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