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Rimsha case: Imam masjid, Khalid Jadoon held

Actually even then its still a soft delete and the file is still on the hard disk. The person degaussing the hard disk will be liable for punishment, not you. May be Pakistan's IT act has specific provisions to deal with this.
Thats what i m most eager to know unless i end up in jail there.
Are you saying that an 11 year old should be punished for burning pages from the Quran?
All I am saying is that she is still a suspect, and its for the court to decide whether she should be punished or not. Isn't it funny that you act dumb to be not able to apprehend my simple words? But manipulative enough to blow them out of proportion and to stir up emotions under false pretences? You have an aweful resemblance with some one isnt it?..........but who?........yup the idiot imam who tried to frame the girl. I cant talk to him, but I'll adress the likes of him, that of course is you, so I am honoured to say it "People like you disgust me"
All I am saying is that she is still a suspect, and its for the court to decide whether she should be punished or not. Isn't it funny that you act dumb to be not able to apprehend my simple words? But manipulative enough to blow them out of proportion and to stir up emotions under false pretences? You have an aweful resemblance with some one isnt it?..........but who?........yup the idiot imam who tried to frame the girl. I cant talk to him, but I'll adress the likes of him, that of course is you, so I am honoured to say it "People like you disgust me"
Why print the quran when you fear the destruction of it.Just orally pass it to people generation after generation.
I think ANY child is not of sound mind. Just try to remember what all were you doing as a child? How can a child know between right and wrong?
Yes both if she is a child and also mentally retarded even if she burned some pages maybe she did as playing or there is high chances that some one tried in this case it can be Imam Masjid to trap her and family and so he can capture their property what ever the case maybe if Rimsha is a child and also mentally in stable than who ever has falsely accused her punish that person in the same town and in front of the whole town and show it live on TV so no one dares falsely accuse some one
FFS, even if she did burn the pages of the koran, she's :
1. Did it unintentionally
2. Is a minor.

Why do you all act like rabid dogs?
First off, give some breather to your brain by pulling your head out of your behind and then go through my post again. Whether she is a minor or not, that all will be decided by judiciary, however, she is innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, but she is the prime suspect and will remain one till the court reaches the verdict.

Why print the quran when you fear the destruction of it.Just orally pass it to people generation after generation.
I am just debating over the laws of the land..... I didnt make them, but as a citizen, I am obliged to respect them. Religious topics are banned, so you might wanna curb your enthusiastic intrigue here.
295-B. Defiling, etc., of Holy Qur'an:
Whoever wilfully defiles, damages or desecrates a copy of the Holy Qur'an or of an extract therefrom or uses it in any derogatory manner or for any unlawful purpose shall be punishable with imprisonment for life

To be noted is 'wilfully' It seems the girl didn't do it wilfully as she is just a child, not mentally fit and was into the kind of job.
Infact those who throw pages of Noorani Qaida's in trash bin can be prosecuted according to the law. ( I don't think that you won't find any islamic pages in the any trash dumping yard)
While the Imam did it 'wilfully' so he can be prosecuted as per 295-B (life sentence) for desecrating an extract of Holy Quran and 505 ( 7 years) like to incite violence against any community

505 Statements conducing to public mischief:
(1) Whoever makes, publishes, or circulates any statement, rumour or report-
(c) with intent to incite, or which is likely to incite, any class or community of persons to commit any offence against any other class or community, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years and with fine

I don't think article 295 is about soft copies. And when you delete from your hard disk, it cannot be proven that you desecrated wilfully. :D :hang2:
All I am saying is that she is still a suspect, and its for the court to decide whether she should be punished or not. Isn't it funny that you act dumb to be not able to apprehend my simple words? But manipulative enough to blow them out of proportion and to stir up emotions under false pretences? You have an aweful resemblance with some one isnt it?..........but who?........yup the idiot imam who tried to frame the girl. I cant talk to him, but I'll adress the likes of him, that of course is you, so I am honoured to say it "People like you disgust me"

That is an honour. I am glad that you realize that you are effectively suggesting that punishing an 11 year old is a possibility.
That is an honour. I am glad that you realize that you are effectively suggesting that punishing an 11 year old is a possibility.
That could be if she is not actually 11 or whatever the injuctions are there in the law for dealing with minors. Bottom line is its all upto the court now.
It is not Quran which was burnt, rather pages of Noorani Qaida as per the TV channels.
It is not Quran which was burnt, rather pages of Noorani Qaida as per the TV channels.

Thats why i was quite surprised at her arrest..
Even if she was reported,the police shouldnt have arrested her..
Noorani qaeda isnt Quran...
Let the case get investigated and court give the verdict...
Thats why i was quite surprised at her arrest..
Even if she was reported,the police shouldnt have arrested her..
Noorani qaeda isnt Quran...
Let the case get investigated and court give the verdict...
Even in that case, don't you think that her arrest has actually saved her from being lynched by a pack of illiterate hooligans?
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